
What Does Shook Mean On Snapchat? Are You Surprised?

What Does Shook Mean On Snapchat

Have you ever been in a situation where you just watched a video or a movie that left you in a state of shock? Or did you face a situation of being extremely surprised that you felt like you don’t believe your eyes? If yes, then this is what Shook mean on Snapchat! Shook is slang included in Snapchat Lingo that is used to express a wide range of emotions. So, gear up as we are going to decipher the meaning of this slang!  

Social media can help us show our emotional side in a better way. If you ever feel that you are not able to rightly express your emotions, then you can use Snapchat for that because it is one of the best platforms to express your emotions using Snapchat Lingo. One such expression is “Shook” which has been experienced by many users at least once in their life. Shook mean on Snapchat is an expression of shock or surprise. 

Verified Answer By Expert

Shook means “Shocked or Surprised” on Snapchat.

Gen Z has aced the task to express their emotions whether it is through their verbal expressions or on social media using the latest slang. If you are used to Snapchat acronyms, then it is easy for you to express whatever you want through the use of different Snapchat slang. You can try using Shook as Shook mean on Snapchat can be used in a variety of contexts for expressing yourself. 

What Does Shook Mean On Snapchat?

Shook means shocked or surprised on Snapchat. Shook mean on Snapchat can be used as an expression of shock, surprise, or fear. Shook is a versatile slang often used on Snapchat in a few different ways such as when you are surprised that you have got the highest marks in your exams even without much hard work, you can use Shook to express surprise or when you have watched a horror movie and you feel scared, so to express your fear, you can use shook. 

Though Shook mean on Snapchat is surprise or shock, it is also used as a Snapchat Lens. Snapchat Lens are quite popular among Snapchat users and the same is the case with the Shook Lens. This Lens was launched in 2020 and is used by millions of Snapchatters. The Shook Lens has plastering-crazed eyes and looks like a frazzled Mr. Bean. 

Origin Of Shook 

Users have been using Shook as a past tense for Shake since the 14th century. Later, in the 15th century, Shook began to be used figuratively for upsetting or disturbing someone. With these meanings, shook spread all over the world in no time. But later, in the early 1900s, the use of Shook as slang became immensely popular. Nowadays, Shook is used as a way of expressing fear, surprise, or shock and has been added to Snapchat Lingo as a popular slang used by millions of Snapchatters. 

How Is Shook Used On Snapchat?

Shook can be used on Snapchat in both your formal and informal conversations. Here are the different scenarios where Shook can be used on Snapchat.

1. Shook Mean On Snapchat: Shock

The most common use of Shook can be made as a past tense of shock. When you feel shocked because of some action or thing happening around you, then you can make use of the term, shook in your conversations.

2. Shook Mean On Snapchat: Surprise

Another use of shook can be made to express surprise. When you are in a situation where something has left you in a state of surprise, then you can use shook to express your emotion. 

3. Shook Mean On Snapchat: Fear

One of the best emotions that can be expressed by using shook is fear. In case, you feel scared of something or have a fear of something, then you can use shook for expressing that.

4. Shook Mean On Snapchat: Lens

Shook can also be used as a Snapchat Lens. Snapchat has a Shook lens that is used by many people to capture their filtered pictures or videos.

Let us check out a few examples to understand in detail what shook mean on Snapchat and how to use it on Snapchat.

A Few Examples Of How You Can Use Shook On Snapchat 

Example 1: When shook is used to express shock:

User 1: I was shook when I saw a snake!

User 2: Yes, even I was!

Example 2: When shook is used to express surprise:

User 1: I am shook that my crush also likes me!

User 2: Really! I am so happy for you!

Example 3: When shook is used to express fear:

User 1: That scene in the movie really shook me up!

User 2: Really! 

User 1: Yes!

Is It Okay To Use Shook On Snapchat?

Yes, it is completely alright to use Shook on Snapchat. As discussed shook mean on Snapchat and we haven’t found anything abusive or bad about this slang, so there is no problem in making use of Shook in your Snapchat conversations. The best part about using this slang is that you can use it in both your informal and formal conversations. So, whenever you are chatting with your friends on Snapchat and want to express different emotions like fear or surprise, then you can use shook in your DMs.

Other Snapchat Acronyms And Abbreviations You Should Know

  • BML – Bling My Line
  • BP – Beautiful People
  • BTS – Behind The Scenes
  • CYA – See Ya
  • DTB – Don’t Trust Boys / B*tches
  • FSE – Funniest Sh*t Ever 
  • FWI – Facebooking While Intoxicated
  • OML – Oh My Lord
  • HML – Hit My Line
  • HTL – Hit The Line
  • IBF – Internet Best Friend
  • ISK – I Should Know
  • JP – Just Playing
  • MS – Mass Snap
  • OMH – Oh My Heavens

Wrapping Up

Snapchat can be regarded as one of the most-used platforms to express your emotions. When chatting on Snapchat, you can make use of the latest slang such as shook and express your emotions with that. Sometimes, it is better to use slang than emojis to express your feelings. So, you can also try using shook in your conversations and spice up your experience of using the platform along with your friends.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What Does Shook Stand For?

A. Shook stands for surprised or shocked.

Q2. When Should I Use The Shook?

A. You can use shook in your formal and informal conversations when you want to express emotions like surprise, shock, or fear.

Q3. What Does Shook Mean On The Internet?

A. Shook on the Internet means a slang to express your emotions like surprise, shock, or fear.

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