How To Unsave All Chats On Snapchat? A Complete Guide!

unsave all chats on snapchat

In the Snapchat app, saving chats is a way to keep the conversation going even if you and your friends are not online at the same time. But what if you want to unsave all chats? How to unsave all chats on Snapchat?

Snapchat is a social media app that lets you take photos and videos and send them to friends through messages or chats. The recipient can only view them for a limited time. After the time limit is up, Snapchat deletes the chats. Many of you have been saving chats on Snapchat for years. It becomes tedious to go through them individually and unsave each. Luckily, there is a way to unsave all chats on Snapchat.

To unsave all chats on Snapchat, firstly, login into your Snapchat account and then open your profile. Next open settings, scroll down to the privacy menu and then select clear conversation. Lastly, tap the ‘X’ symbol of the conversation, then select clear.

In this guide, we will show you how to unsave all chats on Snapchat in just a few simple steps. Whether you want to clear up space on your device without deleting Snapchat or simply don’t want to save any more conversations, follow these instructions to get it done.

Can You Unsave All Chats On Snapchat?

You cannot unsave all chats on Snapchat as it allows you to unsave a single chat message at a time.

We all save chat messages on Snapchat, but sometimes when we want to unsave all those saved messages, we don’t find the way. We wonder how to unsave all chats on Snapchat.

You are aware that when you unsave any chat message on Snapchat, it automatically gets deleted from your chat. So, deleting the conversation do the same thing that unsave does.

If you want to unsave all chat messages, continue reading the next section of this article, where we have discussed the step-by-step guide which will help you.

How To Unsave All Chats On Snapchat?

To unsave all chats on Snapchat, go to Snapchat App > Login > Profile > Settings > Privacy > Clear Conversation > ‘X’ icon > Clear.

As discussed above, you don’t have the option to unsave all chats on Snapchat, but you can delete all chats on Snapchat. 

Wait… Are you now wondering how to delete all conversations on Snapchat? Need not worry. We will guide you through the complete process of deleting all chats on Snapchat. 

Here is the step-by-step guide for how to delete all conversations on Snapchat:

Step 01: Open Snapchat App.

Step 02: Login into your Snapchat account.

Step 03: Now go to your Profile

How To Unsave All Chats On Snapchat

Step 04: Tap the Settings icon.

How To Unsave All Chats On Snapchat

Step 05: Next, you must scroll down to the Privacy section.

Step 06: Tap the Clear Conversation option from the menu.

How To Unsave All Chats On Snapchat

Step 07: Now, you will see the list of the conversations. Tap the ‘X’ icon next to the chat you want to delete.

How To Unsave All Chats On Snapchat

Step 08: The pop-up window will appear on your screen. Tap the Clear button to clear the conversation.

How To Unsave All Chats On Snapchat

Your chat with the selected friend is now deleted in a few simple steps. 

In this section of the article, we have covered the steps on how to unsave all chats on Snapchat, or you can say how to delete all chats on Snapchat, as both do the same thing.

How To Unsave Chat On Snapchat?

From the above section, you know that you can unsave only one message at a time. But, now, how to unsave chat on Snapchat? The process to unsave chat is very simple and can be done in two ways. These ways to unsave chat on Snapchat are:

  • Direct method to unsave a message
  • Indirect method to unsave a message

Stay connected to learn to unsave chat on Snapchat using both methods.

How To Unsave Chat On Snapchat By Direct Method?

To unsave chat on Snapchat by the direct method, go to Snapchat App > Login > Open the chat > Find the saved message > Tap the saved message.

Are you looking for how to unsave chat on Snapchat by direct method? We have the complete guide for you. Follow these steps to easily unsave your chat message on Snapchat:

Step 01: Open Snapchat App on your mobile.

Step 02: Login into your Snapchat account.

Step 03: Now, open the chat of the person whose message you want to unsave.

Step 04: Find the saved message in the chat.

Note: Saved Snapchat messages always have a gray background to highlight them. 

Step 05: Tap the saved message to mark it unsaved directly. You will see the unsaved tag on the left side of the message for a few seconds.

How To Unsave All Chats On Snapchat

Finally, you have unsaved the chat message on Snapchat using the direct method.

How To Unsave Chat On Snapchat By Indirect Method?

To unsave chat on Snapchat by the indirect method, go to Snapchat App > Login > Open chat > Hold the saved message > Unsave in Chat.

You can also choose to unsave chat on Snapchat using the indirect method. Here is the step-by-step guide for doing so:

Step 01: Open Snapchat App and login into your account.

Step 02: Now go to the chats and open the chat of the person you wish to unsave the message.

Step 03: Tap and hold the saved message to see more options.

Step 04: Choose Unsave in Chat option to unsave the selected message.

How To Unsave All Chats On Snapchat

Your saved chat message is now successfully unsaved using the indirect method. You can 

How To Delete All Messages On Snapchat That The Other Person Saved?

To delete all messages on Snapchat that the other person saved, go to Snapchat App > Login > Select chat > Long press the message > Delete > Delete.

Deleting the chat message will delete it from the Snapchat server. Thus, the saved messages will also be deleted. Whether you saved a message or your friend, it will be deleted from both ends.

Do you want to delete the messages saved by the other person on Snapchat? If yes, then you are at the right place. Here is the steps guide for you on how to delete all messages on Snapchat that the other person saved:

Step 01: Open your Snapchat App and login into your account.

Step 02: Now select the chat whose message you want to delete.

Step 03: Long press the message to see the options for that chat message.

Step 04: Choose the Delete option from the menu available.

How To Unsave All Chats On Snapchat

Step 05: You will now see the pop-up window for confirmation. Tap on Delete to delete the selected message.

Note: Deleting the chat message will delete all messages on Snapchat that the other person saved.

It was all about deleting Snapchat messages that had been saved by the other person also. Remember that your friend will receive a notification when you delete any message.

By the end, you will now be an expert in some of the Snapchat features like unsave, clear conversation, and delete. You have a step-by-step guide on how to unsave all chats on Snapchat, how to clear all chats on Snapchat and how to delete all conversations on Snapchat.

Wrapping Up

Snapchat is a popular messaging app that allows users to send and receive text, emojis, video, and audio messages. The app also offers a variety of other features, including save and unsave chats, delete chats, and clear conversations.

Our complete guide on how to unsave all chats on Snapchat would have helped you learn how to clear conversations on Snapchat. You would have also learned how to delete all chats on Snapchat and even delete all messages on Snapchat that the other person saved.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Can You Mass Unsave On Snapchat?

No, you cannot mass unsave on Snapchat. It has the option to unsave only one message at a time. You cannot select multiple chats on Snapchat. Unsave also deletes the message so you can clear the conversation to unsave all Snapchat messages at once. 

Q. Is There A Way To Clear All Snapchat Conversations At Once?

Yes, the Snapchat app lets you clear all Snapchat conversations at once.

To clear all Snapchat conversations at once, first, open the Snapchat app, then login to your account and go to your profile. Next, open settings and select the clear conversation option under the privacy settings. At last, tap the ‘X’ icon of the conversation you want to delete and then choose clear.

Q. How Long Do Snapchat Saved Chats Last?

The Snapchat saved chats last until you unsave them. Snapchat messages delete immediately after the recipient reads them or 24 hours after it has been viewed.  Also, the unread messages last for only 30 days.

Q. How Do You Permanently Delete Snapchat Messages On Both Sides?

To permanently delete Snapchat messages on both sides, first, open the Snapchat app and login into your account. Next, go to the conversations, select chat, then choose the message, and hold it to open more options. Now, choose the delete option, and lastly, to confirm, once again select delete.

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