The “Time to BeReal” notification sound is the most anticipated part of the day for most BeReal users. While most users are excited to share their everyday life with all their friends and followers, concerned few are looking for ways to switch accounts in the BeReal app, before posting their candid self. The most important question here is, can they have more than one BeReal account? Read on to know more.
BeReal created a buzz in social media when it was first launched in 2020, for its unique approach. While most social media platforms offer AI filters and editing tools to portray the best version of yourself for the world, BeReal offered a platform for users to embrace their true selves. BeReal users will get the “Time to BeReal” notification at a random time every day. They will then have a 2-minute timer within which they have to post a candid picture of themselves using both their front and back cameras.
BeReal users who wish to separate their personal and professional life can switch accounts in the BeReal app, by using an alternate phone number. You can create a new BeReal account with that phone number and log out of your current account, to switch accounts in the BeReal app.
Privacy and security are the basic necessities for a good social life. If you are uncomfortable with certain people looking at your true candid self, it is advisable that you switch accounts in the BeReal app, and deny them access to the candid version of you. Are you eager to know how? Read on to see how you can switch accounts in the BeReal app to protect your privacy.
Can You Switch Accounts In The BeReal App?
BeReal users who try to switch between their accounts are confused as there is no option to switch accounts in the BeReal app. While Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, YouTube, and most social media platforms allow users to create multiple accounts and switch between them, BeReal is yet to update this feature.
Even though there is no option to switch accounts in the BeReal app, we at Deasilex have discovered a way to make it possible for you to switch between different BeReal accounts. BeReal allows users to create one account per phone number. All you need, is an alternate phone number to create a new BeReal account so that you can switch accounts in the BeReal app.
What Is The Need For Account Switching On BeReal App?
The BeReal app syncs all the contacts in your device to your BeReal friend’s list. Everyone in your phone contacts will be able to see that you have a BeReal account and send you friend requests. This includes all your friends and colleagues. While you may be comfortable with sharing your candid true self to your friends, you could have insecurities knowing that all your colleagues would see it. Thus arises the need to have two different BeReal accounts, so that you can switch accounts in the BeReal app, to avoid certain users.
How Many Accounts Can I Add To The BeReal App?
Officially, BeReal does not have the option for users to switch accounts in the BeReal app. The only way to create an alternate account is with a different phone number. You cannot add secondary accounts to your BeReal app, but you can create new accounts using different phone numbers. Remember that you enter different credentials including an alternate username and phone number. BeReal will send an OTP to your phone number, every time you wish to switch accounts in the BeReal app.
How To Switch Accounts In The BeReal App?
You can switch accounts in the BeReal app by opening the BeReal app and tapping your Profile icon > Kebab menu > Log out > Confirm > Enter username > Date of Birth > Enter an Alternate phone number > Enter the OTP.
Users who have two different phone numbers can follow the instructions given below to switch accounts in the BeReal app.
Step 1 – Open the BeReal app and tap on the Profile icon.

Step 2 – Tap on the Kebab menu.

Step 3 – Scroll down to the bottom of the page to tap on Log out.

Step 4 – Tap on Confirm.

Step 5 – Tap to Skip the intro.

Step 6 – Enter your alternate username > Continue.

Step 7 – Enter your Date of Birth > Continue.

Step 8 – Enter your alternate phone number > Continue.

Step 9 – Enter the OTP that is sent to your phone number.

Once you enter the OTP you will be able to switch accounts in the BeReal app, to access your alternate account.
What Are The Benefits Of Switching Accounts In BeReal?
Most users have social media accounts on more than one social network platform. Do you think that it would be a hassle to have multiple accounts, on BeReal and switch between different accounts? Most users who have multiple accounts would testify otherwise. Read on to know the benefits of switching accounts in the BeReal app
1. Efficiency And Convenience
All human beings have multiple personalities depending on their surroundings. You might have a quiet and introverted personality at home, while you are the center of attention among your friends. You might have an altogether different and composed approach toward your colleagues. With BeReal, which lets your followers take a peek into your daily lives, it is not practically possible to maintain your different identities. Only by when you create different accounts and switch accounts in the BeReal app, will it be possible to maintain your image accordingly.
2. Separation Of Personal And Professional Life
As mentioned above, creating different accounts to switch accounts in the BeReal app, will help you to separate your personal and professional life. You no longer have to worry about losing your credibility among your colleagues, due to your BeReal posts.
3. Enhanced Privacy And Security
BeReal posts include pictures of both you and your surroundings, thus compromising your location and endangering your privacy and security. If you have different accounts, you can switch accounts in the BeReal app, and make your posts available only for your close and trusted friends, thus enhancing your privacy and security.
4. Improved User Experience
Users who switch accounts in the BeReal app have testified to having an overall better experience while using it. With different accounts, you no longer have to worry about your boss knowing that you are lacking, or your friends to think that you have a boring life in an office. You can meet the best of the two worlds when you switch accounts in the BeReal app.
Wrap Up
Instagram Candid, TikTok Now and Facebook Roll Call are all the latest updates made on these popular social networking platforms, that are based on BeReal. To gain new followers and to retain their existing ones, it is absolutely essential that BeReal makes some much-needed updates to the app, starting with allowing users an easy way to switch accounts in the BeReal app. This is one of the most highly anticipated changes that users have been waiting for. We hope that BeReal notices the need for an option to switch accounts in the BeReal app and makes the necessary changes.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. Can You Log Out Of BeReal?
Yes, you can log out of your BeReal account by opening your BeReal account to tap on your Profile icon. Then tap the Kebab menu and scroll down to tap on Log out.
Q2. Can You Have A Second BeReal Account?
Yes, you can have a second BeReal account with an alternate phone number and different credentials.
Q3. Can I Log Into BeReal On A New Phone?
Yes, you can log into BeReal on a new phone. All you have to do is enter your username and phone number. Then enter the OTP that is sent to your phone number, to log in with your new phone.