If you frequently use Snapchat, you will be aware of how addictive these stories can be. Have you ever thought about whether does Snapchat order story views? Well, In this article, let us discuss how does Snapchat order story views.
Snapchat stories are the best way to connect with your friends as they showcase your current activities every now and then. It is like taking your friends along with you into your world. You may post a photo and be curious as to whether “someone special” has looked at your profile or not.
Snapchat order story views in reverse chronological order. The term “reverse chronological” means that the person who saw your story first will be at the bottom and the person who watched it most recently will be at the top.
So, after posting the story, looking at the view count and the names of people who viewed the story gives us a sense of happiness. Keep reading to know in detail how does Snapchat order story views.
How Does Snapchat Order Story Views?
Snapchat order story views in reverse chronological order. The term “reverse chronological” means that the person who saw your story first will be at the bottom and the person who watched it most recently will be at the top.
Whenever you post a story on Snapchat, we are allowed to view the count of people who have watched our story. Hence, if you wish to know who has viewed your story first:
- Go to the Snapchat app, in the left top corner you will notice the story icon
- Upon clicking that, you will see the “My Stories” section
- Under “My stories” you will see the stories that you have posted
- Click on a story, and at the bottom, you will find an eye icon
- Click the eye icon to see the names of your friends who viewed your story
- Scroll all the way down to see who has viewed your story first
- Scroll all the way up to see who has viewed your story recently
- If someone has taken a screenshot of your story, a distinct arrow mark will appear next to the name

Hence, Snapchat order story views in reverse chronological order.
Can We Know Who Has Rewatched Our Story?
There is no way to determine how frequently someone has rewatched your story on their phone. If someone has watched your story for the second time, Snapchat won’t know if you replayed their story or how many times you viewed it when you view it again. You can only see the number and names of the people who viewed the story.
Why Does My Story View Order Keep Changing?
Take a screenshot of the view count >After a while, again take a screenshot and compare > Story order changing can be due to a technical glitch or the person has viewed your story again.
In some instances, you may notice the order of people viewing the story seems to be changing. This could be probably due to the fact that the person may have viewed your story again or might be due to a glitch on the app. To confirm this, we may undergo simple testing:
Step 1: After posting the story, wait for the people to view it. After a certain number of people have viewed, take a screenshot of the view order and save it for future reference.
Step 2: After some time, when the view count increases, you may again look into the view order, take a screenshot and compare it with the previous order to see if there are any changes.
Step 3: If you notice changes in the order, i.e. if a person in the last position earlier has come up, it may be due to the reason that he/she must have again viewed your story or it can also be a technical glitch.
Though this is a tedious process to constantly keep monitoring the viewers’ list, it is the best way to determine the accurate solution to our query. To perform this in a more effective way, you may add a story under your “Private story” and set it to a limited number of friends. Hence, it will be quite easy for you to monitor the changes happening in the view order.
Though there are several third-party tools available that are ready to get the job done, it is advisable not to rely upon them as there are no proven ways through which you determine who watched your story multiple times.
However, if you are a Snapchat plus user, you have got the feature “Rewatch Indicator” to see who has watched your story more than once. The rewatch indicator icon is represented by “double eyes” which denotes the number of times your Snaps have been rewatched after being posted to My Story, Private Stories, or Shared Stories. The number displayed next to the double eyes indicates the number of friends who have viewed your snap again, not the number of times it has been seen.

It is also possible to turn off the rewatch indicator. To do so:
Snapchat profile > Click Snapchat+ Membership > Adjust Story Rewatch Count to on or off
Step 1: Go to your Snapchat profile.
Step 2: At the top, click the Snapchat+ Membership card.
Step 3: Adjust the Story Rewatch Count by turning it on or off.
By now, you must have understood how does Snapchat order story views and why my story view order keeps changing.

Wrapping Up
We hope this article has provided you with an explanation of how does Snapchat order story views. Like Instagram, Snapchat also has the option to view the names of persons who have watched our story. And Snapchat+ comes with additional features which determine the exact number of story rewatch counts. For more such informative articles, check out our website Deasilex.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. Why Do Some People’s Stories Show Up First?
Ans. Instead of how you interact with these profiles, the order of Story viewers is determined by how your followers interact with your profile on the platform. This implies that those who have viewed your profile the most frequently are listed first.
Q2. Is Snapchat Spotlight Based On What You Watch?
Ans. Based on four criteria—unique video views, screenshots, shares, and watch time—Snapchat displays Spotlight videos to users.
Q3. How Many Views Do You Need To Make Money On Snapchat?
Ans. No, Snapchat doesn’t pay users according to how many views they receive. Regular Snapchat posts do not generate any revenue. However, you may send Spotlight your best Snaps for a chance to win a portion of the more than $1 million that is handed out every day.
Q4. How Many Followers Do You Need To Be A Subscription On Snapchat?
Ans. You must have a Snapchat profile that is public and has at least 100 followers. A week must have passed since you created your profile. A relationship in which two Snapchatters have accepted one another as friends are required you to have at least one bi-directional friend.