People are often posting ‘Slows’ in Snapchat stories. The trend is not new, but not many Snapchat users do know what Slows mean on Snapchat. If you are also clueless about why some Snapchat users are often posting ‘Slows’ on Snapchat, this article will help you out!
Snapchat is popular for drawing friends closer and making ease of conversations. Using acronyms and abbreviations makes it easier to type and adds some fun too. For instance, we often find a group of users using ‘Slows’ on Snapchat. Let’s figure out what Slows mean on Snapchat.
Putting a ‘Slows’ tag on the storyboard is solely a Snapchat thing. If you are lousy enough to chat with your friends on Snapchat or you need more ‘me’ time, just put a ‘Slows’ tag on Snapchat, and other users will comprehend what Slows mean on Snapchat.
What Does Slows Mean On Snapchat?
On Snapchat, Slows stands for an action ‘slow responding’ to chats or comments. So, if you are wondering why people on Snapchat are often posting ‘Slows’, the truth is, Slows mean on Snapchat, they are not available now to answer any chats or reply to comments.
As we mentioned above, using Slows slang is solely a Snapchat thing and you will not find this action on any other social media platforms. This Snapchat slang is easily recognizable. Most of the teenagers and young adults, especially students, are often found using this slang.
Origin Of Slows
When we started digging for the origin of ‘Slows’ and what Slows mean on Snapchat, we simply found that Slows is a common phrase among Snapchat users. This cyber slang first popped up in 2018 and after that surfaced many times. And now, it has become a trend to use this Snapchat slang whenever any Snapchat users need a break from this social platform.
While many are criticizing the use of this cyber term, the truth behind the origin of this slang is, it is wise to let others know that you are not available on Snapchat rather than keeping their chats unanswered! Using ‘Slows’ in fact is a way of leaving the followers on Snapchat for a short break on good terms.
How Is Slows Used On Snapchat?
If you are wondering what Slows mean on Snapchat, it may indicate that you have come to some Snapchat posts or Twitter updates where people say things like “If you’re 18+ and still putting ‘slows’ on your Snapchat story please put your nappy back on” or “people who still put ‘out slows’ on there story’s need to delete Snapchat n reevaluate life”.
The possible reason behind this rage is, Snapchat is all about chatting with friends, making more friends, and being active round the clock. So, if you are not capable of being present on such active social media, and put up a ‘Slows’ banner, then you could be targeted with hate speech!
However, the truth is, it is hard to manage work-life if you try to be active on social media like Snapchat all the time. Hence, overlook the unnecessary criticism and use ‘Slows’ on Snapchat stories whenever you think it’s time to take a short break from Snapchat!
A Few Examples Of How You Can Use Slows On Snapchat
Now that we have discussed the truth behind the origin of ‘Slows’ on Snapchat and what Slows mean on Snapchat, you must have a fair understanding of how to use this tag on your storyboard. However, here are some of the great examples to express your feelings better when in need:
Example 1:
Sorry for the slows, I’m back!
Example 2:
On vacay, slows!
Example 3:
Visiting family, slows!
Is It Okay To Use Slows On Snapchat?
Yes, it is okay to use Slows on Snapchat.
While digging for the Snapchat slang ‘Slows’, we found that Slows mean on Snapchat the user is unable to respond on Snapchat currently or it is a ‘Slow response’ depending on the situation. Hence, using ‘Slows’ depicts an action on Snapchat, which is taking a short break from this popular social media.
Hence, if someone is using ‘Slows’ on Snapchat, we need to show support depending on the cause and not rage. Remember that using Slows on Snapchat is completely okay.
Other Snapchat Acronyms And Abbreviations You Should Know
Now that you know what Slows mean on Snapchat, you understand how to use this cyber speak on Snapchat for the benefit. Like Slows, there are many harmless Snapchat acronyms that are often used in the Snapchat community. Here are some of the Snapchat acronyms and abbreviations that might interest you:
1. BML – Bling My Line
2. BP – Beautiful People
3. BTS – Behind The Scenes
4. CYA – See Ya
5. DTB – Don’t Trust Boys / B*tches
6. FSE – Funniest Sh*t Ever
7. FWI – Facebooking While Intoxicated
8. OML – Oh My Lord
9. HML – Hit My Line
10. HTL – Hit The Line
11. IBF – Internet Best Friend
12. ISK – I Should Know
13. JP – Just Playing
14. MS – Mass Snap
15. OMH – Oh My Heavens
Social media is now playing a crucial role in our life. From teenagers to retired ones, all are connecting on Snapchat. Hence, if you are not replying to your Snapchat messages, it is rude! Hence, if you are busy, just use the ‘Slows’ message on your Snapchat story and your friends and followers will get the message! Looking for more Snapchat slang like ‘slows’? Explore Deasilex now!
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: What Does Slows Stand For?
Slows stands for “the user is unable to respond on Snapchat” or it is a ‘Slow response’.
Q2: When Should I Use The Slows?
If you are unable to answer Snapchat messages for some time, or taking a break from social media, you can use ‘Slows’ on Snapchat.
Q3: What Does Slows Mean On The Internet?
On the internet Slows mean “the user is unable to respond on Snapchat” or it is a ‘Slow response’.