
How To Search Twitter By Date? The Easy Guide 2024

How To Search Twitter By Date

How to search Twitter by date? If you don’t know, then don’t worry. We have got you covered! We will be discussing the same in today’s session! Excited? Then read!

Searching for ways how to search Twitter by date and performing the same isn’t as easy as it seems, as Twitter’s searching process wasn’t as appreciated as the rest of its features. However, still, if some of you are interested in exploring how to search on Twitter by date, then it’s okay! We have every single detail that you need to be aware of!

How to search Twitter by date: Twitter App > Login > Search Bar > (Username) On (Date) and done! Filter out which one is the one that you were looking for from the resulting page. If you want more than just details of it then we will see you below!

This article focuses on how to search Twitter by date and how to use the advanced search on TikTok mainly! So if you are in search of something similar, hold on! We have something you need to hear out.

How To Search Twitter By Date?

If you are thinking of what was your first tweet on Twitter or, what it used to look like, or how many interactions it got at that time and want to know how to search Twitter by date so that you can reach your first tweet on Twitter then we have an idea!

Advanced Search is Twitter’s most underrated and hidden feature, which is difficult to find for many users! Even many are surprised that such a feature even exists on Twitter! But if you are not satisfied with the basic searching and have already heard about this feature but don’t know how to search on Twitter by date, then read more, and you will find answers to your questions! 

Here are the instructions for how to search Twitter by date. Follow each one of them carefully: 

Twitter App > Login > Search Bar > (Username) On (Date) 

Step 01: Launch the Twitter app on any iOS or Android device and log in to your Twitter account with your registered email address and phone number.

Step 02: Next, from the explore page of Twitter, click on the Search bar and enter the user’s username and the date of the tweet you have been looking for! For instance, RoslyRoni on Jan 20, 2023. 

Step 03: Once done, hit the hourglass icon to start the search process.

Once the results appear between the timeframe that you entered, find and launch the one that you have been looking for! See, wasn’t the process for how to search Twitter by date easy? If you want to learn more about Twitter’s advanced search, then refer to the section given below!

How To Advance Search On Twitter?

How To Search Twitter By Date

Twitter’s advanced search is something far more than the basic search! Advanced search allows you to personalize and highly filter different factors to search more sharply on Twitter. In order to access advanced search on Twitter, you need to hover over Twitter’s official advanced search page: TAP HERE.

To advance your search on Twitter, you need that link which will direct you to the desired page with a pop-up window (only if you are using the web browser version of Twitter). From there, you can search on Twitter for any particular date! You will find boxes saying “Add Dates To Your Search” where you add a wide range of dates or any particular date. 

Through this, you can filter out the long scrolling process in searching and narrow down the entire process with the help of Twitter’s advanced search feature. Like: Words mentioned in Tweets, exact statements used in tweets, Hashtags mentioned, other users tagged in tweets, etc.

Follow the below-given instructions to search on Twitter using the advanced search feature. For instance, you want to search for tweets written by any specific user. Let’s take Google’s latest update on SEO subjects. Here we will be looking at everything that Google ever tweeted regarding SEO updates. So, we will start by using the Keyword Filter. 

Let’s consider our keyword search as “SEO Update” or “Core Update On SEO”. Enter these two keywords in the Search bar and next add any of Google’s official Twitter accounts, as they have many official accounts, but our target will be the ones who have the higher chances to tweet something like this. 

When done, you will get the results! If you wish, you can add more filters like date and engagement factors etc, to narrow the search even more. 

To explore more about such hidden features and fixes for Twitter, refer to the below-mentioned articles! These will also help you narrow your search for Twitter and its unexplored part!

Wrapping Up

Advanced Search is an upgraded version of the basic search feature by Twitter. This feature can be accessed when a user is logged in to their account through the web version of Twitter. This feature allows users to search results based on a particular time frame, mentions, hashtags, tags, etc. This feature makes the search process much easier by narrowing the search. If you also were wondering how to search Twitter by date, then we hope that our guide on the same topic must have satisfied your search.

If yes, share this article with your friend and help them take a look back at their first-ever tweet also, don’t forget to share your thoughts, suggestions, doubts, and queries in the comments section below if there are any!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How To Use Advanced Search?

Follow the given instruction for accessing the Advanced Search on Twitter: Enter a username with a date in the search bar in Twitter and click on the Advanced Search button below the Search Filters. Next, click on the More button and hit Advanced Search from there. Now enter the required data in their respective fields and click on the Search button at last.

Q. Is Twitter Advanced Search Available On Twitter?

Unfortunately, Twitter Advanced Search is currently not available on smartphone apps. However, one can learn how to use the relevant search tools from the desktop version and then try them on mobile apps.

Q. How To See Someone’s Old Tweet?

Here is how you can view someone’s old tweets: Twitter’s official Advanced Search Page > People > Enter Username > From These Accounts > Date > Search.

Q. How Do I Filter My Twitter Search?

Head to the Twitter Search field and enter any search term and attach factors like Rosly_Roni: (Number) or Vats_07: (Number) and filter your search.

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