Fortnite Discord | How To Join?

Fortnite Discord server

Hey, gamers! What’s up? Looking for a Fortnite Discord Server. Well, stop right here! In this article, we will tell you all about Fortnite Discord and provide you with an official Fortnite Discord Server link for you to join Fortnite Discord and start playing an amazing Fortnite game!

Created by Epic Games, Fortnite needs no introduction. With 1,000,005 members, Fortnite Discord is really making noise in the gaming industry. Talking about Fornite Discord,  it is a battle royale game where players from all over the region come together on a single server and fight against each other. The best thing about Fortnite Discord is that the game has launched its own official Fortnite Discord server. Recently, Fortnite has brought back its Discord Quests, offering a whole new set of Chapter 3 Season 4 Paradise, rewards and challenges this time around. There is no way you are gonna get bored while playing this game.

To join Fortnite Discord, you’ll require a permanent official server invite. First of all, you need to click on the Fortnite Discord invitation link, and once you click on it, you will be redirected to the Accept Invitation Page. After accepting the invite, check out the “I am Human” box. Now you have joined the Fortnite Discord Server, just verify your server and follow rules to enjoy the Fortnite Discord server to the fullest.

Discord has become an amazing way for Gamers to engage with their community. In the article, we have given you the official Fortnite Discord server link, you can join and invite others as well. For now, let’s check out the interesting Fortnite Discord and how to join the server. Keep Reading!!! 

What Is Fortnite Discord?

If you are an active gamer, you must know about Discord. Discord provides you with a platform where you can socialize with other game fans along with playing. Talking about Fortnite Discord, Fortnite Discord is a battle royale game where players from all over the region come together on a single server and fight against each other. In  Fortnite Discord, you can invite friends to the island and participate in unofficial games such as race tracks or jumping courses.

Wanna know something cool, you can create your private island in Creative, or quest in Save the World modes of Fortnite Discord.

In Fortnite, there’s always something interesting to see or do. With new objectives, Seasons, and other features constantly being added, the enduringly popular Battle Royale makes sure that players never get bored while playing. Fortnite Discord provides a platform for many gamers as members of a certain community to communicate with one another and share media and messages.

Fortnite Discord currently has 1,000,005 members and if you want to be a member of the Fortnite Discord community, you can join the official Fortnite Discord server link.

Recently, Fortnite has brought back its Discord Quests, offering a whole new set of Chapter 3 Season 4 rewards and challenges this time around. So, get ready to fight gamers!

For this, you have to verify yourself by accepting the rules. You have to follow all the rules while joining. If you don’t follow the rules or disobey them, you can be kicked out of the server or face a temporary or permanent ban on Discord.

Fortnite Discord Server Link

We know you guys must be waiting for an official Fortnite Discord Server link. Well, your wish is our command. On the internet, you will find many fake and scam servers. Here we have the original and verified Discord server link.

Here is the one and only official  Fortnite Discord Server link.

How To Join  Fortnite Discord Server?

To join the  Fortnite Discord Server > Open Discord Account > Login > Link > Accept Invite > I am Human > Verify your server > Click on I Agree.

If you are new to Discord and are looking for a way to join the  Fortnite Discord server, then here is a quick guide for you that will help you join the Fortnite Discord server.

Step 1: Open your Discord Account 

Step 2: Login into your Discord Account

Step 3: Click on the link to join the Fortnite Discord server.

Step 4: Click on Accept Invite

Step 5: Check on I am Human box

Step 6: Voila! You have joined the Fortnite  Discord.

Follow these steps and you are good to go.

In Fortnite Discord, you will find the new Paradise season, Paradise Quest,  highlights, Fortnite news, Game status, announcements, rules, DMs, and more!

But first, you need to verify yourself by accepting the Rules. So, here are the Rules.

Fortnite Discord Bot

Fortnite is a popular game with a lot of users. This is the reason Fortnite has provided a Discord bot for its users to ease the process. The Fornite includes the lore, legends, and heroes from the Marvel series. The latest war as Fortnite Nexus war has arrived now.  Click On the Link to activate the Fortnite Discord Bot.

Fortnite Discord Rules:

Every server is bound by rules. This helps the server to function properly and smoothly. So, it becomes very important for every user to follow the rules. Here are the rules for Fortnite Discord.

1. Account Security 

  • It’s in your best interest to protect your personal information. Generally, we advise against sharing any personal information with other members. This is to protect your privacy as well as the privacy of other community members. Epic employees may contact you requesting more information on an issue or bug you mention in this server. 
  • Account selling/buying/trading/etc. is against the Epic Games Terms of Service. This is a bannable offense both in-game and in this Discord server. 

2. Remain on topic and use channels correctly 

  • welcome lists all server channels. Stay on topic. Additional guidance on how to post can be found in channel descriptions and pinned messages.
  •  Looking for Group (LFG) messages are requests to play with other members, and belong in the dedicated LFG channels. 
  • Members are encouraged to chat & make friends, but attempts to exclude community members or seek/form parties based on a player’s race, ethnicity, color, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability, national origin, and any other affiliation is prohibited

3. No spamming 

  • No long passages of text that disrupt the flow of discussion, including excessive use of emojis, discord-formatting, unnecessary bot commands, capital letter messages, screen flooding, copy & paste chain-letter messages, and empty space messages

4. Do not discuss Hacking/Cheating 

  • The distribution of links or information related to prohibited software on our server is not allowed. 
  • Do not discuss methods to hack or exploit the fair and competitive nature of Fortnite.

5.No advertising, self-promotion or general solicitation of any kind 

  • Do not advertise third-party services, including referral schemes. 
  • Recruitment posts for clans and teams are not permitted. 
  • No advertising or links to other Discord Servers.
  • No unsolicited DMs or ads to other members. 
  • Do not advertise tournaments or contests of any kind with the exception of events officially announced by EPIC games. 
  • No giveaways.

6. No scamming 

  • Do not link scam websites, encourage other members to break the rules, or purposely mislead or trick members.
  •  Do not attempt to impersonate/roleplay moderators or staff. We encourage players to help each other but do not impersonate game support/tech support. 

7. Do not solicit for free items 

  • Please do not ask for V-Bucks, money, vouchers/codes, handouts, or requests for Fortnite outfits or the seasonal Battle Pass.

8. All chat rules apply to Voice chat.

  • Please note that we are currently unable to monitor voice channels at all times. Be respectful. If you do not wish to play with someone, ask for them to leave nicely. If they refuse to leave or walk away from the situation, there are many voice channels. 
  • Report any issues to the moderators. 
  • Voice channels are for people actively playing Fortnite. Please do not idle/AFK in the voice channels. These channels cannot be “reserved”. 
  • Names must use a minimum of three consecutive standard Unicode alphanumeric characters (0-9, A-Z). No special characters, punctuation, or symbols that take up more than one line of text. Discord usernames or nicknames that do not comply will be assigned a randomly generated name by the server bot.


Fortnite, the prestigious, battle royale game has brought back its Discord Quests, offering a whole new set of Chapter 3 Season 4 rewards and challenges. Gamers are looking for the official Fortnite Discord Server link. We have provided you with all the information on Fortnite Discord and how to join Fortnite Discord Server Link. We hope you like the article and don’t forget to share it with your friends. So they can also have this amazing experience. A few more Discord servers for Gaming fans are Nvidia Discord Server, Roll 20 Discord Server, Condogames xyz, Multiverse Discord Server.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How To Join  Fortnite Discord Server?

Ans. To join the  Fortnite Discord Server > Open Discord Account > Login > Link > Accept Invite > I am Human > Verify your server > Click on I Agree.

Q2. How Do You Get Fortnite News On Discord?

Ans. you can get Fortnite news by tapping on Fortnite news, it will end battle royale updates in GIF.

Q3. What Is Paradise Fortnite Discord Quest?

Ans. Fortnite Discord quests are just another new way to earn some free loot in the battle royale game Paradise is the newest season of  Fortnite Epic Games where players have to complete six different tasks from an official participating Fortnite Discord server to earn three in-game rewards. 

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