How To Appear Offline On Instagram 2023? Easy Steps To Follow!!

How To Appear Offline On Instagram 2022

Do you like to stay off the radar when you browse Instagram or any social media platform for that matter? If that is the case then you should know about the recent activity status feature of Instagram. Do you know that now you can appear offline on Instagram? If you don’t know How To Appear Offline On Instagram 2022, then this post is going to help you out.

Recently Instagram launched an update that allows your followers and privately messaged accounts to see when you were last active on Instagram and for how long you were active. The activity status feature of Instagram is available both for Instagram and also for Instagram Direct. But you can easily turn it off as well if you want to.

If you want to know How To Appear Offline On Instagram 2022, then you have come to the right place. Here with a few steps, you can easily turn this feature off. Open Instagram > hamburger menu > settings > privacy > activity status > turn off show activity status. And that’s it, you are done.

Now, the full steps that you need to follow in order to appear offline on Instagram are mentioned below. The steps are really easy to follow. Just make sure that you follow the steps as it is and you are good to go.

What Does Appearing Offline On Instagram Do?

How To Appear Offline On Instagram 2022

When you appear offline on Instagram it does a few things and all of them revolve around the activity status.

First, when you turn off your activity status to appear offline on Instagram, it will hide your status from other users. This means that no one will know when you are browsing Instagram. Also, it will hide the counter that tells people how long it has been since you were offline.

So, this means that you can actually hide every aspect of Instagram’s activity status for your profile. But doing this will also mean that you will not be able to see others’ activity status.

How To Appear Offline On Instagram 2023 On Your Mobile Device?

How To Appear Offline On Instagram 2022 On Your Mobile Device?

So, if you want to know How To Appear Offline On Instagram 2023 on your mobile device, then here are a few steps that you need to follow.

  1. Open your Instagram and then, click on your profile picture.
  2. Choose the hamburger menu and then choose the settings option.
  3. Click on the privacy option and then scroll down to tap on activity status.
  4. Now, just toggle off activity status.

After you toggle off this setting you will appear offline on Instagram. If you want to appear online on Instagram then just repeat the steps and toggle on the activity status. If you turn off the activity status, your follower will not able to see last time when you were active on the Instagram

How To Appear Offline On Instagram 2023 On Your PC?

How To Appear Offline On Instagram 2022 On Your PC?

Now that we have discussed How To Appear Offline On Instagram 2023 on your mobile device, let us know How To Appear Offline On Instagram 2022 on PC.

Turn off Activity Status on Instagram

Here are a few steps that you need to follow.

  1. Click on the profile picture which you will find in the upper right-hand side corner of the screen.
  2. Select the settings option.
  3. Now, click on the privacy and security option.
  4. Toggle off the show activity status.
  5. That’s it you are done.

Log Out From Instagram

Logging out from Instagram is also a good option to show yourself inactive on Instagram. When you log out from Instagram, you will not receive any notifications or messages from anyone. And no one will know when you were last active on Instagram. To log out from Instagram, you just need to follow these simple steps: 

Step 1: Open the Instagram App and go to your profile.

Step 2: Now Tap on the hamburger in the top right corner to access your settings.

Step 3: Go down and tap on Log Out.

Step 4: Confirm that you want to log out by tapping on Log Out again.

By logging out of Instagram, you will appear offline to your followers.

Using Airplane Mode

Airplane mode can become your other option to appear offline on Instagram. Because airplane turns off the internet or wireless connectivity on your smartphone, including wifi, and Bluetooth. So when you are in airplane mode, you will not be able to receive any notifications and messages because you are cut off from wireless connectivity. And you will not be seen active on instagram. To use Airplane mode to appear offline on Instagram, follow these steps:

Step 1: Open your device’s settings.

Step 2: Now Tap on Airplane mode.

Step 3: Toggle on the switch for “Airplane mode.”

By using Airplane mode to appear offline on Instagram, you will not receive any notifications or messages.

Why Would You Want To Appear Offline On Instagram?

Why Would You Want To Appear Offline On Instagram?

Well, there are many reasons why you may want to appear offline on Instagram. Maybe you have a relative who just won’t leave you whenever they see you are online. Or it could be that you have connected with someone in the past that takes advantage of your activity status. But the better idea would be to block that person completely.

Whatever the reason to appear offline on Instagram this feature is actually very useful. The best part is that you can always go back and then go back and toggle on this feature if you want to appear online on Instagram.

Wrapping Up:

So now, after reading this post you do know How To Appear Offline On Instagram 2023. You can turn off the activity status on your PC as well as on your mobile device. The steps are very easy to follow. If you have any questions, you can reach us in the comment section below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What Happens When You Turn Off the Activity Status On Instagram?

If you turn off your activity status on Instagram then all your posts will be hidden from public view and you will not be able to see them in the searches. But this will still be visible to those who follow you and have the see posts by option turned on.

Q. Will People Know If You Mute Them On Instagram?

Well, the answer to this question is yes. If you mute someone on Instagram then they will get to know it. Actually, it is a common practice to mute other users just to keep the conversation private.

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