How To Pause Your Snapchat Streaks? Can You Pause It?

How To Pause Your Snapchat Streaks

Well, it is true that you cannot put a pause on your friendship in real life but on Snapchat, you can surely put a pause on your friendships. Sounds weird no what you just read. Let’s make things easier for you. Now, Snapchat has allowed users to put a pause on their Snapchat streaks. But, do you know how to pause your Snapchat streaks?

Snapchat is a famous social media app that is been used by many people will help you to stay connected with your friends and family. One of the unique features of Snapchat is the snap streaks. These snap streaks feature on Snapchat are a way that helps you to show your friends that you are active on the app and it is a fun way to stay connected with them. But, sometimes, you have to pause your Snapstreak due to some reasons, and the process for the same is quite easy.

To pause your Snapchat streaks, first, you must go to the chat inbox and click on the Pause now option. Now, fill up the form with both your and your friend’s details. This feature will let you pause your streaks if you have busy or facing internet issues.

We have mentioned more about how to pause your Snapchat streaks in the below section. So, just scroll down and read more about it.

How To Pause Your Snapchat Streaks?

On Snapchat, snap streaks are one of the interesting features that have been introduced. You will not find this feature on any other social media platform. This feature will keep the users stick to Snapchat at any cost. Snapstreak is just like a task that you can select to take up to make your friendship more engaging. Also, the milestones that you make here to maintain the streak for days to celebrate it with trophies and charms.

There may be times when you find it difficult to keep up with the snap streak for a long time. And you may want to take a break in between but this feature did not exist then. Many Snapchat users have lost their snap streaks coz of this reason. So the best thing is that you pause the snap streak.

Pausing your snap streak on Snapchat is really simple. It’s great that Snapchat has a spark and restore feature. The next time you sign into the app, you will get a notification if a streak has stopped. When that happens, you may decide if you want to utilise your pause now or reserve it for later.

To pause the streak you just have to click on the pause now button in the chat inbox and then it will prompt you to fill out the form with some details about yourself as well as your friend. And this is how to pause your Snapchat streaks.

What Are The Benefits Of Pausing The Snapchat Streaks?

How To Pause Your Snapchat Streaks

If you are thinking that what is the benefit to pause your Snapchat streaks, then you must know that pausing the streaks is important when you are not able to send the snaps to your friend. For instance, when you are on vacation or taking a break from the app. It will allow you to maintain the streak without even losing it. This feature is not helpful when you have internet connection issues and will not be able to send the snaps within 24 hours.

How To Restore The Snapchat Streaks?

How To Restore The Snapchat Streaks

After learning about how to pause your Snapchat streaks, you might be delighted to know that Snapchat allows you to restore Snapchat streaks the first time without any cost. After you have first restored the Snapchat streak the next time you will have to pay $0.99 for each of the additional ones. The app will provide you with the restore option present in your chat inbox along with a popup on the chat screen to do it. Just fill in the support form and Snapchat will review it. Snapchat approves it then your streak will get restored.

Wrapping Up:

Now after reading this post, you do know how to pause your Snapchat streaks. You can also restore the Snapchat streaks. This article will surely help you restore and pause the Snapchat streak. If you have any questions, you can reach us in the comment section below. Follow Deasilex for more information on Snapchat and tech. related details.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How Long Does The Hourglass Last On Snap?

The Snapchat hourglass only lasts for about four hours.  You can only see the hourglass once you have started a snap streak with another person.

Q. How Do You Turn Off Streaks On Snap?

Streaks can’t be completely disabled in Snapchat settings. So, ignoring the other user on Snapchat for at least 24 hours is the best way to end or turn off a streak on Snapchat.

Q. How Do You Mute Snapchat Stories While You Listen To Music?

If you want to mute a Snapchat story just open the story by clicking on the three dots. There you’ll find the mute button and then press it and hit the done option.

Q. What Happens After 100 Streaks On Snapchat?

Once you have completed the 100-day Snapchat streak you will get to see the 100 emoji with the flame emoji that is next to your friend’s name.

Q. How Many Snaps Make A Streak?

Streaks on Snapchat will start when both friends send snaps to each other daily for three days. When the streak starts you have to send one pic every 24 hours.

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