Have difficulty remembering dates? Welcome to the era of Discord Birthday bot! Well, whether it is a birthday or anniversary – more or less we all have an issue with remembering dates. If you are making friends in Discord and forgot to wish them on Birthday – the situation won’t be pleasant. How about if you have a discord bot to remind you of Birthdays; even better to send birthday notes!
Discord Birthday Bot will keep track of your users’ birthdays on your Discord server and use their local time to celebrate them with a bespoke birthday role and message. Birthday Bot’s unique Trusted Role mechanism, which only commemorates the birthdays of individuals who have the proper role, allows even enormous servers to join in the fun!
You require a permanent server invite in order to join the Discord Birthday Bot server. Check the “I am Human” box after clicking the server invite link. Great! Now that you’ve joined the Discord Birthday Bot, all you need to do is confirm your server and abide by the rules to get the most out of it.
What Is Discord Birthday Bot?
Unlike gaming discords, Discord Birthday Bot will keep track of the birthdays of your Discord server users and, based on their local time, will send them a custom birthday role and message. Birthday Bot can also commemorate both the creation of your server and the anniversary of members joining it!
Discord Birthday Bot Invitation Link
Finding the Discord Birthday Bot link on the internet is difficult. Whether you are a part of a music discord server or strategy game discord server, you can insert a Discord Birthday Bot and enjoy wishing birthday messages to your teammates. You can also use Discord Birthday Bot on Slack! Click the following invitation link for Discord Birthday Bot and integrate the bot into your server today!
How To Join Discord Birthday Bot?
To join the Discord Birthday Bot > Discord Account > Login > Link > Accept Invite > I am Human
To join the Discord Birthday Bot Discord server follow the steps below:
Step 1: Open your Discord Account
Step 2: Login into your Discord Account
Step 3: Click On the Link to join Discord Birthday Bot
Step 4: Click on Accept Invite
Step 5: Check on the “I am Human box”
Step 6: Congrats! You have joined the Discord Birthday Bot!
Discord Birthday Bot – Features
Find the Discord Birthday Bot features as follows:
- The bot allows each user to enter their birthday and time zone, which is stored in a database and used by the bot to determine when and where to celebrate each user’s birthday.
- Celebrate the first anniversary of members joining the server and the server’s founding by using the anniversary system.
- calls for the establishment of the Default Timezone
- Birthday Bot is heavily regulated by server owners in terms of when, how, and what it does in their Discord.
- Messages for the celebrations can be personalized (Message contents and design)
- For each birthday or anniversary, the bot will select one bespoke greeting from a list of possible ones.
- Birthday/Anniversary Channels and/or Customizable Birthday Roles
- Time for a Custom Birthday or Anniversary Message
- Birthday System Only; Customizable Trusted Role System – Owners of Discord servers can choose who has their birthdays celebrated there using this technique. The Trusted Role can be required to receive either the Birthday Role or the Birthday Message, or both, according to server owners’ preferences.
- Use the birthday blacklist to prevent certain individuals or roles from celebrating their birthdays.
- Birthday information is kept globally. This implies that if you manage or are present on many Discord servers, your users will only need to enter their birthday and time zone once.
- Check out upcoming birthdays and anniversaries.
- You can always remove your data from the database.
- Nearly nonstop uptime!
Discord Birthday Bot Commands:
Please note the space after bday in the prefix. Each command should be run as follows: /<command>
<> denotes an obligatory parameter, while [] refers to an optional one.
Example Command Usage: /set
For help with command arguments, view the Legend.
/premium – View information about Birthday Bot Premium.
/subscribe – Subscribe to Birthday Bot Premium.
/help category:premium – Help for Birthday Bot Premium.
/set date:[date] timezone:[timezone] user:[@User] – Set your birthday.
/view type:[type] user:[@User] – View your information or a user’s information. type can be birthday or memberAnniversary. If it’s not specified, the default is a birthday.
/next [type] – View the next celebration event(s) in the server.
/list type:[type] page:[page] – View the list of birthdays/anniversaries for the server.
/map – View the time zone map.
/vote – Vote for Birthday Bot.
/donate – Support Birthday Bot.
/link link:support – Join the support server
/link link:invite – Invite Birthday Bot.
/link link:docs- View Birthday Bot’s documentation.
/link link:faq – View Birthday bot’s FAQ.
/purge – Remove your birthday data. Note: This command doesn’t reset your birthday attempts.
/help – Help with Birthday Bot.
/help category:blacklist- Help for blacklist commands.
/help category:config – Help for config commands.
/help category::message- Help for message commands.
/help category:trusted_role- Help for the trusted_role commands.
/help category:member_anniversary_role- Help for mar commands.
/help premium – Help for Birthday Bot Premium.
/settings – View server’s settings.
/donate – Donate to Birthday Bot!
Setup Commands:
/setup – Interactive guide for basic server setup.
/config setting:channel – Configure the channels Birthday Bot will use.
/config setting:role – Configure the birthday role or the birthday master role.
/config setting:timezone – Configure the Server Timezone setting.
/config setting:useTimezone – Configure the Use Timezone setting, which is the time zone that the bot will use to send celebration messages.
/config setting:nameFormat – Configure Name Format setting. Accepted values are mention, username, nickname, and tag.
/config setting:dateFormat – Configure Date Format setting.
Birthday Message Settings:
/message list type:<type> page:[page] – List all custom messages of the given type.
/message add type:<type> message:<message> – Add a custom birthday message. %Users% is the placeholder for the messages to mention the birthday users. Note: Only Premium servers can set user-specific messages.
/message edit embed type:<type> position:<position> embed:<T/F> – Edit a pre-existing message’s embed setting.
/message edit color type:<type> position:<position> color:<color/hex> – Edit a pre-existing message’s color setting.
/message remove type:<type> position:<position> – Remove a certain custom message of the given type.
/message clear type:<type> – Clear all custom messages of the given type.
/message setting time type:<type> time:<0-23> – Set the custom message time of the given type.
/message setting mention type:<type> mention:<role/group> – Set the custom message mention of the given type.
/message test type:<type> position:<position> user_count:[count] – Test a custom message of the given type.
Wrapping Up
This article has already enlightened you on how to use Discord Birthday Bot and improve your relationship with friends and teammates. You can also use other bots to improve the discord experience like Discord AI Art Generator, Midjourney Discord Bot, and Dice Maiden Discord Bot, to name a few. Do you like video games? Join Poketwo Discord Bot today! Follow Deasilex for more updates on Discord!
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. Is There A Discord Birthday Bot?
Birthday Bot will keep track of the birthdays of your Discord server users and, based on their local time, will send them a custom birthday role and message. Birthday Bot can also commemorate both the creation of your server and the anniversary of members joining it!
Q2. How Do I Add Birthdays To My Discord Bot?
The Birthday Bot will now ask you about your time zone once you enter your birthday by typing the /set command in the Birthday Bot chat room. To find out your time zone, you may either do it manually or go to the TimeZone Picker website. After that, transmit it by typing your age in [MM/DD] format.
Q3. How Can I Add Happy Birthday In Birthday Bot?
Birthday Message Setting:
Type: “message list” page: “[page]” List all personalized messages of the specified type. /message add message:message> type:type> – Include a special birthday message. The placeholder % Users% is used in the emails to identify the birthday users. Users-specific messages can only be set by Premium servers.
Q4. How Does Discord Celebrate Birthdays?
By clicking the hat next to someone’s profile photo, you can send them a birthday greeting that differs from the messages sent to non-nitro users. The Nitro message, for instance, is “Birthday greetings! Wishing you a happy 18th birthday, User1!”
Q5. How Do I Find My Date Of Birth On Discord?
When you join up for Discord, they do ask you your age, but they don’t check it. If you attempt to update your age or birthday after creating your account, Discord will only validate your age at that point.