
King Legacy Discord | How To Join?

King Legacy Discord

Roblox games are very popular and among the Roblox games, there is a game named King Legacy that is known among the Roblox players. Great games have their official Discord server and so does the King Legacy. You can join the King Legacy Discord server via its server link.

Roblox action games and their anime characters and graphics make it fun to play the game easily on any system configuration and that too for free. If you are a fan of playing action games then King Legacy is one of the best for you. Try this game and also join its Discord server.

Verified Answer By Expert

To join the King Legacy Discord server, click on the King Legacy Discord server link, accept the invitation, and verify the captcha. You have successfully joined the King Legacy Discord server.

If you are already playing the King Legacy game, then it is recommended that you join the King Legacy Discord server. It will be very beneficial for you and your team.

What Is King Legacy Discord Server?

King Legacy is a Roblox game that is popular among the younger generation. This is an action game where you can explore and find 39 different fruits in the game. You will also find fruits spawn on the map in every 1 – 2 hours. The game keeps on updating and releasing new versions. The current version is 4.66 and the game is managed by Venture Lagoons. The game has got its Discord server as well where you can remain updated with the game and also get your issues resolved. King Legacy Discord server can be joined by everyone but there are some conditions on its verification.

Is There King Legacy Discord Server?

Yes, there is a King Legacy Discord server. You can join this server if you are playing the King Legacy Discord server. You will need the Roblox account for the verification of the server. This server can be very useful to the players as they will be able to remain updated with the upcoming features of the game and resolve the issues and bugs if encountered.

King Legacy Discord Server Link

To join a Discord server, we need a Discord server link for it. There is no need to search for the King Legacy Discord server link because we have provided it for you.

Here is the official King Legacy Discord Server link.

ow To Join King Legacy Discord Server Link?

If you are interested in joining the King Legacy Discord server, then here is a complete guide for you.

Step 1: Go to your web browser and log into your Discord account.

Step 2: Now paste the King Legacy Discord server link on the browser.

Step 3: Once the link opens, click on accept the invite.

Step 4: Verify the captcha if prompted, and you have successfully joined the King Legacy Discord server.

King Legacy Discord Features

Once you have joined the King Legacy Discord server, here are the features that you can enjoy on the server.

  1. Firstly when you join the server, you have to verify yourself. For that, you need to have a Roblox account linked with Bloxlink itself. You also need to have your phone number linked to your Discord account and your Discord application must be updated.
  2. You will find a  general channel of the server, where you can discuss general topics with other members of the server. You can interact with them and react to their posts.
  3. There is a support channel as well where you can report any issue and the developers will help you in resolving it.
  4. You will also find some voice channels in the server where you can connect with other members and the live streaming is also done on those channels.
  5. The trading channel on the King Legacy Discord server is for in-game trading. You can trade your in-game assets here easily.
  6. There is also a channel for trading instructions where all the instructions regarding the trading of the assets is provided. You can read the instructions before proceeding.
  7. If you face any issue with the verification process of the Discord server, you can check out the Verify instructions channel. There are some video links as well that will help you to verify easily.

King Legacy Discord Server Rules

King Legacy Discord

King Legacy Discord server has got its own server rules just as another server on Discord. Every member must follow the rules of the server. Here are the rules of the King Legacy Discord server.

  1. Items from other games, real money, robux, game passes, and accounts are prohibited from trading. If you’re detected, you’ll get warned and silenced; if you keep doing it, you’ll get banned.
  2. You can give the game passes to your friends by using the gift option.
  3. If the trade doesn’t go your way, don’t be toxic or harass someone; doing so serves no one and simply harms your own reputation.  Additionally, don’t respond to a trade message by labeling it a “clown trade”; instead, give them some space and allow them to find the trades they desire.
  4. If you followed the trade regulations, scams wouldn’t occur. 
  5. Someone who goes by the moniker “Scammer” has engaged in fraud in the past. When attempting to trade with them, use caution! Don’t fall for those scams because awakened Muramasa is not tradeable; only base Muramasa is.
  6. Keep your trade message to a maximum of 13 lines.
  7. No NSFW material (pornography that is not suitable for work) Admin urges you to ping a moderator if you observe someone doing this.
  8. No homophobia, transphobia, or any other form of intolerance is permitted; you will be blacklisted.
  9. You must be 13 or older to use this server, and if you are not, you risk being banned from the game.
  10. Never pretend to be a member of the staff or an in-game moderator; if you observe someone doing this, contact a Playfab holder.


This is all about the King Legacy Discord server. If you have already played the Roblox games, then it will be easy for you to play this one as well. You can also join the Discord server of various Roblox games and enjoy the updates and features of the game.

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