How To Enable And Activate Discord Push To Talk?

How To Enable and Activate Discord Push To Talk

Playing games with friends on Discord? Never miss to enable and activate the Discord push to talk feature! You can design a button in Discord’s Push to Talk functionality that when pressed will activate your microphone and allow you to chat. This is helpful for all of us especially if you live somewhere with a lot of background noise.

The Discord Push to Talk function immediately mutes the microphone so you can block out background noise. From the user settings tab in Discord for Windows systems, you can enable Push to Talk. This tool is simple to customize to meet your needs. Remember that Chrome and other browsers’ Push to Talk Discord functionality is severely constrained. Let’s learn how to enable and activate Discord push to talk. 

When you are chatting with friends on Discord, it is important to have noise cancellation. You can use emojis on Discord as well. But, if you know how to enable and activate Discord push to talk, you can create your shortkeys and hit the button only when you are ready to talk. Sounds fun? Let’s learn more about the push to talk feature on Discord as well as how to enable and activate Discord push to talk on your server. 

How Does Push To Talk Work?

With Push to Talk, a key is designated as a button that you can press to unmute your microphone. This is nothing new; Discord and the majority of audio and video calling apps both offer it. Almost everyone will find this beneficial because it allows you to keep your microphone muted so that other Discord users won’t hear what others in your vicinity are saying. Any key, including S, T, E, and others, can be set as the Push to Talk button. For this feature, it’s preferable to use a key that you don’t frequently use. Let’s now learn how to enable and activate Discord push to talk. 

How To Enable and Activate Discord Push To Talk?

It is a Three steps process to activate or enable Push to Talk on Discord, use the procedures below.

Step 1: In order to access Settings, click the cog button.

Step 2: After that click Voice & Video.

Step 3: Next, choose Push to Talk under INPUT MODE.

Great! You have learned how to enable and activate Discord push to talk.

How To Enable And Activate Discord Push To Talk – Configure?

It’s time to make some minor adjustments after you have enabled the Push to Talk feature. You must adhere to the instructions in order to configure the functionality.

Step 1: In order to access Settings, click the cog button.

Step 2: After that click Voice & Video.

Step 3: Then select a key to serve as the PTT button, click Record Keybinds from SHORTCUT, and finally select Stop Recording.

Step 4: Additionally, use the slider to change the PUSH TO TALK RELEASE DELAY.

Voila! Now you have learned how to set up the feature.

How To Turn Off Push To Talk On Discord?

Now that you know how to enable and activate Discord push to talk, you must know how to turn off the feature too! You must access Discord’s settings to turn off Push to Talk, just like when you enable it. To accomplish the same, follow the instructions.

Step 1: Launch Discord

Step 2: In order to access Settings, click the cog button.

Step 3: Navigate to Voice & Video.

Step 4: Next, choose Voice Activity under INPUT MODE.

Voila! Now you have learned how to turn off the push to talk feature on Discord. 

Discord Push To Talk Not Working – Fixed

You have learned how to enable and activate Discord push to talk, but what if you are facing a Discord error? Have issues using Discord’s Push To Talk feature while playing a game? It’s not just you. This post also includes 4 simple fixes for Discord Push To Talk (PTT) issues. Up until you locate the one that works, work your way down the list.

1. Check Your Keybind Set And Reset Your Discord Preferences

You must return Discord to its default settings if you’ve altered your settings and are experiencing this issue.

  1. Click the bottom-positioned Setting button in Discord.
  2. Click the Keybind Settings link under the Voice & Video menu. Take care to avoid chaining the keys for push to talk and push-to-mute.
  3. Make sure Discord and your PC have your headset set as the default input/output device.
  4. Click Reset Voice Settings after descending to the bottom.
  5. To test whether it functions, try sending an audio message using PTT on Discord.

2. Update The Audio Driver

An outdated, incorrect, or missing audio driver is most likely what is causing this issue. By updating your audio driver, you can quickly fix the problem. You may update your driver either manually or automatically.

Manual driver update: Update your audio driver manually by visiting the website of the company that made your audio card and conducting a search for the most current, accurate driver. Make sure you only choose drivers that work with the version of Windows you are using.

Automatic driver update: If you don’t have the time, patience, or technical know-how to update your video and monitor drivers manually, you can use Driver Easy to do so automatically. The appropriate driver for your exact audio card and your version of Windows will be immediately detected by Driver Easy, downloaded, and appropriately installed.

3. Uninstall Newly Installed Programs

Try uninstalling the programs you recently updated or installed if this problem persists after you do so. Third-party applications might interfere with Discord and cause issues. After uninstalling the applications, check Discord.

  1. Press the Windows key on your keyboard. then click Control Panel after typing control.
  2. Click Category under View by, then choose to Uninstall a software.
  3. Click Uninstall from the context menu when you right-click Discord.
  4. Install and download Discord. Recheck the ppt feature.

4. Repair system files

Corrupted system files are a common cause of computer problems. You can use Reimage to reconstruct the damaged and missing Windows system files and restore the problem. Reimage Windows Repair is customized for your particular machine and operates secretively and automatically. Your PC won’t be harmed, and you won’t have to worry about losing any programs or private information.

  1. Get and set up Reimage.
  2. Launch Reimage, then perform a free scan. This could take a while.
  3. On your PC, you’ll see a summary of the faults that were found. Once you select START REPAIR, all the problems will be resolved automatically. (The full version must be purchased.)

Wrapping Up

Now that you are at the end of the article, you must have learned how to enable and activate Discord push to talk. But, if you need help with any other Discord issue, let us know in the comment box for a quick solution. Have you tried the latest gaming Discords? You can also check Voice Changer Apps For Discord! It’s trending! Follow Deasilex for more updates on Discord! 


Q1. Why Can’t I Use Push To Talk On Discord?

Make sure that the keys for push to talk and push-to-mute are not chained together. Ensure that your headset is set as the default input/output device on Discord and your computer. When you reach the bottom, click Reset Voice Settings. Try sending an audio message on Discord using PTT to see if it works.

Q2. What Key Is Push To Talk On Discord?

C and V. For those who prefer not to use the side buttons for shooting, the V button is the ideal push to talk key. C and V, which are next to the spacebar and are simple to press with the left thumb, are excellent choices for push to talk because they cause little interference with other programs.

Q3. How Does Push To Talk Work?

Push to speak (PTT), a type of instantaneous communication often used in wireless cellular phone services, is a method of instantaneous communication where a device is switched from speech transmission mode to voice reception mode by pressing a button. When used in this manner, phones perform similarly to “walkie-talkies.”

Q4. Why Does My Mic Not Work On Discord Mobile?

Choose “Voice & Video” if you’re using an Android device. First, confirm that the “input mode” option is set to “voice activity.” By clicking on “input mode” and choosing “voice activity,” you can modify it if it has been set to “push to talk.”

Q5. Why Can’t Friends Hear Me On Discord?

You are not alone if you are having trouble hearing your pals on Discord; typically, the problem is with the internal audio settings of the program. Windows sound settings could potentially be the cause.

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