What To Do With Turnips In Animal Crossing 2023 | Know All The Details!

What To Do With Turnips In Animal Crossing

With the arrival of an NPC called Daisy-Mae, many players’ minds have turned toward Animal Crossing: New Horizons turnips. Well, these vegetables are not for growing. So, what to do with Turnips in Animal Crossing? These are the game’s version of a stalk market or stock market of sorts. You can use these turnips as they are a part of the game.

Gaming in today’s era has been something people are crazy about. Be it the youth or the elder generations, people are into games. They enjoy playing them and love getting rewards in return for winning. Animal crossing’s version of stocks involves buying and selling turnips. One can purchase them at a set price and sell them off later which can be higher than the purchasing price.

People who are not aware of the Animal Crossing: New Horizons game often get confused about what to do with turnips in Animal Crossing. Well, they are a unique item in the game. Turnips can help you quickly earn a ton of primary forms of Animal Crossing’s bells and currency. You can make a lot of money with these as you can purchase them and sell them later at a higher price.  

This post will help you in finding out what to do with Turnips in Animal Crossing. We will be discussing how you can buy and sell Turnips in Animal Crossing along with what you can do with Turnips in Animal Crossing. So, without any further delay, let us jump right into the post and find out what to do with Turnips in Animal Crossing. 

What To Do With Turnips In Animal Crossing?

Animal Crossing: New Horizons is becoming quite popular among gamers. If you are confused about what to do with Turnips in Animal Crossing, they are very useful in the game. Turnips are effectively real-life stocks. If you have turnips that means you have shares and these shares will change in value within a certain amount of time or a week. Not just this, it can even change within a day. 

If you have these turnips in Animal Crossing, they can help you in earning a ton of the primary form of Animal Crossing’s currency or bells. You can buy these turnips and even sell them later to earn profits. Isn’t it quite interesting! So, as we have got to know the details related to what to do with turnips in Animal Crossing, let us move ahead to find out how and where you can buy these turnips!

Can You Grow Turnips In Animal Crossing?

If you want to know whether can you plant turnips in animal crossing? Then unfortunately, there is no way of growing Turnips in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, but players can purchase the root vegetable from Daisy May in bundles of 10. Thanks to the Stalk Market, there are calculators online that act as a forecast for future offers, by using Timmy and Tommy’s prices.

Where To Buy Turnips In Animal Crossing?

What To Do With Turnips In Animal Crossing: Where to buy turnips in Animal Crossing

As you have understood what to do with turnips in Animal Crossing, you must now be wondering about how and where to buy turnips. If you are looking buy turnips, you can get them from Daisy Mae who is a vendor that visits your island every Sunday between 4-12 PM. Here are the steps you may follow to buy turnips in Animal Crossing.

Step 1: To know how to get turnips in animal crossing. You need to locate Daisy Mae. It is easy to locate her as she will be wandering around your island. She will be having turnips on her head, so you can find her with ease.

Step 2: You then need to speak to Daisy Mae. She will ask you if you wish to buy turnips and will also disclose their purchasing prices. 

Step 3: You can then select the I’ll buy some option. She will sell them in stacks of 10. You can either enter the number you wish to purchase manually or select the Buy The Max option.

Step 4: You can finally confirm your purchase by selecting the Yeah, I’ll buy ‘em option.

This is how you can buy turnips in Animal Crossing. As Animal Crossing takes place in real-time, you need to wait for Sunday before you purchase these turnips. However, you can also try adjusting the time to time travel to some other date and skip the waiting period. Once you have bought these turnips, if you are looking for what to do with turnips in Animal Crossing, you can sell them. Let us now find out how one can sell turnips in the game.

How To Sell Turnips In Animal Crossing?

What to do with turnips in Animal Crossing? Well, you always have an option to easily sell turnips in Animal Crossing. You can sell turnips to Nook’s Cranny, a Friend’s Island, or any other Island online. Here are the steps you need to follow to sell turnips in Animal Crossing to a Friend’s Island.

Step 1: Ask your friend generate a Dodo Code so that you can visit his island. You can then hold your turnips and go to Dodo Airlines which is at the bottom of the map.

Step 2: You can now talk to Orville and then select the I wanna fly option. You can then select the I wanna visit someone option.

Step 3: You now need to select the Via Online Pay option and then choose the Search via Dodo Code option. You can now enter your friend’s 5-digit Dodo code. 

That is it! You can visit a friend’s island and sell your turns there. Isn’t it quite easy! If you are not fine with selling your turnips on a friend’s island, you can even choose the other islands to sell them. Let us see how to do that.

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How To Sell Turnips On Other Islands?

What To Do With Turnips In Animal Crossing: How to sell turnips

If you are not willing to sell turnips on a friend’s island, you can do that on other islands too. It can be done on Turnip exchange. Here is what you need to do for that.

  1. You first need to find a queue that you wish to join.
  2. Click on the join the queue option.
  3. You can then enter the in-game name that you will find in your Animal Crossing passport.
  4. When it is your turn to visit, you can view the Dodo code of the owner.
  5. You can then enter the Dodo code in the in-game airport and then travel to a player’s island. 

That is all! This is what you need to do to sell your turnips on any other island. What if you don’t want to sell these turnips? What to do with turnips in Animal Crossing? Read below to know more. However, if you are wondering how to grow turnips in animal crossing, well then as we mentioned above, there is no such way you can grow turnips in animal crossing.

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How To Store Turnips?

Another option to try out with your turnips is to store them. You cannot put turnips in your house storage unlike other items in the game. In case you buy many turnips from Daisy, your inventory will likely be overloaded. Well, you can store your turnips at home by just dropping them on the floor. This won’t take any valuable space for storage. You can retrieve these whenever you are ready to sell them. So, you can also get turnips and use them the way you want!

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Here ends the post on What to do with turnips in Animal Crossing. In this post, we have discussed all the crucial details related to what you can do with turnips in the game. You can buy them, store them, or even sell them to earn a profit. Share your views related to this post “What to do with turnips in Animal Crossing” with us in the comment section. If you have queries, you can drop them as well in the comment box below. You can also share this post with your friends and others and help them know what to do with turnips in Animal Crossing. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Can I Plant Turnips On Animal Crossing?

A. No, you can’t. There is no way to know animal crossing how to plant turnips: New Horizons game. However, you can purchase turnips from Daisy Mae.

Q2. What Is The Best Time To Sell Turnips?

A. You can sell turnips when the price has risen than what you purchased. You can earn profits only when the purchase price is lower than the selling price and sell them at this price.

Q3. What Happens If I Bury Turnips?

A. Nothing. Nothing serious will take place if you bury turnips. Turnips will rot over time, however, nothing bad will take place. 

Q4. What Do You Do With Turnips In Animal Crossing?

A. You can use turnips to earn higher profits. You can purchase turnips at a lower price and sell them at a higher price to earn more. You can even store these turnips. They work as a stalk market and turnips work as shares whose value increases over time. 

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