Sometimes, it is difficult to show that you care about someone if they seem worried. However, using WTM on Snapchat is great for showing concern and initiating a conversation. Since WTM is a crucial slang in Snapchat Lingo, it is important to know WTM meaning. Explore what does WTM mean on Snapchat and how to respond to WTM with Deasilex!
Snapchat Lingo has been making headlines for quite some time. Slang like HRU, WT, WSP, WTM, and many others have been popular among youngsters to show care and concern for their friends and family. If you are new to Snapchat and not very aware of Snapchat Lingo, then here is what does WTM mean on Snapchat so that you don’t feel embarrassed when someone drops a message with WTM because of not knowing its meaning!
The most popular WTM meaning on Snapchat is What’s The Matter. What’s The Move is another thing that WTM mean on Snapchat.
Snapchat Lingo has been a savior with its slang for the ways we communicate with each other on Snapchat. So, it’s time to enhance the way we communicate with others on Snapchat by figuring out what does WTM mean on Snapchat and how to respond to WTM!
What Does WTM Mean On Snapchat?
WTM means “What’s The Matter” on Snapchat. WTM can be used as a shorthand for What’s The Matter to ask your friends if they are okay or if something is wrong. Moreover, WTM can be used as a great way to show care or concern for someone. Another popular thing that WTM mean on Snapchat is What’s The Move. WTM can be used for this interpretation when you want to know what your friend is planning next. It is a great way to ask your friends what they are doing tonight. Apart from that, WTM has another popular interpretation. Whatever That Means is another thing that WTM mean on Snapchat and is often used in sarcastic situations when you are not sure about an answer.
Origin Of WTM
Learning what does WTM mean on Snapchat won’t be complete without knowing the origin of this slang. Similar to many popular Snapchat slang, the origin of WTM is also not entirely clear. However, it is believed that WTM originated in the early 1990s because of the popular TV reality show “The Real World Hollywood” which had a popular catchphrase “What’s The Move”. Later on, when social media platforms became popular, WTM’s meaning as What’s The Matter became popular among youngsters, and since then, people have been using WTM in their Snapchat conversations.
How Is WTM Used On Snapchat?
When digging into what does WTM mean on Snapchat, we have found that WTM is a versatile slang with multiple meanings. So, here are the different scenarios where you can easily make use of WTM on Snapchat.
1. WTM For What’s The Matter
The most common interpretation of WTM is What’s The Matter. WTM can be used in situations when you want to ask your friend if something is wrong or if they are okay because they seem worried. It is a great way to show concern toward your friend.
2. WTM For What’s The Move
Another common interpretation of WTM is What’s The Move. It can be used in situations when you want to ask your friend what are they planning on doing next or if they are free in the evening!!
3. WTM For Whatever That Means
You can even use WTM for Whatever That Means. This is another popular interpretation of WTM that can be used in a sarcastic way. It is similar to What are you talking about?
A Few Examples Of How You Can Use WTM On Snapchat
If you are still left with any query regarding what does WTM mean on Snapchat, how to use it, or how to respond to WTM, then here are a few examples to learn this slang more deeply!
Example 1: When WTM is used for What’s The Matter
User 1: Hey, WTM? You seem down, I hope everything’s okay!
User 2: Yeah, OFC! Just exam stress!
User 1: Oh okay!
(Here, OFC means Of Course).
Example 2: When WTM is used for What’s The Move
User 1: Hey, WTM tonight?
User 2: Let’s watch a movie!
User 1: Sure!
Example 3: When WTM is used for Whatever That Means
User 1: I’ll start meditating from tomorrow.
User 2: WTM! How does that matter?
User 1: It’ll help in reducing stress!
User 2: Sounds great!
Is It Okay To Use WTM On Snapchat?
Yes, of course! It is absolutely okay to use WTM on Snapchat. WTM is a versatile slang used on Snapchat. When figuring out what does WTM mean on Snapchat, we have found different interpretations of WTM used on Snapchat. However, none of them had a hurtful meaning or negative connotation. So, we don’t find anything wrong in using WTM on Snapchat. So, feel free to make use of WTM on Snapchat and show concern toward your friends and family.
Other Snapchat Acronyms And Abbreviations You Should Know
- BML – Bling My Line
- BP – Beautiful People
- BTS – Behind The Scenes
- CYA – See Ya
- DTB – Don’t Trust Boys / B*tches
- FSE – Funniest Sh*t Ever
- OML – Oh My Lord
- HML – Hit My Line
- HTL – Hit The Line
- IBF – Internet Best Friend
- ISK – I Should Know
- JP – Just Playing
Wrapping Up
Snapchat Lingo is so vast that it is sometimes impossible to know the meanings of all Snapchat slang. However, there is a solution to that! Learning is the key to knowing all Snapchat slang included in Snapchat Lingo. Only learning what does WTM mean on Snapchat is not going to help you become a pro. Since Deasilex tries to cover all Snapchat slang along with its meanings, it is time to learn them all and flex your knowledge of Snapchat slang in front of your friends!
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q1. What Does WTM Stand For?
A. WTM stands for What’s The Matter.
Q2. When Should I Use The WTM?
A. You can use WTM in your informal communication for What’s The Matter or What’s The Move.
Q3. What Does WTM Mean On The Internet?
A. WTM on the internet means What’s The Move.
Q4. What Does WTM Mean Texting?
A. WTM in texting means What’s The Matter.