
How To Estimate Toll Charges On Google Maps: A Comprehensive Guide

How To Estimate Toll Charges On Google Maps

Google, the tech giant has announced a new feature in Google Maps. Now, google maps will estimate the toll charges for you. In this post, we will cover how to estimate toll charges on Google Maps.

Google made an announcement in April 2022 about its new map feature which will estimate the toll charges. Now the updates of this feature are rolling out and people are able to use this feature. Although it is not available in all locations, currently it supports very limited locations.  The toll prices are calculated as per the data from local authorities.

We will be discussing more on how to estimate toll charges on Google Maps. we will also discuss the locations where this feature is currently available. So, without wasting your time, let’s start.

How To Estimate Toll Charges On Google Maps?

When you are computing a route, a custom route, or a routing matrix, you may want to take into consideration any toll fees on the route. For select cities, you can compute the estimated toll fee for a route in the appropriate currency.

The Routes Preferred API calculates the estimated toll fee, taking into consideration any toll price discounts or passes available to the driver or vehicle, and the most convenient payment methods. If there is no available toll price for a given route, the Routes Preferred API indicates the existence of a toll with an unknown fee.

In order to accurately calculate toll information, the Routes Preferred API gives you the option of specifying:

  • The emission type of the vehicle used for the route (VehicleEmissionType). If no emission type is provided, the toll for a gasoline-fueled vehicle is returned.
  • Any toll passes for the driver or vehicle that may apply (TollPass). In some regions, a driver or vehicle with a toll pass pays a different toll than those who don’t have a pass. For example, if you have a Good To Go! toll pass in Seattle, WA, US, you pay a lower toll than if you don’t have a pass.

At Which Location Are Toll Charges On Google Maps Available?

According to Google, the feature is available for “nearly 2000” toll roads in the US, India, Japan, and Indonesia for its iOS and Android apps. It says it plans to add support in more countries “soon.”

ArgentinaBuenos Aires
MexicoMexico City
United StatesAlabama
United StatesAlaska
United StatesCalifornia
United StatesColorado
United StatesDelaware
United StatesFlorida
United StatesIllinois
United StatesIowa
United StatesIndiana
United StatesKansas
United StatesLouisiana
United StatesMaine
United StatesMaryland

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Wrapping Up

Here we conclude our post on how to estimate toll charges on Google maps. The update is still rolling and it will take some time to fix the prices of different tolls. It will also take some time for the cabs and transport services to use this system.

Keep exploring our website to know more about the latest tech.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Can Google Calculate Tolls?

Can Google Maps calculate tolls? No, Google Maps cannot calculate tolls. However, it can indicate where tolls are in turn-by-turn directions. Use TollGuru Toll calculator instead which is built on Google Maps but also calculates tolls for your trip by all vehicle types – across all the US states.

Q2. How Do I See Tolls On Google Maps?

A simple tap on the three dots at the top right corner of Google Maps will let users select the route and avoid tolls options, as per the need. The feature will be available on both iOS and Android devices to the users this month for nearly 2,000 toll roads in the United States, India, Japan, and Indonesia.

Q3. How Do I Change Google Maps To Allow Toll Roads?

Go to the three dots in the upper-right corner of your screen. Select “Route options” from the list of options. Next to “Avoid tolls,” toggle the switch. Select “Done.”

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