
How To Use Your Own Photo As Chat Theme On Instagram? Easy Steps!!

How To Use Your Own Photo As Chat Theme On Instagram?

Well, if you have been using Instagram app for quite some time then you do know that you can change the themes and colors of your Instagram chats. When you change your chat theme you are actually making your chat theme more interesting. But what if you want to use your own photo as chat theme on Instagram? Do you know how to use your own photo as chat theme on Instagram?

Instagram is a social media app that will allow you to communicate and stay connected with people from all over the world. This famous app is being used by millions of users from all over the world. You can use this app to share pictures, stories, and many more with your followers on a private or public account. You can even promote your brands on this platform.

Do you know how to use your own photo as chat theme on Instagram? Well, here’s what you can do. Instagram app > DM icon > open the chat for which you want to change the chat theme > profile name > chat settings menu > theme option > choose the preferred theme.

Well, the answer to this question has been mentioned below. So, all you gotta do is scroll down a bit and you will find the answer to change the themes and colors of your Instagram chats. Now, without wasting any more time let’s quickly get started.

How To Use Your Own Photo As Chat Theme On Instagram?

How To Use Your Own Photo As Chat Theme On Instagram?

Let us discuss how to use your own photo as chat theme on Instagram 2023. Well, if you have been using WhatsApp then you do know that you can use your own photo as your chat theme on Instagram. Have you ever used it? We do understand that using the same default chat theme is boring. So, if you really want some change and want to brighten up your chat theme then you can easily change your chat theme and add your own photo. In this way, your chat theme will also become interesting.

But what if you want to make your Instagram chat theme interesting too by using your own photo, can you do that? Now, that’s a big question!! You can change the chat theme on Instagram but at the moment, you will not be able to add your photo to your chat theme on Instagram, this feature hasn’t been made available to Instagram for now.

Since Meta owns Instagram and WhatsApp and you can use your own photo as your chat theme on WhatsApp, there is a possibility that in the near future, this feature of using your photos as your chat theme can be implemented as well in Instagram. So, till then, you can just change your chat theme on Instagram but not use your photo. You can just wait as of now for the new update when Instagram allows you to add your photo as a chat theme.

How To Change Chat Theme On Instagram?

Now, that you know How To Use Your Own Photo As Chat Theme On Instagram in 2022, let’s get to know how to change the chat theme on Instagram. Here we have mentioned a few steps that you need to follow to change your chat theme.

Step 1: Well, the first thing that you have to do is open the Instagram app and then click on the messaging or DM icon which you will find in the upper right-hand side corner of the screen.

Step 2: Next, you need to open the chat that you want to change.

Step 3: Now, click on your profile name, so that you can open up the chat settings menu.

Step 4: In the chat settings section, you need to choose the theme option.

Step 5: Select the preferred theme in the themes section. Or if you want then you can even select a color in the colors and gradients section.

These were the steps listed above on how to use Instagram chat themes to liven up your DMs

How Does The Chat Theme Change The Look Of Your Instagram DMs?

How To Use Your Own Photo As Chat Theme On Instagram?

When you select the theme, the chat background or the wallpaper will be changed to the preset image or art, and the color of the text bubbles will be changed to the shade that will match the background. So, if you want more customization then you can change your chat theme.

Wrapping Up:

So that’s all about how to use your own photo as chat theme on Instagram. As of now, there is no update as to when Instagram will roll out this feature where you could change your chat theme with your own photo, but we assume that this feature will soon be made available. Till then, you can wait for the updates.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Why Can’t You See The Chat Theme Option?

If you cannot see the chat theme option on Instagram then ensure that you are using the latest version of the Instagram app. Try to update it from the Google Play Store or App Store. You can even try to clear the cached data of the app and then log in to your account again. Moreover, you may also need to enable cross-platform messaging on Instagram with the Facebook messenger app so that you can enable the chat theme.

Q. How To Prevent Someone From Changing The Chat Theme?

Irritated with your friend changing the chat theme for no good reason? Well, if you want someone to prevent you from changing the chat theme the only way to stop this is by blocking that person from your account, Instagram does not give you the control to restrict someone from changing the chat theme.

Q. Can You Apply The Chat Theme On All Chats At Once?

Well, when you change the chat theme this will only be applied to the individual chat. There is sadly no way by which you can apply the chat theme to all your Instagram chats all at once. This could be because Instagram has created this feature to blend the theme with the mood of your conversation which is not the same for everyone. So if you want to apply the same then on many chats you gotta do it manually.

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