Disneyland Instagram Hacked | All You Need To Know!

There’s a lot of buzz on social media platfroms and everyone is talking about Disneyland Instagram hacked. On July 7, 2022, several hackers hacked and displayed offensive/ demeaning posts for several hours. When the Disney officials became aware they instantly removed those posts.

The last Instagram post made by Disneyland on their page was about the new film, Tale of the new king. After that, there has been news going on Disneyland Instagram hack. There has been a confirmation made by the Disneyland spokesperson that their Instagram, as well as Facebook, has been compromised.

If you are also interested in knowing more about Disneyland Instagram hacked then you have landed at the right place. The hacking was done in terms of revenge. Many degrading posts and stories were made but the Disneyland authorities did everything in their power to remove them as soon as possible. This article will provide you with all the information and the latest update about Disneyland’s Instagram hacked.

Disneyland Instagram Hacked

There has been a lot of debate about whether Disneyland’s Instagram hack was real or not? Yes, the Disneyland Instagram hacked was real. Earlier this Thursday Disneyland Instagram was hacked along with its Facebook account. Disneyland’s Instagram hacked was hacked by a hacker and then he posted extremely racist slurs before that offending content was put down by the authorities.

​​“We worked quickly to remove the reprehensible content, secure our accounts, and our security teams are conducting an investigation,” a Disneyland Resort spokesperson said in a statement.

What Was In Disneyland Instagram Hacked?

According to sources, Disneyland’s Instagram was hacked, and four posts were made from the official account at about 4:30 a.m. Pacific Thursday with the caption “Super hacker”. The Los Angeles Times reported that the hacker was taking revenge on the theme park. There were a lot of homophobic slurs and repeated use of the N-word. 

The hacker added for posts and two stories on the Disneyland Instagram page.  In one of the posts on Disneyland’s Instagram hacked, the hacker said that his intention for the attack was because “Disney employees mocking me for having a small penis”. This gets more intense when he claims to take responsibility for “inventing” COVID and also threatened that he was going to release a new deadly strain of the coronavirus. All these posts are now deleted.

In a statement to NBC News, a Disneyland spokesperson confirmed that “Disneyland Resort’s Facebook and Instagram accounts were compromised early this morning” and that the offending posts have since been removed.

Who Was Disneyland Instagram Hacker?

A self-proclaimed “super hacker” named David Do is taking all the credit for hacking the Disneyland Instagram hacked scandal. 

Disneyland’s Instagram account has around 8.4 million followers and the Facebook page has over 16 million followers. There is no information regarding the hacker or how he got access to Disneyland’s social media. The hacker wanted his revenge and made no public demands for money or any other compensation.

Wrapping Up

Disney like every other corporation has been struggling to protect itself from cybercrime. Back in 2020, thousands of Disney+  accounts were hacked and the user’s credentials were stolen after the launch in the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. If you were also interested in knowing all about the Disneyland Instagram hack then we got you covered. This article will provide you with all the latest information that you need to know about Disneyland’s Instagram hack.  

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is Disneyland Instagram Hacked?

There has been a lot of debate about whether the Disneyland Instagram account was hacked or not. Yes, the Disneyland Instagram hack was real. Earlier this Thursday Disneyland Instagram hacked along with its Facebook account. Disneyland’s Instagram hacked was hacked by a hacker and then he posted extremely racist slurs before that offending content was put down by the authorities.

​​“We worked quickly to remove the reprehensible content, secure our accounts, and our security teams are conducting an investigation,” a Disneyland Resort spokesperson said in a statement.

2. Who Hacked Disneyland’s Instagram Account?

A self-proclaimed “super hacker” named David Do is taking all the credit for hacking the Disneyland Instagram hacked scandal. 

Disneyland’s Instagram account has around 8.4 million followers and the Facebook page has over 16 million followers. There is no information regarding the hacker or how he got access to Disneyland’s social media. The hacker wanted his revenge and made no public demands for money or any other compensation. 

3. What Was Done By Hacker On Disneyland Instagram Account?

According to sources, Disneyland’s Instagram hacked, and four posts were made from the official account at about 4:30 a.m Pacific Thursday with the caption “Super hacker”. The Los Angeles Times reported that the hacker was taking revenge on the theme park. There were a lot of homophobic slurs and repeated use of the N-word. 

The hacker added for posts and two stories on the Disneyland Instagram page.  In one of the posts on Disneyland Instagram hacked, the hacker said that his intention for the attack was because “Disney employees mocking me for having a small penis”. This gets more intense when he claims to take responsibility for “inventing” COVID and also threatened that he was going to release a new deadly strain of the coronavirus. All these posts are now deleted.

In a statement to NBC News, a Disneyland spokesperson confirmed that “Disneyland Resort’s Facebook and Instagram accounts were compromised early this morning” and that the offending posts have since been removed.

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