How To Fix Snapchat Friends Disappearing? In 9 Easy Ways!

How To Fix Snapchat Friends Disappearing?

Are you not able to find one of your friends on Snapchat? Do your Snapchat friends keep disappearing? Worry no more. If you are facing a Snapchat removing friends glitch, we present to you a complete guide on why are your Snapchat friends disappearing and how to fix Snapchat friends disappearing issues.

Snapchat app is one of the most loved social networking platforms today for its quirky AI filters and creative Stories and Reels. Snapchat users can create posts for all their friends and followers to see. Unlike many other social media, Snapchat users do have to wait for the approval of the friend request to see their posts on the platform. Recently, Snapchat users have been facing issues of Snapchat friends disappearing. Concerned users have taken to social media to voice their concerns looking for ways to fix Snapchat friends disappearing issues.

To fix Snapchat friends disappearing glitch, you must check your friends list, ask for their username, allow the app permissions, update the Snapchat app, clear the Snapchat cache, uninstall any third-party app installed, unroot your device, and restart your device.

Read on to know in detail how to fix Snapchat friends disappearing issues, and stay connected to your loved ones on the platform.

How To Fix Snapchat Friends Disappearing Issues?

Snapchat is one of the most popular social networking platforms with over 375 million daily active users as of March 2023. It is the most used networking app among youngsters of ages 15-25 in the United States.

In the world of Snapchat, your BFF is the #1, i.e your BFF on Snapchat is the user who you interact with most often by sending direct messages, snaps, and having Snapstreak with. Your BFF on Snapchat is usually your bestie in real life, who you hang out with regularly.

What would you do if you suddenly notice that your BFF is nowhere on Snapchat? Explore a little more to notice that many of your Snapchat friends keep disappearing and try to find reasons for Snapchat removing friends glitch. Also, find that how to fix Snapchat friend glitch.

Why Do Snapchat Friends Disappear?

If you want to fix Snapchat friends disappearing issues, it is absolutely essential that you first understand the various reasons why Snapchat friends disappear. You might have issues with accessing your friends on Snapchat due to various reasons like,

  1. Your friend might have deleted their Snapchat account.
  2. Your friend does not wish to contact you via Snapchat.
  3. The user has blocked you on Snapchat.
  4. Your friend might have changed their username on Snapchat.
  5. You have not followed them on Snapchat.
  6. Your friend has changed their Privacy Settings on Snapchat to deny access.
  7. Your friend avoids interaction with you on Snapchat.
  8. You are using an outdated version of the Snapchat app.

Now that you know why your Snapchat friends disappear, you can now work on ways to fix Snapchat friends disappearing issues.

What Are The Ways To Fix Snapchat Friends Disappearing Issues?

You can try to fix Snapchat friends disappearing issues by following the solutions given below.

Fix 1: Check Your Friends List

How To Fix Snapchat Friends Disappearing?  friends list

Does your friend on Snapchat share posts, Stories, and Reels every day? Did your friend suddenly disappear on Snapchat? Before you panic, you should remember that there are various reasons for your friend to be inactive on Snapchat. Think about all the things they might be busy with in their daily lives like exams, workload, etc.

You should also consider the possibility that your Snapchat friend just wants a social media to cleanse, and has made a conscious decision to stay away from Snapchat. Check your friends list to see if your friend is still available. The most practical way to fix Snapchat friends disappearing issues is to take your time and wait for your friend to contact you on Snapchat.

Fix 2: Enquire For Username Change

Are you not able to locate your friend on your Snapchat friends list? It is possible that they have changed their username on Snapchat. Ask around to some of your mutual friends and enquire about your friend. If they have recently got married or made changes to their name, maybe they have made changes to their Snapchat username also.

Contact them personally or through other social networking platforms that they use to request their new username. You will thus be able to fix Snapchat friends disappearing issues by enquiring about username changes.

Fix 3: Allow App Permission

Have you allowed permission for Snapchat to access all the necessary features while installing the app? Snapchat requires user permission to access the device’s camera, contacts, location, microphone, files, and media. Denying access to any of the required features will directly affect the efficient functioning of the Snapchat app.

You will be able to fix Snapchat friends disappearing issues by allowing permission to access the contacts stored on your device. Snapchat will automatically sync all your contacts to allow you easy access to your friends on the apps. Follow the instructions given below to allow app permissions to fix Snapchat friends disappearing issues.

For Android
How To Fix Snapchat Friends Disappearing? android permissions

Step 1 – Long Press on the Snapchat app icon.

Step 2 – Click on App info.

Step 3 – Tap to select Permissions.

Step 4 – Choose to allow permissions.

For iOS Devices
How To Fix Snapchat Friends Disappearing? ios permissions

Step 1 – Open the Settings app.

Step 2 – Choose the Snapchat app from the list of installed apps.

Step 3 – Tap on the toggles to enable all.

Open Snapchat on your device to check if this has helped you to fix Snapchat friends disappearing glitch.

Fix 4: Update Snapchat

Do you update your device and apps regularly? Using outdated apps will result in glitches and malfunctions while using it. If the above fixes don’t help you to resolve your Snapchat removing friends glitch, then you can update Snapchat to the latest available version. This might allow you to fix Snapchat friend’s disappearing issues.

Follow the instructions given below to update Snapchat on your device.

For Android
How To Fix Snapchat Friends Disappearing? update apk

Google Play Store > Menu > My Apps & Games > Snapchat > Update.

For iOS Devices
How To Fix Snapchat Friends Disappearing? update ios

App Store > Profile icon > Snapchat > Update.

Fix 5: Clear Snapchat Cache

Do you have sufficient space on your device? The lack of required storage space on your device will directly impact the functioning of Snapchat. It will result in glitches and malfunctions that cause your friends to disappear. You can try to fix Snapchat friends disappearing issues by clearing the Snapchat cache.

How To Fix Snapchat Friends Disappearing? clear cache

Open Snapchat app > Settings > Clear Cache > Continue.

Fix 6: Clear Snap Lens Data

Do you try out all the new lenses and AI Filters on Snapchat? All the lens data used by you will be collected as Snapchat Lens Data. Users who make use of the Lenses on Snapchat frequently, tend to use up a lot of the available storage space resulting in app malfunctions. You can try to fix Snapchat friends disappearing issues by clearing Snap Lens data.

How To Fix Snapchat Friends Disappearing? clear lens data

Snapchat > Settings > Lenses > Clear All Lens Data.

Fix 7: Uninstall Third-Party Apps

Do you use third-party apps or tweaked versions of Snapchat on your device? Snapchat follows a strict set of Community Guidelines that restrict users from making use of tweaked versions of Snapchat. If Snapchat identifies the installation of tweaked apps, you will be notified to delete them. If you fail to comply Snapchat will ban you resulting in your Snapchat friends disappearing. Delete all third-party apps to fix Snapchat friends disappearing issues.

Fix 8: Unroot Your Device

Snapchat does not allow users to root their devices or jailbreak iPhones to enhance the features of their device. Rooted devices allow users to further amplify the in-built features on the devices to much more than intended by the creators. However, Snapchat does not encourage users to use rooted devices.

If you have rooted your device recently, it will result in app malfunctions and glitches. You can try to fix Snapchat friends disappearing issues by unrooting your device.

Fix 9: Restart Device

Have you tried out all the solutions given above? Are you still not able to fix Snapchat friends disappearing issues? We have one last way for you to fix all technical errors. Just restart your device. Turn off your device and turn it back on in a few seconds. This might help you to fix Snapchat friends disappearing issues.

Wrap Up

Snapchat is one of the most loved networking apps that is predominantly used by friends to stay connected. Snapchat celebrates friendship by offering various features created especially for users to build their friendship. Users can see their BFF on Snapchat, maintain Snap Streak with their friends, and see a list of their close friends with the Snapchat Solar System. We hope that you can build your friendship and create strong bonds with your friends on Snapchat and fix Snapchat friends disappearing issues by following the instructions given in this article.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1 Why Did One Of My Snapchat Best Friends Disappear?

If your friend has suddenly stopped contacting you on Snapchat it could be due to various factors like they are on a social break and have deleted their Snapchat account, they no longer wish to contact you, they have blocked you on Snapchat, etc.

Q2 Why Would Someone’s Chat Disappear On Snapchat?

All messages sent on Snapchat Group chats will automatically be deleted in 24 hours after all users on the group have viewed the messages. Unless the user replies or reacts and saves the message, it will disappear on Snapchat.

Q3 Why Can’t I Find A Friend On Snapchat?

Did you try to search for your friend on Snapchat by entering their name? If they do not turn up on your search results, ask your mutual friends and check if they have changed their username to a new one.

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