How To Report Someone On Discord For Being Under 13 | The Complete Guide

How To Report Someone On Discord For Being Under 13

Do you want to report someone on Discord for violating its terms and conditions but don’t know how to report someone on Discord for being under 13? Don’t worry we are here to save your time by giving you the solution for this! 

In this guide on how to report someone on Discord for being under 13 we will be mentioning all the helpful tips and tricks and all the related doubts and queries so that you can get the best out of this post. However, Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule (COPPA) has already stated that if any under 13 is accessing the platform without the permission of their parents then it will be considered as a violation of the Discord policy. 

And to stop this violation one must know how to report someone on Discord for being under 13, you can achieve this by Discord > Settings > Appearance > Developer Mode > Username > Copy ID > Three Dots > Send – Trust & Safety Team > Enter Email & Description > Paste ID > select violated Rule >> Attach proofs > Send! And done. 

How to report someone on Discord for being under 13 sounds difficult? Let us make it easier for you! We have detailed and categorised the info for different devices below! Read to find out how.

How To Report Someone On Discord For Being Under 13?

How To Report Someone On Discord For Being Under 13

Almost every social media platform allows you to access them only if you are above 13 years. But unfortunately, it becomes much more difficult to prove someone’s real age at this stage! Still if you find someone suspicious who has been violating the Discord rules, you can report their account and inform the Discord team so that they may take the situation in their hands from here. Although, you should be aware of the fact that Discord won’t ban the user from the platform until you submit solid evidence of the case that you are implementing on that user.

Reporting Someone’s Discord Account On PC/Desktop

To report a Discord account from any desktop or PC you have to turn on your device’s Developer mode, which you can do simply by following the given instructions:

Step 01: Open Discord on your desktop/PC and Login to your account.

Step 02: Click on the Settings given at the bottom of the window.

Step 03: Click on Appearance from the left panel and scroll downwards and switch on the Developer Mode.

Step 04: Post turning on the developer mode, Right click on the user’s Username whose account you want to report.

Step 05: From the Pop-Up select Copy ID so that if the user changes its name you will still have the ID and you can find the suspect’s ID through the link easily.

How To Report Someone On Discord For Being Under 13?

Step 06: Next tap on the Three-Dots and then select Copy Link and then paste it somewhere, where you can easily find it later.

Step 07: After that, Send the report to the Discord Trust And Safety Team.

Step 08: Now feed in your Email Address in the description box and paste the User ID that you have copied earlier.

TIP: In case of reporting a message you can copy the message like the User ID and paste it somewhere safe, and later on paste it here altogether to report a message.

How To Report Someone On Discord For Being Under 13?

Step 09: Explain the team which rule has been violated by the user. Eg: Underage/Under 13, and attach all the evidence that you have against the suspect. Eg: Screenshots.

How To Report Someone On Discord For Being Under 13?

Step 10: In the end, tap on the Submit button and your report will be sent to the Discord Safety Team.

How To Report Someone On Discord For Being Under 13?

After following all the steps given above correctly, you will receive the reply from the Discord team soon through an Email.

Reporting Someone’s Discord Account On Android

If you are operating Discord from an Android device then you have to turn on the Developer Mode on your Android in order to learn how to report someone on Discord for being under 13.

Let’s find out what you have to do to turn on developer mode in Android: 

Step 01: Next, open the Discord application on your Android device.

How To Report Someone On Discord For Being Under 13?

Step 02: Head to User Settings and find Profile Picture to reach Menu.

How To Report Someone On Discord For Being Under 13?

Step 03: Scroll and look for App Settings and open it.

How To Report Someone On Discord For Being Under 13

Step 04: From the resulting page, select Behavior.

How To Report Someone On Discord For Being Under 13

Step 05: Under that click on the Chat Behavior and turn on the Developer Mode from the switch given.

How To Report Someone On Discord For Being Under 13

Step 06: After turning the developer mode on, search the account or the text message that you want to report on Discord. 

Step 07: In case of Account, click on the user’s image and copy their user ID.

How To Report Someone On Discord For Being Under 13

Step 08: And in case of Message, press and hold the message and then select Share.

How To Report Someone On Discord For Being Under 13

Step 09: After that, select Copy To Clipboard.

How To Report Someone On Discord For Being Under 13

Step 10: Move forward to paste the User ID or the Message ID into the Description box in the Trust And Safety Center menu, then explain your concern.

Step 11: After submitting your report to the Discord team, they will send you a response as soon as possible and will take appropriate action towards it.

Other than being underage you can also report hate speeches or similar issues to the server’s moderators. Always prefer talking to the specific user and solving the issue first in case of any statement delivered by them which is against the Discord guidelines.

Also Read:

Reporting Someone’s Discord Account On iOS

Reporting a user on an iOS device is similar to that of an Android phone. It’s an easy process to follow to learn how to report someone on Discord for being under 13 on an iOS device like iPhone and iPad. The reporting process on iOS is much simpler than on Android and desktops, where you need an ID code to report. 

NOTE: You are allowed to report only existing messages, if the message has been deleted by the sender or anyone else, it won’t be reported. So keep all your chats safe, even if they are bad ones until you report that person or the message.

Here’s how to report someone on Discord for being under 13 on an iPhone:

Direct Method:

Step 01: Search the message that you want to report and click on the top of the message and long press.

Step 02: From the Pop-Up menu, select Report at the base of the screen.

How To Report Someone On Discord For Being Under 13

If this method to report a Discord user doesn’t work for you then refer to the one given below by enabling the developer mode and accessing their user ID and message ID.

Through Using ID:

Step 01: Launch Discord app on your iPhone, next click on your Profile icon in the bottom right corner of the screen.

How To Report Someone On Discord For Being Under 13

Step 02: Find and select Appearance.

How To Report Someone On Discord For Being Under 13

Step 03: Under Appearance search Developer Mode and switch it On.

How To Report Someone On Discord For Being Under 13

Step 04: Next, find the IDs of accounts and messages that you want to report.

  1. To get the message ID, find the message and long press it and then select Copy Message Link from the menu.
  2. To get the User’s ID, launch their profile and click on the three-dots at the top right corner and select Copy ID from the menu.

NOTE: Make sure you paste the IDs somewhere as soon as you copy it, so that you may access both of them later otherwise the second link will overwrite the first.

How To Report Someone On Discord For Being Under 13

Step 05: After getting the IDs, head to the Discord Trust & Safety center and submit your report to the Discord team for analysation.

Step 06: Attach the explanation and copied IDs of the report in the Description box, enter Email address and Submit the report.

Wrapping Up

Discord is a chatting platform where one can invest their time in an excellent way by communicating and interacting with other users with similar interests. Although, it is not new that misunderstanding and misconception are main causes of disputes, and in online conversations both of this happens frequently. 

If you ever face such situations about which you are sure are not good ones, you can report that user to the Discord team. In this guide on how to report someone on Discord for being under 13 will help you for sure. Make sure whomever you are reporting, should be violating the guidelines of Discord or else your report will be banished.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Where Do I Report A Discord User?

Tap the user’s image to launch their profile, next copy their ID. After that, long press on the message that you want to report and copy the message through the Share option. Move forward and paste both the user ID and message ID into the description box of the report in the Trust and Safety Center menu then elaborate your concern.

Q. Does Discord Know Your Age?

Discord is a high on privacy and security platform where the privacy settings secure and protect your age. Only you will be able to view your age unless you decide to share it with others.

Q. What Happens When You Report To Discord?

When the Discord team receives a report from any Discord user, the Trust and Safety Team look into the matter and search for the authenticity of the evidence provided and collect as much information as they could. This investigation is for the reported message but can go deeper if the evidence shows a bigger violence.

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