While Escape from Tarkov players are languishing in anticipation of the moment when the game will pass the development stage completely, new patches are coming out with some changes. The changes relate to various details and game moments.
Ultimately, the game should turn out to be powerful, as the developers announce a lot of radical changes. However, already at this stage, the players have something to rejoice at. In new patches, users are seeing changes that affect trading at the flea market, the search for weapons and valuable loot, as well as raids as Scav bots.
We will talk about other changes that have taken place in patch 0.12.12, which have already made many fans of the game happy.
Voice chat
Voice chat appeared in the latest released patch, which delighted a huge number of users around the world. You will not be able to send long voice messages to other users as they are limited to fifteen seconds. In addition, voice messages can only be sent once every twenty seconds. If you abuse this feature, then this function will be blocked for you.
Interestingly, the way other players will hear your voice messages is related to environmental conditions. For example, if you are at a long distance, or you wear a helmet with a visor, then other players may hear some interference.
This change has had a positive impact on the player experience as Escape from Tarkov has become more lively. Voice chat in some situations helps players avoid bloody battles through constructive dialogues.
The Stamina Parameters Of Fighters
Since the release of the game, the developers have presented Escape from Tarkov as a realistic game. However, at first, many users reported that in terms of endurance, as well as the inertia of the body of the fighters, the game is far from realistic.
The fighters could run at high speed, despite the heaviness of their backpacks, and also easily dodge enemy bullets. However, the first changes regarding this occurred in the previous patch. By putting a lot of items in a backpack or taking a lot of loot from raids, it became more difficult for players to move around due to overload.
Players try to buy as many valuable weapons as possible. Sometimes players do not have enough in-game currency for this, but this is not a problem, since it is possible to buy Tarkov roubles and get exactly what they need. Best of all, a valuable weapon that you do not want to lose is left in a cache.
In addition, the best armor in terms of protection turned out to be a stumbling block. It perfectly protects fighters from shots, but moving around with such armor is much more difficult.
A more serious change came in the latest patch. Each action is now accompanied by some delays, like the movements of a real fighter with equipment. Any movement affects the character’s stamina.
This, in turn, affected the way the battles take place and their dynamics. The weight of your equipment now greatly affects how your fighter can maneuver. Lightweight fighters can move faster than heavily armored fighters. At the moment, it is not your speed that matters in battles, but what position you take and how you plan your actions.
Updated Location And New Boss
The first location that each fighter enters is the Factory. It is designed for players to fight with each other, as well as to complete some tasks. It is unlikely that you will be able to find many valuable items here since there is not much loot here. This location is the smallest in comparison to other Escape from Tarkov maps.
For a long time, the players spoke negatively about this location. Characters spawned too close to each other on the map. In addition, contractions often took place in small and cramped office spaces.
In the penultimate patch, the Factory has grown significantly. There are additional transitions and levels, as well as offices have become larger. Such changes allowed players the possibility of greater maneuverability.
In addition, there was another significant change. A harsh boss appeared at this location, under the name of Tagilla. He runs around the location in a tactical vest, which has the maximum level of protection, and wears a welding mask. He has a Kalashnikov assault rifle, a shotgun, and a construction sledgehammer that he uses to take out characters in close combat.
The new boss brought an element of surprise to the location. Now players have to hide not only from their opponents but also to ensure that a new boss does not appear nearby. With his appearance, Tagilla can decide the outcome of the battle. He can either destroy your opponent or start hunting for you. In this regard, you never know what will happen if he appears on the horizon.
With the release of the latest patch 0.12.12, Escape from Tarkov has received radical changes. Players can communicate with other players using voice chat. In addition, there have been changes regarding the endurance of the characters and the inertia of their body. The location of the Factory has increased in size and also received a new boss.