If we characterize the main trends and directions that will be relevant in 2022, these are knowledge of cloud infrastructure and communication skills. To find out more stay reading this article.
It’s no secret that trends change at the speed of light. Therefore, it is quite difficult to keep track of them. In this article, we will consider the main directions that will be relevant.
The most important trend will remain – cooperation with specialists. To implement your project, sometimes it is better to turn to professionals and hire front-end developer.
Main Mainstreams
Interface Developers 2022
These IT professionals are responsible for the navigation, design elements, and interfaces of websites and mobile apps. When almost every aspect of our lives involves digital interactions, it’s no wonder that UI developers are in such high demand.
Technical skills
In addition to the core technologies (HTML, CSS, and Javascript), working as a Front End developer will require knowledge of React.js, Redux, GraphQL, Webpack, and Node.js. This is confirmed by many well-known developers.
Typescript and React JS in the spotlight
These two names will rise to prominence in 2022 and strengthen their positions in this area.
If we analyze the concept of React, then we can say that this is an open-source Javascript-based library that is designed to create user interfaces to facilitate the development of applications on a single page. Such a platform is supported by Facebook and the free software community.
Meanwhile, Typescript is an open-source programming language backed by Microsoft that essentially adds static types and class-based objects.
In addition to the two above, the Front End developer will face the following technologies and trends in 2022:
- Internet tools like Squarespace.
- Demand for custom templates with WordPress and Shopify.
- New design patterns in dark mode.
- New properties, functions, and CSS rules.
- External interface and cloud
Migrating to the cloud will require more data structure knowledge from front-end developers.
As we mentioned earlier, the cloud migration trend will continue, creating a need for new user interfaces. Cloud computing and security will continue to be important for all members of the development teams, including, of course, the Front End. In this sense, front-end development tasks will continue to be increasingly data-driven.
IT professionals should be aware that the adoption of cloud infrastructures provides a world of options and opportunities as the infrastructure becomes more flexible and adaptable to needs. Topics such as security and high availability will be covered almost immediately after any type of new functionality is deployed.
Soft skills and innovation
With a huge consolidation of the remote workforce around the world, the ability to communicate effectively and work together in a remote team will be a vital skill in 2022.
Undoubtedly, it is important to be able to clearly express your thoughts in writing, as well as learn to distinguish between types of tasks to properly schedule them and manage your time.
In addition to strengthening these skills, Front Ends should keep an eye on the augmented reality that Facebook and Apple are hard at work on. It is also recommended to familiarize yourself with future programming languages ​​in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning. To learn more, we recommend checking out the helpful article flutter vs react.