Jack Dorsey NFT | Price Crash!

Jack Dorsey NFT

As more and more NFT culture expanded, people started to buy NFTs to earn huge profits in a shorter span of time. However, sometimes a million-dollar NFT can go down to a few dollars as well. In this post, we will cover Jack Dorsey NFT.

Jack Dorsey NFT was sold for over $2.9 million last year. He is the CEO of Twitter and Square. He converted his first-ever tweet which says “just setting up my Twitter” into an NFT. This was the post of 2006. A year later after the sale of this NFT, the budding price went to just  $280. No one is willing to invest in this NFT anymore.

We will be covering more on Jack Dorsey NFT. Who purchased it last year and now why has its price crashed? Can this happen to any NFT or not? What to do in any such situation? So, without further ado, let’s start

What Is Jack Dorsey NFT?

A couple of years ago, Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter and Square, turned his first-ever twitter into the static image NFT. A few months later, the NFT was sold for 2.9 million. This NFT was put on auction past week and there was a price crash of over 99%. Today no one is willing to pay more than $280 for this NFT.

Why Did Jack Dorsey NFT Crashed?

This NFT was purchased by Estavi. He put this NFT on sale for 14,969 ETHs which is making around $50 million. However, to his surprise, no one was willing to pay more than $280 for this NFT. The reason for this price drop is that many people thought it was merely a publicity stunt, a way to get exposure.

How Will The Price Of Jack Dorsey NFT Increase?

For the time being, if no one is willing to pay a fair price to this NFT, then the owner has to wait for some time. This can happen with any NFT. The best thing you can do is give your NFT some time. The market keeps on changing and for sure your NFT will give you a profit. However, Estavi gave another try to this. He has again put the NFT on sale and now people are eager to see what will be the highest bid he can get. In the second auction, the highest bid was $10,000 and that is still very less. Estavi then said he won’t sell the NFT for anything less than $50 million.

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Wrapping Up

Here we conclude our post on Jack Dorsey NFT. we can conclude that currently, the owner of this NFT is in a huge loss of $2.9 million dollars. We cannot say if this NFT can bring him any profit in the future or not. We just have to wait and watch.

Keep exploring our website to know more about NFTs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How Much Did Jack Dorsey Sell His NFT For?

A couple of years ago, Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter and Square turned his first-ever twitter into the static image NFT. A few months later, the NFT was sold for 2.9 million. 

Q2. What Is An NFT Jack Dorsey?

Jack Dorsey NFT was sold for over $2.9 million last year. He is the CEO of Twitter and Square. He converted his first-ever tweet which says “just setting up my Twitter” into an NFT. This was the post of 2006. A year later after the sale of this NFT, the budding price went to just  $280. No one is willing to invest in this NFT anymore.

Q3. Who Bought The First Tweet NFT?

Sina Estavi was the one who bought the first tweet NFT of Jack Dorsey for 2.9 million. The owner of this NFT is worth a huge $2.9 million as no one is willing to pay anything more than $280 for this NFT.

Q4: What Is An NFT Twitter?

A non-fungible token (NFT) of Twitter founder Jack Dorsey’s first-ever tweet could sell for just under $280. The current owner of the NFT listed it for $48 million last week. The owner is saying he won’t sell it for anything less than $50 million.

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