How To Change Or Reset Petra Aptos Wallet Password?

How To Change Or Reset Petra Aptos Wallet Password

Have you forgotten your Petra wallet password? And trying to change it? Well, In this article, let us see how to change or reset Petra Aptos wallet password.

A browser-based wallet created by the Aptos development team is called Petra. The wallet was created for the testnet and comes with all the essential features required to get started exploring Aptos, including the ability to transact with test coins, create NFTs, choose networks, and connect to dApps. If you have forgotten the Petra wallet password, you may always change or reset it.

To change or reset Petra Aptos wallet password, Launch Petra wallet > Settings > Security and privacy > Change password > Type current password > Click Save.

Continue reading to understand further how to change or reset Petra Aptos’s wallet password and what steps are involved in it.

How To Change Or Reset Petra Aptos Wallet Password?

To change or reset Petra Aptos wallet password, Launch Petra wallet > Settings > Security and privacy > Change password > Type current password > Click Save.

Petra wallet is one of the most popular wallets of the Aptos blockchain and it is currently available as a chrome extension where users can install it and start exploring its features. Since we have a lot of applications on our devices, we often tend to get confused with passwords unless we save them somewhere. However, we can change or reset Petra Aptos wallet password quickly in simple steps. 

Steps To Change Petra Wallet Password 

Changing the password is necessary when you feel that your password has been leaked or exposed to someone. It is advisable to change the password immediately after such a scenario.

Step 1: Launch Petra wallet extension on your device.

Step 2: For the wallet extension to be unlocked, provide your current password.

Step 3: You will automatically arrive at the Home page when you first use the Petra Wallet addon.

Step 4: To change the password, go to “Settings.”

Step 5: There are numerous choices available on the Settings page.

Step 6: You must click on “Security & Privacy” after navigating there.

How To Change Or Reset Petra Aptos Wallet Password - security and privacy

Step 7: You will have two choices after clicking on it: Change password and Auto-lock Timer.

Step 8: Select “Change password.”

How To Change Or Reset Petra Aptos Wallet Password -change password

Step 9: You will now be prompted to type in your current password.

Step 10: After that, you must repeat your new password using a mix of numbers, letters, and special characters, to create a strong password.

How To Change Or Reset Petra Aptos Wallet Password - enter password

Step 11: Finally, press “Save.”

By following these steps you may easily change your existing password to a new one and remember to note down the password for future reference and make sure nobody tries to access it.

Steps To Reset Petra Wallet Password

Launch Petra wallet > Reset password > Settings > Take back up > Reset password > Import wallet > Import mnemonic > Enter secret recovery phrase >  Continue > Set password > Accept terms of service > Continue

Resetting your password is necessary if you have forgotten your password or if you have lost the device in which you were using the Petra wallet.

Step 1: Launch the extension for Petra Aptos Wallet.

Step 2: You may notice “Reset password” directly above the Password field. Just click it.

How To Change Or Reset Petra Aptos Wallet Password = reset password

Step 3: You will now see a notice stating that you need to back up your wallet’s private key, mnemonic, or secret recovery phrase. By going to the “Settings” page, you can make a backup of both.

Step 4: Ater taking a backup, again select the “Reset password” button and then select “Yes, I understand.”

How To Change Or Reset Petra Aptos Wallet Password - i understand

Step 5: You will now have the choice between “Import Wallet” and “Create New Wallet.”

Step 6: Since you wish to change the password, select “Import Wallet.”

How To Change Or Reset Petra Aptos Wallet Password - import wallet

Step 7: Either the private key or a secret recovery phrase or mnemonic can be used to reset the password.

Step 8: Click “Import private key” or “Import mnemonic” accordingly. Click “Continue” after that.

How To Change Or Reset Petra Aptos Wallet Password - import mnemonic

Step 9: If you’re using a secret recovery phase, make sure to type it all correctly, without any mistakes in the correct order. Click “Continue” after that.

How To Change Or Reset Petra Aptos Wallet Password - secret phrases

Step 10: Set your new password right now.

Step 11: Create a strong password using a mix of numbers, letters, and special characters.

Step 12: Then read and accept the “Terms of Service.”

How To Change Or Reset Petra Aptos Wallet Password - agree to  terms and services

Step 13: Finally, press “Continue”.

Finally, by following the above-mentioned steps, you may change or reset Petra Aptos wallet password. Make sure to protect your password from others accessing it by storing them in password managers like Google password manager. 

Wrapping Up

It is advisable to save your password the moment you create it and it is also recommended to change your existing password to a new password for additional protection. We hope this article has explained to you how to change or reset Petra Aptos wallet password. For more such informative and interesting articles, follow us at Deasilex.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What Is Aptos Wallet?

Ans. The independent blockchain project Aptos was launched in 2021. A Layer 1 blockchain, emphasizes security and scalability. Diem’s original creators, researchers, designers, and builders make up the Aptos team; in fact, the majority of them were once employed by Meta (Facebook).

Q2. What Is Martian Wallet?

Ans. With almost a million installs to date, Martian is the most widely used wallet on Aptos and the Move ecosystem. Martian’s simple and security-focused design enables users to interact with decentralized applications (dApps) to purchase, store, swap, and collect NFTs.

Q3. How Do I Get Aptos Wallet Address?

Ans. Step 1: On the home screen, click the Aptos wallet.
Step 2: Select Receive. 
Step 3:  Copy the wallet address or scan the QR code to get the address, then transmit your assets to it.

Q4. How To Add Aptos To Trust Wallet?

Ans.  You must install the Aptos Token (APT) if it isn’t already available on your home screen. To do that, tap the token option icon in the top right corner of the Trust Wallet app once it is open to the main wallet screen.

Q5. What Are The Keys To A Crypto Wallet?

Ans. You can receive cryptocurrency transactions if you have a public key. It consists of a cryptographic code and a private key. While anyone can send transactions to the public key, only the owner of the cryptocurrency that was received in the transaction can “unlock” such transactions and show they were sent by them.

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