We share our Youtube content to increase its reach and gain new followers to become a successful Youtuber. However, sometimes we simply restrict our videos by saving them as “private”. If you have done the same and now wish to share the same with your friends, then here’s how you can do that. Know the step-by-step procedure of how to share a private Youtube video with your friends and family!
Youtube is overflowing with a variety of content. Some of that belongs exclusively to us while some don’t. Even if we create content on a daily basis, sometimes we just aren’t in the mood to let the whole world know about it and thus set it as private and there are various perks of it too!
The Youtube video you have set as private will only be visible to the people with who you wish to share it! However, the process isn’t as simple as sharing a public or unlisted Youtube video. You have to know the steps on how to share a private Youtube video to successfully do the job!
You can share the private Youtube video with an email and with a link too. Let’s see how you can do that! But before that, it is better that you know the difference between the most confused privacy terms of Youtube, i.e. Private, Unlisted and Public!
Youtube Private Vs Unlisted Vs Public Video

Youtube has three privacy settings and those who frequently use this app might already know what these are. However, if you don’t know, here’s everything you need to know about Youtube’s privacy settings!
The three privacy settings of Youtube are Private, Unlisted, and Public.
Whenever you upload a new video on Youtube, there’s always an option to change the privacy settings of the content you’re posting. By default, your video privacy setting is set as “Public” which means anyone can watch this video. The content you save as “Public” will appear on the search results and it will also be visible on your Youtube Channel.
Public video can be shared and watched by anyone and that’s pretty much understandable by the name alone. So that was all about Public privacy settings on Youtube. Now coming on to the most confused ones- Youtube Private Vs Unlisted!
People are often puzzled about Youtube Private Vs Unlisted but you should know that there’s nothing puzzling about them. If only you know what these settings refer to, then you will never be confused about them.
First of all, Private videos as the name itself suggest, are private. No one can watch this video except you or the people with whom you specifically share it by giving access to it. You can give access by inviting them to view your video (Max 50 people). Also, the private videos that you share can only be viewed by people who have Youtube accounts. The advantages of setting a video as private are many like
- Videos do not appear on your channel
- Videos aren’t shown in search results
- Videos aren’t shown in recommendations
- These videos can’t be commented on.
- People can’t share this video and even if someone has the link to it, they can’t watch it unless they have been invited.
Now coming to the Unlisted privacy setting! Unlisted videos are those which do not appear in search results, aren’t shown in recommendations, aren’t posted or visible on your channel. Unlisted videos, however, can be watched by anyone who has the link.
This was all about Private, Unlisted, and Public Youtube videos.
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How To Share A Private Youtube Video?
No matter how sketchy it sounds, saving a Youtube video as private is not a sin. There’s some content that we do not want the world to know about and only want to share the same with our selected friends and family.
If you have such a private youtube video that you wish to share with your friends then welcome to the hub! Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to share a private Youtube video with ease!
Step 1: Log in to your Youtube account.

The first and foremost step in sharing a private Youtube video is logging in to your Youtube account that has the video that you want to share.
Step 2: Go to “Your Videos” from the left bar

After you open your Youtube account, click on the “Your Videos” option from the sidebar that is in between the “History” and “Watch Later” options.
Step 3: Your Youtube Studio will open containing your videos. Go to the private video that you wish to share.

After clicking on the “Your Video” option, “Youtube Studio” will open automatically with a directory of all your content ranging from public, private and unlisted. Even your drafts will be visible here. Here, you have to look for the private Youtube video you want to share.
Note: Although clicking on the “Your Videos” will automatically open the “Content” tab on “Youtube Studio”. However, if it doesn’t happen, go to the “Content” option from the left sidebar. Here, all your Youtube videos will appear.
Step 4: Click on the “Pen” icon and all the details of your video will appear.

After you finish looking for the “Private Youtube Video” that you want to share, move your cursor on that particular video. Four icons like “pen”, “graph”, “comments”, “Youtube”, “3 dots” will appear. You have to click on the pen-like icon and all the details of your private video will open.
Step 5: Click on the “Visibility” option and various options like private, public, and unlisted will appear.

After you click on the “Pen” icon, all the details of your private video will open. Here you have to go to the “Visibility” option that is on the left sidebar. After clicking on the “Visibility” option, a list of options like – “Save or Publish | Private (Share privately) | Unlisted | Public” will appear.
Step 6: Click on the share privately option and add the email of the person you want to share your private video with.

After you’ve clicked on the “Visibility” option, click on the “share privately” option under “Private”. Once you click on that, a box with “invitees” will appear directing you to add the email of the person you want to share your private video with. Here you have to write the email of the person you’re planning to share the video with. You have to keep in mind that you can share the video with a maximum of 50 people only.
Step 7: Hit “Notify Via Email” after you’re done adding the emails.

After you have successfully added the emails of the people you want to share your private Youtube video with, hit on the “notify via email” option at the end and then click on “Done”.
Step 8: Complete the whole process by saving the changes at last. Click on the “save” option on the top right and your private Youtube video will be successfully shared.

After adding emails of people and clicking on done, complete the whole process by clicking on save on the top right. After saving the changes you made, your video will be shared with the people whose emails you added. The person will receive the email with the link to your private video and that’s how they can watch your private video.
Note: The Youtube private videos can not be shared by the link alone. These are shared with emails only and that’s how they get restricted to particular emails. Only the people who have the access to your private video can watch it and even if they try to share the same with the link, nobody can watch it unless their email has been added by you to the “invite” list.
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How To Share A Private Youtube Video With A Link?
Although private youtube videos are mostly shared by emails, you can share the same with a link too! To share a private Youtube video with a link, you have to do some of the additional steps than what has been mentioned above. Here is the step-by-step guide on how you can share a private Youtube video with a link!

Step 1: Log in to your Youtube account.
Step 2: Go to “Your Videos” from the left sidebar.
Step 3: Your Youtube studio channel will open with a directory of all your Youtube videos. Select the private video you want to share.
Step 4: Edit the private video you want to share by clicking on the “pen” option.
Step 5: Go to the visibility option and then click on the blue “share privately” option.
Step 6: Add the email of the person you want to share the video with and save the process. Click on “Done” on the top left and complete the whole process.
Step 7: After saving the process, go back by clicking on the “Channel content with an arrow” on the top left.
Step 8: Look at your private video that you just edited and then click on the “three dots” icon with the Youtube symbol on your video. After clicking on that, five options will appear and one of them would be “shareable link”.
Step 9: Click on the “shareable link” and a link will be generated. Copy that link and share it with the people whose email address you added in the previous steps.
Note: If you share the link with others whose email you haven’t added in the “invite”, then those people can’t watch your Youtube video.
Wrapping Up:
Private Youtube videos can be shared with ease if you know the correct steps. There are two popular and most used ways of sharing a private video and that is- with emails and with a link. However, you need to keep in mind that sharing a private video with a link is actually an extension of the “email invite” way.
No matter how you choose to share your “Youtube Private Video”, adding an email of the person is the constant step. If you forget to add the email, then your video won’t be visible to the people!
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How Do I Give Someone Access To A Private Youtube Video?
To give someone access to your private video, you first have to edit that private video and add the email of the people with who you want to share the video. In the visibility option, you’ll see a “shareable privately” under the “private” option. Add the emails of people in the “share privately” dialogue box. After you do that, save the settings and then your private video will be successfully shared!
Q. What Is The Best Way To Share A Video Privately?
The best way to share a video privately is by adding the email of the people on the “share privately” dialogue box. Don’t forget to hit the “Notify via email” option. After you do this, a mail will be sent to the person whose email you added. This email will have the link to the private video you shared and thus, the person can view your private video now!