Twitter Unmentioning Function | What Is This New Feature All About?

Twitter Unmentioning Function

Do you know Twitter launches new features now and then to update its platform with useful tools to give it a user-friendly experience? One such feature is the Twitter unmentioning function. This is perhaps a new function and this post will discuss the same.

The unmentioning feature will allow the users to exclude themselves from the tweet and can leave the conversation. There are times when you do want to cut off yourself. But if someone mentions you and you don’t like it you still had to bear it. But no more of it as Twitter has launched the new umentioning feature.

With this unmentioning feature, you can easily take control of your mentions and if you want then you can even leave the conversation with the unmentioning function which is now available for everyone. So, if you want to know about Twitter Unmentioning function this post is going to help you out.

Here we will discuss how you can use this function and how it works. This is a really easy function and you will not face any issues while using this function. So, let’s not waste any more time and quickly get started.

What Is Twitter Unmentioning Function?

Twitter Unmentioning Function

The Twitter platform includes a new feature that will allow the users to simply unmention themselves. This new unmention feature will give you control over your mentions. The function is available to all the users today across all the platforms which include iOS, Android, Mac, and the web.

Also, as the name suggests the new function will allow you to erase any references to your Twitter account from the tweet. This will also allow users to remove themselves from the narrative which allows you to abandon the Twitter conversation. Twitter revealed the new feature on Monday that claims that it will allow you to take control of your mentions and quit a conversation of which you will no longer want to be a part of it anymore.

How Does The Twitter Unmentioning Function Work?

Twitter Unmentioning Function

If you want to step away from the virtual conversation and want to unmention your user ID from the tweet, then here are a few steps that you need to follow.

  1. Open the tweet where you were tagged.
  2. Click on the three dots which you will find in the upper right-hand side corner of the tweet.
  3. Tap on the option that says leave this conversation.
  4. Once you are done then you will be unmentioned from the tweet and you will no longer get the notification when someone else replies to the tweet or retweet it.

Why Is The Unmention Feature Necessary?

Twitter Unmentioning Function

Twitter said that the main purpose of this feature is to help the users to remove themselves from any kind of unwanted attention. The unmention feature works by untagging the mentioned user from the tweet and making sure that no one else will include them in the thread again.

This is similar to the untag feature which has been around for years on the social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Just like Facebook and Instagram Twitter has introduced this feature to curb the abuses that in turn will help the users to stay safe online.

What Happens When You Unmention Yourself?

What Happens When You Unmention Yourself?

When you choose to unmention yourself from any tweet then Twitter will let you know that leaving a discussion will result in the following actions:

  1. Untag your username: your username will stay in the text form, but it will be removed from the original tweet as well as all the responses.
  2. Stop future mentions: no one can bring you up again in this chat.
  3. Stop receiving alerts: you will no longer get the notifications but you will still be able to view the chat.

When you confirm the desire to quit the discussion then your username is removed from all the tweets in that chat. This means that other people will not be able to read your profile. The new unmentioned tool is the latest move in the micro-blogging platform effort to combat the abuse. According to Twitter the purpose of this function is to empower the users to block unwanted attention.

Wrapping Up:

So, this is all about the Twitter Unmentioning function. This feature will allow you to take control of your mentions. So, if you don’t like the tweet or you don’t want to be mentioned simply unmention yourself. if you have any questions, you can reach us in the comment section below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How To Unmention Yourself?

if you want to untag yourself from the tweet then just select the leave this conversation option from the three-dot menu which will show up next to the reply button in the thread that you want to leave.

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