How To Fix Tesla Trip Planner Not Working? Reasons With Fixes!!

How To Fix Tesla Trip Planner Not Working

With the Tesla trip planner, users can enjoy various features. But is your Tesla trip planner not working? If this is the case, you can try out several ways to fix Tesla trip planner not working.

Tesla is a popular name when one thinks about EVs or Electric Vehicles. Many users have started using the Tesla trip planner to find the most efficient route for their destinations. So, they can find the fastest route automatically with it. But sometimes, users have found several issues with the Tesla trip planner. It is not working well for some users. 

If your Tesla trip planner is not working and you want to fix Tesla Trip Planner not working, several fixes such as clearing the cache and cookies or using it from another device may be of some help to users.

This post will further help you to find out all the crucial details related to the Tesla Trip planner not working issue. We will further be discussing what ways can be tried out to fix Tesla trip planner not working. So, without any further ado, let us get started.

Why Is Tesla Trip Planner Not Working?

Tesla Trip Planner is widely used by various people these days. But it is not working well for many users. The most common reason why one can face such an issue might be because the interface expects users to pick an address from the drop-down every time. It might be a usability issue due to which it is not accepting any copy-pasted addresses. Not just this, it might also be because of a bad internet connection. So, whatever might be the reason, you need to know how to fix Tesla Trip Planner not working. Let us find that out by reading ahead.

How To Fix Tesla Trip Planner Not Working?

If you want to know how to fix Tesla Trip Planner not working, you need to try out several ways such as clearing cache and cookies, internet connection, and many more. So, let us further discuss the ways to fix the issue in more detail.

Fix 1: Clear Cache And Cookies

One of the most effective ways that can be tried out to fix Tesla Trip Planner not working can be to clear the cache and cookies of the website. Clearing the website cache and cookies might work out to fix the problem. So, you can also try doing so to fix this problem.

Fix 2: Choose Address From The Drop-Down

Another common way that can help to fix Tesla Trip Planner not working issue is to select the address from the drop-down instead of copy-pasting it. The interface expects users to choose from the drop-down. So, if you copy-paste it, it won’t mark it well and hence cause issues while using the trip planner.

Fix 3: Use Another Device

If nothing is working your way, you can try using the Tesla Trip Planner from another device. There might be an issue with your device. So, using it from another device might help you to fix Tesla Trip Planner not working.

Fix 4: Check The Internet Connection

Sometimes, a bad internet connection might also cause issues with the Tesla Trip planner. So, you can check your internet connection and if it is unstable, you can try connecting to a stable internet connection and then use it on your device. This might work to fix Tesla Trip Planner not working.

Fix 5: Restart The Browser

If the ways that have been mentioned above work for you, you can try closing the web browser that you are using. After a few minutes, open the web browser again and try accessing Tesla Trip Planner. It might start working now. So, you can also try this way to fix Tesla Trip Planner not working.

These are the most common ways to fix Tesla Trip Planner not working. So, you can also try these ways and fix the issue that you are facing with your Tesla Trip Planner. 


Here ends the post on how to fix Tesla Trip Planner not working. In this post, we have discussed all the crucial details related to the Tesla Trip Planner not working issue along with how it can be fixed. You can also try out the ways that can help you to fix this issue. Share with us in the comment section below which way helped you to fix the issue and in case, you are aware of some other way to fix this issue, share that with us. Also, share this post with your friends and help them to know how to fix Tesla Trip Planner not working.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How Do I Access My Tesla Trip Planner?

A. You can access Trip Planner by going to the Navigation settings and clicking on the settings icon of the map. After that, you can click on the Trip Planner option and start using it.

Q2. Can You Use A Better Route Planner In Tesla?

A. Yes, you can. A Better Route Planner is a good and reliable option for Tesla drivers. 

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Q3. Is Tesla Maps The Same As Google Maps?

A. It can be. Both display routing on a Google map and even accept voice input with generic addresses. 

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