What Is After Dark On Snapchat 2023? After Dark Feature On Snapchat

After Dark On Snapchat

Snapchat is a perfect platform to share your favorite memories in the form of Stories. Stay calm as Snapchat has surprised its users recently with its After Dark feature! Wondering what is After Dark on Snapchat? Fret not, because After Dark is a new Stories feature on Snapchat that has taken the world by storm!

Snapchat is well-known for its cool features like the Snapchat Plus Planets feature, Snapchat Astrology, and many more. Recently, this social media app has been making buzz with the After Dark Stories feature. If you want to try the feature to share your nightlife and late evening activities, then it is important to know what is After Dark on Snapchat!

After Dark on Snapchat is one of the latest features introduced by the Snapchat app that allows users to share special Stories that are active on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m.

Now that you have got a little idea about what is After Dark on Snapchat, let’s us disclose that you will only be able to see your friends After Dark Stories when you post your own on Snapchat! As the feature seems quite exciting, it’s time to learn everything regarding what is After Dark thing on Snapchat is!

What Is After Dark On Snapchat?

After Dark on Snapchat is a special feature that allows users to post their favorite memories in the form of Stories on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. 

Within the fixed time, users can post anything of their choice such as Snaps or videos in their After Dark Stories. You can easily watch what your friends have posted in their After Dark Stories from 5 a.m. onwards. However, there is something important to remember! You will only be able to watch your friends After Dark Stories once you post your own. 

This concept seems to be based on the BeReal and TikTok Now concept “Post to see what your friends are posting”. Now that you have got to know what is After Dark on Snapchat, before learning how to try the After Dark feature on Snapchat, remember that you will only be able to post an After Dark Story on the three fixed days, and not on some other day!

How To Post An After Dark Story On Snapchat?

To post an After Dark Story on Snapchat, navigate to your Snapchat profile > My Stories > Add to After Dark > Choose a Story > Add it to the Story.

Step 1: Open your Snapchat account and navigate to your Snapchat profile.

Step 2: Next, scroll down to the My Stories section.

Step 3: Now, tap on the Add to After Dark option.

Step 4: Then, choose a picture or a video of your choice, and send it to the “Add It To the Story” option.

Before you post your After Dark Story on Snapchat, it is worth remembering that a user can only add one snap to their After Dark Story each night.

Is After Dark Different From Normal Snapchat Stories? 

Yes, the After Dark Stories on Snapchat are a little different from the Normal Snapchat Stories. 

Though you won’t find any difference in visible appearances of an After Dark and a normal Snapchat Story, however, they are quite different from one another. As everyone is aware that normal Snapchat Stories can be posted on any day and anytime unlike After Dark Stories which can only be posted after 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. Moreover, normal Snapchat Stories disappear after 24 hours and can be viewed by any of your Snapchat friends. However, After Dark Stories can only be viewed once you post your own After Dark Story on Snapchat. Also, a moon icon is visible next to your After Dark Story while no such thing is visible in normal Snapchat Stories.

Wrapping Up

Snapchat is a popular social media app known for its super-interesting features. The recently launched After Dark Stories on Snapchat was one of the eagerly awaited features among teenagers. Finally, the much-awaited After Dark Stories have been unveiled on Snapchat! However, several users feel disappointed after learning what is After Dark on Snapchat because they don’t find anything special or different about this feature from ordinary Snapchat Stories. Nevertheless, if you are impressed with this feature, then try using it now, and check out what your friends are sharing in their After Dark Snapchat Stories!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How Do You Get Rid Of The After Dark On Snapchat?

A. To get rid of your After Dark on Snapchat, you need to navigate to your Snapchat profile and open your After Dark from the My Stories section. Then, tap on the Ellipsis icon, and then on the Delete option.

Q2. What Is The Snapchat After Hours Feature?

A. Snapchat After Hours or After Dark is a Snapchat Story feature that allows users to share Stories on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday after 8 p.m. to 5 a.m.

Q3. What Is After Dark Thing On Snapchat?

A. After Dark thing on Snapchat is one of the latest Snapchat features that allows users to post exclusive content in their Stories after 8 p.m. on Thursday, Friday, or Saturday.

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