
How To Make A Machine In Little Alchemy 2? A Complete Guide!

How To Make A Machine In Little Alchemy 2

Do you know that you can create amazing experiments with Little Alchemy 2 and do you want to learn how to make a machine in Little Alchemy 2? Well, you have landed at the right place. In this article, let us see how to make a machine in Little Alchemy 2. 

Little Alchemy 2 is an experimental platform that offers young children the opportunity to learn via exploration and experimenting in its own special way.

To make a machine in Little Alchemy 2, you can use combinations such as Tool + Tool, tool + wheel, boiler + wheel, boiler + tool, boiler + chain, tool + chain, and tool + engineer.

Continue reading further to understand in detail how to make a machine in Little Alchemy 2 and what steps are involved in it.

How To Make A Machine In Little Alchemy 2?

To make a machine in Little Alchemy 2, Earth + Fire  → Lava  > Lava + Air Stone > Fire + Fire Energy > Water + Water puddle > puddle + Water   pond > pond + Water   Lake > Lake + Water Sea > Sea + Earth primordial sou > primordial sou + Energy → Life > Earth + Water → Mud > Mud + Stone → Clay > Life + Clay → Human > Stone + Human → Tool > Tool + Tool → Machine.

A free-to-play, cross-platform crafting game called Little Alchemy 2 was created by Recloak and released for Android, iOS, and browsers. Although it is not a product made for content learning, if teachers are adaptable, it gives an experience that can lead to content learning. It is suitable for students in grades 6 through 12. Air, earth, fire, and water are the four fundamental elements in Little Alchemy 2 and are available right away. Using these combinations, you can create a variety of objects ranging from the rainbow, time, fish, sea, Bird, bakery, alien, sugar, beach, angel, milk, universe, etc. It is necessary to use the correct combinations to get the desired result. You can also create wax, metal, tools, and make a machine in Little Alchemy 2. To make a machine in Little Alchemy 2, you can use the below combinations:

  • Tool and wheel
  • Tool and tool
  • Boiler and wheel
  • Boiler and tool
  • Boiler and chain
  • Tool and chain
  • Tool and engineer

Also Read: How To Make A Tree In Little Alchemy 2?

In this guide, we have explained to you how to make a tool, and from the tool, let us make a machine. 

Step 1: Open Little Alchemy 2 and you will be taken to the page where you can create experiments. 

Step 2: On the right-hand side of the page, you will find air, water, earth, and fire. 

How To Make A Machine In Little Alchemy 2 - little alchemy interface

Step 3: You must simply drag and drop these combinations to create various experiments. 

Step 4: Initially, combine earth and fire to get lava.

How To Make A Machine In Little Alchemy 2 - lava

Step 5: Next, combine lava and air to get stone. 

Step 6: Now, combine fire and fire to get energy.

How To Make A Machine In Little Alchemy 2 - energy

Step 7: In the next step, combine water and water to make a puddle. 

Step 8: Now, combine the puddle with water to make a pond. 

How To Make A Machine In Little Alchemy 2 - pond

Step 9: Combine the pond with water again to make a lake, a big pond.

Step 10: Now add water to the lake, to make a sea.

Step 11: In this step, combine sea and earth to create a primordial soup. 

How To Make A Machine In Little Alchemy 2 - primordial soup

Step 12: Now, combine primordial soup and energy to create life.

How To Make A Machine In Little Alchemy 2 - life

Step 13: Then, combine earth and water to get mud.

Step 14: Now, mix mud with stone to get clay.

Also Read: How To Make Space In Little Alchemy 2?

Step 15: Here comes the crucial step where you need to add life to the clay to create a human.

How To Make A Machine In Little Alchemy 2 - human

Step 16: Finally, add a stone to the human to form a tool.

How To Make A Machine In Little Alchemy 2 - tool

Step 17: Now that you have created the tool, by combining two tools you can make a machine in Little Alchemy 2.

After making a machine, you can create the following out of the machine:

  • Machine + Steam = Steam Engine
  • Machine + Sun = Solar Cell
  • Machine + Sundial = Clock
  • Machine + Thread = Fabric + Sewing Machine
  • Machine + Hummingbird = Airplane
  • Machine + Juice = Jam
  • Machine + Light = Spotlight
  • Machine + Lumberjack = Chainsaw
  • Machine + Motorcycle = Car
  • Machine + Needle = Sewing Machine
  • Machine + Time = Clock
  • Machine + Vulture = Airplane
  • Machine + Wheel = Bicycle
  • Machine + Windmill = Wind Turbine
  • Machine + Grass = Lawn Mower
  • Machine + Hacker = Computer
  • Machine + Hay = Hay Bale
  • Machine + Horse = Trojan Horse
  • Machine + Human = Engineer
  • Machine + Wood = Paper
  • Machine + Owl = Airplane
  • Machine + Petroleum = Combustion Engine
  • Machine + Pigeon = Airplane
  • Machine + Scythe = Lawn Mower
  • Machine + Seagull = Airplane
  • Machine + Atmosphere = Rocket
  • Machine + Axe = Chainsaw
  • Machine + Bat = Airplane
  • Machine + Bicycle = Motorcycle
  • Machine + Bird = Airplane
  • Machine + Broom = Vacuum Cleaner
  • Machine + Cold = Fridge
  • Machine + Cotton = Thread
  • Machine + Crow = Airplane
  • Machine + Duck = Airplane

Wrapping Up

We have come to the end of the post. Little Alchemy 2 gives an opportunity for children to get experience in creating various experiments and gain knowledge and enhance their creative thinking skills. We hope this article has given you a clear explanation of how to make a machine in Little Alchemy 2. For more such informative and interesting articles, check out our website at Deasilex.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Q1. How Do You Make A Needle In Little Alchemy 2?

  1. metal + thread
  2. steel + thread
  3. tool + thread

Q2. How Do You Make A Boiler In Little Alchemy 2?

  1. Air + Air → Pressure
  2. Earth + Pressure → Stone
  3. Stone + Fire → Metal
  4. Pressure + Metal → Boiler

Q3. How Do You Make Spiderman In Little Alchemy 2?

  1. animal + net
  2. animal + thread
  3. animal + web

Q4. How Do You Make A Killer Robot In Little Alchemy 2?

  1. life + armor
  2. metal + life
  3. steel + life
  4. metal + golem
  5. steel + golem
  6. golem + armor

Q5. How Do You Make A Submarine In Little Alchemy 2?

  1. Earth + Earth → Land
  2. Land + Land → Continent
  3. Continent + Continent → Planet
  4. Planet + Fire → Sun

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