
How To Appear Offline On Steam Using The Invisible And Offline Mode

How To Appear Offline On Steam

Ask a PC gamer about his best friend, 90 percent of them will reply with “STEAM”. Well, the thing is true. Being a PC gamer I found the platform to be the best and the feature that allows you to communicate with the other gamers online steals the show. But there are times when you want to play alone. So, here is the article that will tell you how to appear offline on Steam.

Talking about Steam, It is certainly the best online games distribution website with more than 50,000 games available on its platform. The games are available in both the paid and the free versions. If you look at the stats, you would come to know why we called it the best. The stats say there are 20 million active users during the peak hours of the day. Steam is one of the world’s biggest gamers communities. But, if you don’t want others to see you online then here is the article you need, “How To Appear Offline On Steam”.

If you are asking about how to be offline on steam? Then you must know there are two ways to achieve the target. The two modes are the “Invisible” mode and the “Offline” mode. We have mentioned both of them below. We have also told you about the basic difference between both the modes.

As told above both the modes are given below in the article. We suggest you read the full article, to know the difference between them both and then choose which mode to follow to appear offline on Steam.

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How To Appear Offline On Steam

Further, you will be reading the steps on How to appear offline on steam using the invisible as well as the offline mode. We have also mentioned the basic difference between the two and the troubleshooting tricks if you are unable to find the offline options on the website or the Steam app.

How To Appear Offline On Steam – Invisible Mode

How To Appear Offline On Steam - Invisible option
Source: PC Strike

Going invisible on Steam means that you will appear Offline to your friends. But, still, you can send them messages and participate in the community chat. It is just like being online ‘Invisibly’. Although it is different from the offline mode, you can deceive your friends by appearing offline. Follow the steps given below on “How To Appear Offline On Steam” in the Invisible mode.

  1. The first step would be to open your browser and visit the website If you are already logged in then you can directly start from Step No. 5.
  2. If you are not logged in then follow the instructions. Go to the official website of Steam and look at the top right of the screen. You will find three options: “Install Steam”, “Login” and “Language”.
  3. You can select the options according to the choice but remember we are here for logging in. So, click on the “Log In”.
  4. You can now enter your user name and password. If you are new to the steam platform, you can sign up from the same page.
  5. Now you are logged into the steam.
  6. Now to Appear offline, Locate the “Friends” tab on the top menu.
  7. From the drop-down menu under the “Friends” Tab. Select “Invisible”.

How To Appear Offline On Steam – The Offline Mode

How To Appear Offline On Steam - Offline option
Source: Online Tech Tips

You must have noticed the “Offline” option under the “Invisible” in the drop-down menu under the “Friends” tab. What does it stand for? If we wanted to be offline then why didn’t we choose the “Offline” option? Why did we go for the “Invisible” mode? Well, you will get answers to every question in the article below. But, first, learn how to go offline. Although the beginning steps are the same, still we have mentioned How To Appear Offline on Steam in offline mode stepwise.

  1. The first step would be to open your browser and visit the official Steam website. If you are already logged in then you can directly start from Step No. 5.
  2. If you are not logged in then follow the instructions. Go to the official website of Steam and look at the top right of the screen. You will find three options: “Install Steam”, “Login” and “Language”.
  3. You can select the options according to the choice but remember we are here for logging in. So, click on the “Log In”.
  4. You can now enter your user name and password. If you are new to the steam platform, you can sign up from the same page.
  5. Now you are logged into the steam.
  6. Now to go offline, Locate the “Friends” tab on the top menu.
  7. From the drop-down menu under the “Friends” Tab. Select “Offline”.

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Difference Between The Offline Mode And The Invisible Mode On Steam

How To Appear Offline On Steam - Invisible option

Both the modes can be found in the drop-down menu under the “Friends” tab in the Main Menu on the Steam app or the website. Both of them will help you to appear offline but there is a basic difference between them both.

Let us start with the Invisible mode first, this mode will make you appear offline while actually, you are not. You can access all the features of the steam website while appearing to be offline to your friends. That is the reason why we mentioned the Invisible mode in the guide “How to Appear Offline On Stream”. In shorter words, the “Invisible” option will make you APPEAR offline while you are not.

Now, moving to the “Offline” mode. This mode will make you offline, that is you cannot use any of the features of the steam. To get back online again, you have to log in again with your Steam Credentials. In shorter words, the “Offline” option would behave like the log-out button.

Troubleshooting Tricks If You Couldn’t Find Offline Option On Steam

How To Appear Offline On Steam
Source: Cinco Dias

Many users have spotted the problem that they could not find the Offline Options on the steam app. Well, here are some of the troubleshooting tips that you can try.

  • The first one would be to make sure you have a stable and strong Internet connection. You can turn off and On your Wifi.
  • The cache can be cleared. If you are logged in through the website then clear the cache of the browser and If you are using the app then clear the app’s cache.
  • Log out of your steam account and then log back in.
  • Go to the advanced settings in the Internet settings and make sure that the “Enable Enhanced Protected Mode” is unchecked.

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This was all about how to appear offline on Steam. We have mentioned all the possible ways that can help you with the purpose. If you still have any doubt or queries regarding any step then do write to us in the comments section.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is invisible Steam?

Invisible mode will make you appear offline while actually, you are not. You can access all the features of the steam website while appearing to be offline to your friends.

Can you tell if someone is invisible on Steam?

No, you can’t tell if someone is invisible on steam.

Can I hide games on Steam?

Featured Image Source: TechGYO

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