How To Tell If Someone Blocked You From Seeing Their Snapchat Story?

How To Tell If Someone Blocked You From Seeing Their Snapchat Story?

Do you think someone has blocked you from seeing their Snapchat story? But not sure about it? Then, don’t worry, here’s a post on How to Tell If Someone Blocked You From Seeing Their Snapchat Story. However, Snapchat doesn’t provide a quick way that will help you to find out this information.

If you are wondering why can’t you see your friend’s Snapchat stories if you are not blocked them it is either because they have their story set to friends only or maybe you are not their Snapchat friend. Another reason why you cannot see their Snapchat story could be because of some glitch and you are not actually blocked.

Now, coming back to your question on How to Tell If Someone Blocked You From Seeing Their Snapchat Story. Well, if you are not sure if someone has blocked you or not, then this post is going to help you. At times Snapchat stories can be available even when the other person did not block you. However, if there is a glitch then you can fix the bug by updating the app.

Don’t worry, we have mentioned all the steps below that will help you to know if someone has blocked you from seeing their Snapchat story. So now, let’s not waste any more time and quickly get started.

Can You Tell If Someone Blocked You From Seeing Their Snapchat Story?

How To Tell If Someone Blocked You From Seeing Their Snapchat Story?

Now, before jumping on to answer your question on How to Tell If Someone Blocked You From Seeing Their Snapchat Story. Let us know if you can tell whether someone has blocked you or not from seeing their Snapchat story. Well, sadly this is not possible to know who has actually blocked you from seeing their story on Snapchat because this is a violation of other people’s privacy. Though their Snapchat story is actually available for all their friends if they have decided to block you from their story, then, there is actually no way by which you can see it.

If you are thinking that your friend has blocked you from seeing their story on Snapchat, then, there is no specific way to find it out. But if before blocking you they didn’t post much, then, you will know whether they have blocked you or not. But if someone doesn’t post stories that does not means that they have blocked you from seeing their story.

How To Tell If Someone Blocked You From Seeing Their Snapchat Story?

Let’s discuss How To Tell If Someone Blocked You From Seeing Their Snapchat Story. With your intuition, you can easily say whether someone has blocked you or not from viewing their Snapchat story. There are ways that will help you to find out but as your Snapchat may be blocked from being theirs there is actually no way by which you can use this account to know. However, you can use other accounts to see because they will not be hidden from viewing stories.

1.    Ask Your Friend To Send Their Story

How To Tell If Someone Blocked You From Seeing Their Snapchat Story?

Well, the first thing that you can do is ask your friend to send you their Snapchat story. You have to ask that friend who hasn’t been blocked and someone who has them as a friend. If their Snapchat account is private, then, this person has to be their friend first. But if this person who you think has blocked you has their story setting on everyone and not friends only then this means that you can get anyone to search for their name and their name and story will come up.

2.    Make A Fake Snapchat Account

How To Tell If Someone Blocked You From Seeing Their Snapchat Story?

If you don’t want to ask anyone to send their story then you can easily make a fake account. This account needs to be real so that they can accept you as a friend so that you can see their stories. Or if their Snapchat account is available for anyone to view then you will be able to make the account without making it look believable.

After you do this you will be able to check if there is any story that you can see that you were not able to view from your original account. If you can then this means that you have been blocked.

3.    Ask A Friend To Show You

 Ask A Friend To Show You

If you have a friend who has Snapchat then you can give them the username of the person whom you suspect and ask them to view their story. You will only be able to do this if they don’t have them as a friend and their account is not private.

If they do have them as a friend then this will be much easy. If they can see their story and you cannot see it on your account then they have blocked you.

4.    Did They Stop Posting For A While?

How To Tell If Someone Blocked You From Seeing Their Snapchat Story?

Another way by which you can tell if they have stopped you from viewing their story is by looking at how much they post their story and then comparing it to how much they post now. If they posted very frequently and then stop then you can use this as an evidence that they have stopped viewing their story.

It can also be that they have stopped posting because they don’t want to post. But if they have posted frequently and consistently for many months and stopped for a few weeks then they have blocked you.

5.    Ask Them

How To Tell If Someone Blocked You From Seeing Their Snapchat Story?

You can even ask them directly ask them whether they have blocked you or not from viewing their Snapchat story. Though they may not tell you the truth. But you can use other methods to know whether they have actually blocked you from viewing their story or not.

Wrapping Up:

Now, hopefully, this post has answered your question on How to Tell If Someone Blocked You From Seeing Their Snapchat Story. You can try out these ways to know but they are not full-proof methods and Snapchat will not notify you whether they have blocked you from viewing their story or not. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How To Know If Someone Blocked You On Snapchat?

To know if someone has blocked you on Snapchat or not you can try to send them a message, if they have blocked you, they will not receive the message, you will just get to see the delivered tag. If you see that the message is not viewed for months and days then they have blocked you.

Q. If You Block Someone On Snapchat Will They Know?

No, if you block someone on Snapchat, then, they will not be notified about it. This is the main reason blocking is used to keep your stalker at distance.

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