
How To Give ChatGPT Internet Access For Up To Date Answer?

How To Give ChatGPT Internet Access For Up To Date Answer

Do you know that you can give internet access to ChatGPT? Are you wondering how to do it? Well, In this article, let us see how to give ChatGPT internet access for up to date answer. 

An artificial intelligence chatbot named ChatGPT was created by OpenAI and released in November 2022. It has improved the method of transfer learning by utilizing both supervised and reinforcement learning strategies. It is based on the OpenAI GPT-3 family of big language models.

To give ChatGPT internet access for up to date answer, Add WebChatGPT Chrome addon > Log in to ChatGPT  > Check that “Web Access” is enabled > Configure the date, region, and number of results > You can use ChatGPT’s internet access.

Continue reading further to understand in detail how to give ChatGPT internet access for up to date answer and what steps are involved in it. 

How To Give ChatGPT Internet Access For Up To Date Answer?

To give ChatGPT internet access for up to date answer, Add the WebChatGPT Chrome addon, then log in to ChatGPT, now enable “Web Access” and configure the date, region, and number of results. Finally, you can use ChatGPT’s internet access.

ChatGPT, or Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer, is its full name. It is a cutting-edge AI tool that enables users to look for lengthy question-answers. Initially, it was trained on a vast collection of text data totaling about 570GB, comprising text from books, websites, and other sources. The GPT-3 has been improved for a range of linguistic tasks, including question-answering, summarising, and translation.

The AI chatbot, ChatGPT has limits because it currently only has access to the 2021 database for knowledge. Even if OpenAI updated the ChatGPT database to 2023, it would never have access to the most recent data. But, now it is possible to give ChatGPT internet access for up to date answer. This would be helpful when researching recent data. The AI chatbot now has online access capabilities thanks to the ChatGPT browser extension, WebChatGPT. 

Step 1: Make sure your browser has the WebChatGPT Chrome addon. If not, add it to chrome or any other browser.

Step 2: Once you have logged in, check that “Web Access” is enabled on the Chat screen.

Step 3: Configure the date, region, and number of results you wish to use as a reference. These options will be found at the bottom of the chat page.

How To Give ChatGPT Internet Access For Up To Date Answer - web access

Step 4: Finally, you can use ChatGPT’s internet access to search for anything and get the most recent information.

Step 5: The extension will add a few paragraphs to the text resulting in word length. Also, it will display the sources used to support its answers. To obtain the most precise information, it is advisable utilizing 3-5 results. 

How To Give ChatGPT Internet Access For Up To Date Answer - internet access

By following these steps, you can easily give ChatGPT internet access for up to date answer and won’t need to rely on its outdated 2021 database. The AI chatbot will return to its default state if Web access is disabled by turning off the toggle button also go to your extensions, right-click the extension, and select “Remove” from Chrome from the burger menu if you want to get rid of this browser extension.

Wrapping Up

We have come to the end of the post and we hope this article has given you a clear explanation of how to give ChatGPT internet access for up to date answer. For more such informative and interesting articles, check out our website at Deasilex. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Q1. Does ChatGPT Give The Same Answers?

Ans. ChatGPT will provide nearly identical responses to any questions that are asked with exact precision. Hence, if you’re a teacher and you find yourself correcting multiple assignments with the same structure, examples, or logic, it may be AI-generated work.

Q2. What Does ChatGPT Do With Your Data?

Ans. ChatGPT can produce content in almost any style or format quickly. To create the system, it leverages information it gathers from the internet as well as your input. Do everything you can to protect yourself online, whether you are using AI, banking, or publishing on social media.

Q3. Which Engine Does ChatGPT Use?

Ans. Create a chatbot similar to ChatGPT or many of them, each with unique features and behaviors, generate material and pictures, arrange everything into templates, receive instant title and excerpt suggestions, view usage statistics for OpenAI, and much more using AI Engine!

Q4. What Is The Accuracy Of ChatGPT?

Ans. No, ChatGPT cannot be cited in academic writing for this purpose because it is not a reliable source of factual information. Even though it makes an effort to give accurate responses, because its decisions are based on patterns rather than facts and data, it frequently gets things wrong.

Q5. How Does ChatGPT Memory Work?

Ans. There is a limit to how much knowledge ChatGPT can store, despite the fact that it can recall what the user has stated previously in the chat. All information beyond what the model can reference roughly 3000 words (or 4000 tokens) from the current conversation is not saved.

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