
How Do Snapstreaks Work On Snapchat?

snapstreaks work on snapchat

If you use Snapchat app, you have probably seen your friends with streaks. A number next to their name represents how many days in a row they have snapped each other. But how do Snapstreaks work on Snapchat? 

Snapchat is a photo and video messaging app that allows users to send quick, temporary messages to one another. The app also includes a feature called Snapstreaks, which allows users to track how often they have sent snaps to each other within 24 hours. 

To know how Snapstreaks work on Snapchat, first, start a Snapstreak with your friend by sending one snap to each other within 24 hours for three consecutive days. Secondly, maintain Snapstreaks by sending snaps to each other daily. At last, you must know that if a user goes more than 24 hours without sending or receiving a snap from their friend, the Snapstreak will break.

Being a new Snapchat user, are you having problems while running Snapstreaks? Then you are at the right place. In this article, we will explain everything you need to know about how Snapstreaks work on Snapchat, including how to start a streak, how to maintain Snapstreaks, and how to keep it going.  

What Is Snapstreak?

Before knowing how Snapstreaks work on Snapchat, let’s first get an idea about what Snapstreak is. When two people send each other Snaps for three consecutive days, they start a Snapstreak. A number with the flame emoji will appear against the names in your friend list to indicate how many days in a row both have sent snaps to each other. 

Once you and your friend have started a Snapstreak, both will receive a notification if anyone fails to send a snap to the other person within 24 hours. But as long as you continue sending snaps to each other within 24 hours of receiving the notification, your Snapstreak will remain intact. But the streak will be gone as soon as you miss a day. 

Snapchatters love getting streaks because it adds excitement and competition to snapping. It is cool to see how long you can keep a streak going with someone. 

What Are The Benefits of Snapstreaks on Snapchat?

Snapstreaks are a fun way to stay in touch with friends on Snapchat and can help you earn extra points. Maintaining your Snapstreaks and increasing the snap score makes you a powerful Snapchat user. You can earn points for a snap score when you start Snapstreak and maintain your streak. If you keep your Snapstreak alive, you will earn emojis, streak, and snap scores. 

After learning about Snapstreaks on Snapchat, are you excited to know more about how Snapstreaks work on Snapchat? If yes, continue to the next section, how do Snapstreaks work on Snapchat, to learn all the insights into this amazing feature of the Snapchat app.

How Do Snapstreaks Work On Snapchat?

The steps for how Snapstreaks work on Snapchat include Starting Snapstreak by sending snaps for three consecutive days > Maintaining Snapstreak by sending snaps daily > Don’t let Snapstreak end.

Snapchat is one of the most popular messaging apps among younger users. And one of the most popular features in the app is Snapstreaks, which lets users see how many days in a row they have been snapping with each other. But how does this Snapstreaks work, and what do you need to do to keep your streak going? 

Here are the three key points you should know about how Snapstreaks work on Snapchat:

  • How to start Snapstreaks
  • How to maintain Snapstreaks
  • What happens when you break Snapstreaks

Before moving forward, you should be familiar with the different Snapstreak emojis. When you and a friend have sent each other at least one snap every day for consecutive days, you will receive a special emoji next to their name to signify your Snapstreak. Here is the list of such emojis with their significance:

  • Flame 🔥: It means you are on Snapstreak. You will see this flame emoji next to your friend’s name after continuously sending snaps to each other for three days.
  • Hourglass : You will see hourglass emoji when your Snapstreak is about to expire.
  • 100 💯: When your Snapstreak with your friend has crossed 100 days, you will see this emoji and the flame next to your friend’s name.
  • Mountain ⛰️: If you see this mountain emoji, it means you have the longest Snapstreak.

Now as you know what each Snapstreak emoji says, you might be curious to know how Snapstreaks work on Snapchat. We will start with how to start Snapstreaks, so continue reading to know the complete details.

How To Start Snapstreaks?

To start Snapstreak, Send a snap to your friend > Ask your friend to send a snap back > Repeat the process every 24 hours for three consecutive days.

Starting Snapstreaks is very easy. You and your friend must send snaps back and forth for three consecutive days (at least one image in 24 hours) to start a Snapstreak. A flame emoji will appear next to your friend’s name to indicate that you’re on a Snapstreak. 

The number with the flame emoji shows that you and your friend have been on Snapstreak for this number of days. For example, if you see 10🔥, you are on Snapstreak for ten days.

Note: Snapstreaks only work for snaps, not for chats. So remember to send a snap if you want to keep your Snapstreak going.

It is not just to start the Snapstreak, and all is done. You have to maintain your Snapstreaks also. Go through the next section on how to maintain Snapstreaks to get an idea to keep the Snapstreak going.

How To Maintain Snapstreaks?

To maintain Snapstreak, Both send snaps to each other > Repeat sending snaps daily.

If you are trying to keep a Snapstreak going, send snaps back and forth frequently and always within 24 hours. If you and your friend don’t send a snap to each other within 24 hours, the Snapstreak will expire.

To ensure you don’t accidentally lose your streak, we have some tips to keep your Snapstreak going.

  • Set daily reminders on your mobile. It will help ensure you remember to send snaps to your friend daily.
  • Keep your streaks in mind when messaging your friends on Snapchat. Make sure to send a snap to them if they have sent a snap first so that the chain stays alive.

You might be thinking, what will happen if you forget to send the snap and the streak breaks? You can read the section on what happens when you break Snapstreaks to get your answer.

What Happens When You Break Snapstreaks?

You all know that a Snapstreak breaks when you and your friend have not sent snaps to each other within 24 hours. It can happen if you forget to send a snap to your friend or get too busy and don’t have time to send a snap back to them.

When your Snapstreak is about to end, you will see an hourglass emoji next to your friend’s name. So, send a snap as soon as possible to keep your Snapstreak alive. You will not be able to see the flame emoji if your streak ends.

If somehow your Snapstreak breaks, don’t worry! Just apologize to your friend and try to start up again. If you want to see how long your current Snapstreaks are, go to the friend list on Snapchat and look for the flame emoji next to your friends’ names.

You now have an idea of how do Snapstreaks work and what are the benefits of Snapstreaks. But what if your friend is staying in another country or you are traveling to a different time zone? You can continue to our next section on how do Snapstreaks work in different time zones to know what happens in this case and how to keep your Snapstreak alive in such cases.

How Do Snapstreaks Work In Different Time Zones?

There are two cases of Snapstreaks working in different time zones. First is when you have friends from different countries with different time zones. In this case, your Snapstreaks will still work as you both send a snap within 24 hours of each other’s local time.

Another case is when you are traveling to a different time zone. In this case, you can purchase streak protection. You can use gems or lingots from the shop in the Snapchat app to buy streak freeze to prevent your Snapstreak alive. Buy the streak freeze one day before your travel.

You have now got complete information on Snapstreaks, including basic information about the streaks, how do Snapstreaks work on Snapchat, what are the benefits of the streaks and how do Snapstreaks work in different time zones. You can now easily start a Snapstreak with any of your friends. If any problem occurs, you can contact Snapchat streaks support.

Wrapping Up

Snapchat is a popular messaging app that allows users to send disappearing messages and photos. If you are a Snapchat user, you will enjoy using its most important feature, Snapstreaks, which is a great way to stay connected with your friends. It can also add an extra layer of fun to your snapping experience.

Now that you know how Snapstreaks work on Snapchat, it’s time to start racking up those numbers. Remember that streaks take a little effort to maintain, so make sure you send snaps back and forth with your friends daily. If you let a streak lapse, don’t worry; you can always start again. With a little effort, you will be a pro at Snapchat streaks in no time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How Long Does The Hourglass Last On Snapchat?

The exact answer to the time lasting for an hourglass on Snapchat still needs to be determined. Many Snapchat users say it lasts 2-3 hours, and few say it lasts 4-7 hours. Also, the official Snapchat website has no such information.

Q. What Happens After 100 Streaks On Snapchat?

Once you have completed your 100 days of Snapstreaks, you will see 100 emoji with the flame emoji next to your friend’s name.

Q. How Many Snaps Make A Streak?

Snapstreak on Snapchat starts when both friends send snaps to each other daily for three days. After the streak starts, you must send one pic every 24 hours. To get complete information on how Snapstreaks work on Snapchat, read this article.

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