What Does WTP Mean On Snapchat? Versatile Slang Decoded!!

WTP Mean On Snapchat

If you are feeling bored and want to know your friend’s plans for the evening so that you can plan something interesting together, then it’s time to say WTP! Ask them WTP tonight! Learn what does WTP mean on Snapchat and kick off the old style of asking your friends about their upcoming plans!

Snapchat Lingo has taken the slang game to the next level with its cool and unique acronyms. One such versatile slang that can often be used in boredom is WTP. WTP is a casual way to ask your friends what they are up to or do they have any plans for the evening so that you can together plan something. So, let’s dig into what does WTP mean on Snapchat.   

WTP meaning on Snapchat is What’s The Plan. What’s The Point is another thing that WTP mean on Snapchat.

Snapchat Lingo includes many easy-to-guess slang, but WTP is not one that can be guessed easily. So, if you are trying hard to decipher WTP meaning, then worry not because we are here to help you find what does WTP mean on Snapchat and how to use it!

What Does WTP Mean On Snapchat?

WTP means “What’s The Plan” on Snapchat. WTP is a versatile slang that can be used as a shorthand for What’s The Plan to know what your friend is planning for the evening or do they have any specific plans, if not, then you can plan something accordingly. Apart from this, What’s The Point is another thing that WTP mean on Snapchat. It can be used to ask the other person about the reason for doing something. Let’s discover the different interpretations of WTP on Snapchat.

  1. WTP for What’s The Plan
  2. WTP for What’s The Point
  3. WTP for What’s The Play
  4. WTP for Where’s The Party
  5. WTP for Want To Play
  6. WTP for What’s The Plot
  7. WTP for What’s The Purpose.

Origin Of WTP  

The slang WTP is believed to have originated in the early 1990s and 2000s when social media platforms were slowly getting recognition. When digging into what does WTP mean on Snapchat, we found that it is believed to have originated when teenagers used it as a shorthand for What’s The Plan? WTP became quite popular with the rising popularity of social media apps and now it is recognized worldwide as a popular Snapchat slang. Now it is used as a casual way of interacting with your friends and family. 

How Is WTP Used On Snapchat?

Now that you have an idea of what does WTP mean on Snapchat, it is important to know how to use this slang in your conversations. So, here are the different interpretations and scenarios where it is apt to use WTP.

1. WTP For What’s The Plan

The most common use of WTP can be made for What’s The Plan. If you want to know what are your friends planning for the evening or do they have anything important to do, so that you can plan accordingly.    

2. WTP For What’s The Point

Another common usage of this slang can be for What’s The Point to know about the reason for doing something. You can drop a WTP and ask your friend about the purpose behind doing something in particular.

A Few Examples Of How You Can Use WTP On Snapchat  

Want to know what does WTP mean on Snapchat and how to use it in your conversations? Then, check out the below-mentioned examples for that!

Example 1: When WTP is used for What’s The Plan

User 1: Hey, WTP?

User 2: NTH

User 1: Up for a night party tonight?

User 2: Sure!!

Example 2: When WTP is used for What’s The Point

User 1: WTP of doing the assignment on time?

User 2: Yes, the professor accepts late entries too!

User 1: Yeah! Let’s submit it late this time!

User 2: Sure!

Is It Okay To Use WTP On Snapchat?

Yes, it is absolutely okay to use WTP on Snapchat. We have discussed all the popular definitions of WTP on Snapchat, however, none of them had a negative connotation. This is the common reason why we find this slang absolutely harmless. So, you can feel free to make use of WTP in your informal conversations while DMing your friends and family on Snapchat or any other social media platform.

Other Snapchat Acronyms And Abbreviations You Should Know

  • GNGood Night
  • DNDDo Not Disturb
  • MBNMust Be Nice
  • WYLLWhat You Looking Like
  • WTVWhatever
  • HRU – How Are You
  • BML – Bling My Line
  • BP – Beautiful People
  • BTS – Behind The Scenes
  • CYA – See Ya
  • DTB –  Don’t Trust Boys / B*tches
  • FSE – Funniest Sh*t Ever 
  • OML – Oh My Lord
  • NP – No Problem
  • NGTS – Not Gonna Text Someone

Wrapping Up

Using Snapchat Lingo is the new trend among youngsters. However, keeping up with this trend isn’t easy these days. You need to be updated with the latest slang to use Snapchat and chat with your friends hassle-free because almost every Snapchatter prefers chatting in slang. Now that you are familiar with what does WTP mean on Snapchat, it is time to go ahead, and make use of this slang in conversations with your Gen Z friends to look cool and updated!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q1. What Does WTP Stand For?

A. WTP stands for What’s The Plan.

Q2. When Should I Use The WTP?

A. You can use WTP in your informal conversations while DMing your friends and family for What’s The Plan.

Q3. What Does WTP Mean On The Internet?

A. WTP on the internet means What’s The Plan or What’s The Point.

Q4. What Is WTP Meaning In Text?

A. WTP in the text means What’s The Plan.

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