Server Stats Discord Bot!

Server Stats Discord Bot

Running a Discord server successfully requires effort. From online members to member roles, you have to take care of many stats to manage the server. Server Stats Discord Bot is just the ideal bot to help you with this job.

In other words, integrating Server Stats Discord Bot in your server will help you to grasp all the server stats at a glance. Server Stats Discord Bot is already trusted by 2.8M servers. So, if you are still not using this bot and juggling with server data, it’s time to reconsider. 

Verified Answer By Expert

To add Server Stats Discord Bot to your server, first, you have to log in to your Discord account. Then Click on the invite link for the bot. Choose the server you want to add, and type in the chat ‘/setup’. The bot will be integrated successfully. 

Millions of Discord servers are now competing with each other. If you want your server to be popular, your channel has to be unique and the server should be healthy or SFW and user-friendly. Integrating Server Stats Discord Bot is the first step to streamlining a Discord channel. In this article, we will show how to install and set up this bot along with how to join the Server Stats Discord Bot  Discord server. 

What Is Server Stats Discord Bot?

Server Stats Discord Bot is a  bot created for the ease of the Discord server moderators. Anyone who is struggling with Discord stats can use this amazing Discord bot to generate visuals of multiple parameters including Current Goals, Members, Donators, Online Staff, Online, Boosts and many more. You can create custom parameters as per your requirements. 

Setting up the Server Stats Discord Bot is super easy. All you just need to do is type ‘/setup’ prompt in the chatbox and the bot will be integrated successfully. If there is any issue or if your browser is incompatible, you will be notified of the same. Till now more than 2M servers have integrated this bot successfully and benefited. 

Server Stats Discord Bot Invite Link

Finding the Server Stats Discord Bot invite link may trouble you. We have to admit, searching on web browsers for Discord invite links is tedious and time-consuming. Hence, we have shared the official Server Stats Discord Bot link with you. Here find the link below:

Server Stats Discord Bot Link – Click To Invite The Bot 

How To Invite Server Stats Discord Bot To Your Discord Channel?

To invite Server Stats Discord Bot, log into your Discord account > Click on the social bot invitation link > Choose the server you want > Done!

Inviting Server Stats Discord Bot to your Discord channel is easy peasy. All you need to have your Discord account and own a server! Here is the step-by-step guideline for you: 

Step 1: Open and log into your Discord account. 

Step 2: Click on the Server Stats Discord Bot invite link shared in this article, or find the same from the official Server Stats website. 

Sep 3: Choose the server you want to add. 

Done! You have invited Server Stats Discord Bot into your channel successfully. To set up the bot, type ‘/setup’ prompt in the chat and the bot setup will be completed in just a few seconds! 

How To Join Server Stats Discord Bot Server?

How To Join Server Stats Discord Bot Server

To join the Server Stats Discord Server, log in to your Discord account > Click on the official invitation link for the server > Accept invite > Done! 

If you are using Server Stats Discord Bot or installing it for the first time and looking for some help, you can reach the Server Stats support team. Now, the Server Stats support service is available online. You can join the server and get help for all queries regarding Server Stats Discord Bot. Here is how to join the Server Stats Discord Server or Server Stats Discord Support Server: 

Step 1: Open and log into your Discord account.

Step 2: Click on the Server Stats Discord Bot Server link.

Step 3: Click on ‘Accept Invite’. 

Done! You have joined the Server Stats Discord Server successfully!

Server Stats Discord Bot Features

If you are thinking twice about inviting the Server Stats Discord Bot into your Discord channel, here are some of the Server Stats Discord Bot features that you need to consider:

1. This amazing Discord bot is trusted by 2.8M+ Discord servers so far.

2. It is easy to find the invitation link and install the bot in the Discord server. 

3. The Server Stats Bot support team is 24/7 available on their Discord server. 

4. With Server Stats Bot you can easily keep track of all the server parameters. 

5. Server Stats Bot is a verified bot and it will do no harm to your server.

Server Stats Discord Bot Commands

Installing and using Server Stats Bot is super easy. However, the best part of using this bot is the simple commands that are easy to use. Here are some of the important commands that you will require to run this amazing bot successfully. 

Bot Commands: General*

  • s/help <command> [Send all the commands.]
  • s/ping [Sends a pong message.]
  • s/invite [Sends an invite link for the bot.]
  • s/vote [Sends instructions on how to vote.]
  • s/donate [Sends instructions on how to donate.]
  • s/support [Sends info about how to get help.]
  • s/partners [Sends info about our partners.]

Bot Commands: Info*

  • s/bot [Sends info about the bot.]
  • s/serverinfo [Sends info about the server.]
  • s/userinfo <ID/mention> [Sends info about a user.]
  • s/roleinfo <ID/mention> [Sends info about a role.]
  • s/channelinfo <ID/mention> [Sends info about a channel.]
  • s/inviteinfo <URL/code> [Sends info about an invite.]
  • s/avatar <ID/mention> [Sends the avatar form a user.]

Bot Commands: For Admin*

  • s/setup [This command will set up the bot and create the 3 default counters.]
  • s/counter <create> [With this command you can turn on/off the counter.]
  • s/reset [With this command you can reset the counters.]
  • s/data [This will send all the data saved about your server.]
  • s/category [This will create a new category and put the counter under it. (you don’t need a category)]
  • s/welcome <create> [This will create a join and leave log channel.]
  • s/goal <create> [This will create a goal counter and message.]

*Source Discord Bots


Running a Discord channel successfully is not an easy task, especially when your server is competing with millions of servers. Monitoring thousands of members in the server is also hectic. But, what if you can have an automated system to track all your member’s records and activities along with other major parameters like channel, role, emoji, boost and goal count? Server Stats Discord Bot actually comes with all these amazing features to rescue you! So, try the bot now, and do not forget to share your feedback! 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What Does Server Stats Do In Discord?

Server Stats Bot creates counters where you can check the member’s list, online staff, members online, emoji, and many more. The best part is, all the counters are refreshed and updated every 10 minutes. So, when you take a look at the counters, you will always get the latest stats of the channel. 

Q2. How Do I Set Up A Server Stats Bot In Discord?

To set up Server Stats Bot, all you have to do is click on the bot invite link and use the ‘/setup’ prompt to set up the server. 

Q3. Is Server Stats Bot Free?

Yes, the Server Stats Bot is available free online. You can find the invitation link on Server Stats Bot’s official website or find it in this article. 

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