Find Tover Tokens In Shifty Shafts All Locations

Find Tover Tokens In Shifty Shafts All Locations

We all know about the famous game Fortnite. Recently Fortnite season 3 chapter 3 was released on 5 June 2022.  In this post, we will cover how to find tover tokens in shifty shafts all locations.

The newly released Fornite chapter 3 season has come up with new challenges. You have to collect tover tokens to unlock new styles for the snap skin. Once you have found all three of the Shifty Shafts Tover tokens, then you can unlock the Mato Skin Style. But these tokens are not easy to find. 

We will be helping you to find tover tokens in shifty shafts all locations. There are 3 tokens that you have to find in shifty shafts. There are other locations as well where you have to find the tokens. So, without further ado, let’s start.

How To Find Tover Tokens In Shifty Shafts All Locations?

In shifty shafts, you can find three tover tokens. These three tokens are present at different locations. Here is how to find these three tover tokens.

Shifty Shafts Tover Token #1

The first of the Shifty Shafts Tover Tokens can be found on the top of the mountain above the main shaft area. As you’re gliding in, you should see a little building at the top of the mountain above the Y in Shifty. Land at the base of the building and you’ll see the first token at the entrance to the mine.

Shifty Shafts Tover Token #2

Once you’ve grabbed it, turn around and slide directly down the mountain about 10 feet to the red building. At the base of the building, you’ll see the second token at the mine entrance

Shifty Shafts Tover Token #3

After you grab the second Shifty Shafts Tover Token, head through the mines and take your first left. Run up the incline and go left. Look past the first red mine cart and you’ll find the third and final token.

Once you have found all the three tover tokens, now you can unlock the Mato head for snap skin.

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What Are The Fortnite Snap Quests?

There are currently 13 snap quests in the Fortnite chapter 3 season 3. From these 13 snap quests, you can find 39 tover tokens that you have to find at 13 different locations. Here are these 13 snap quests.

  1. Tover Tokens in Rave Cave

All three Tover Tokens are sitting along the roller coaster’s track, so get in a Baller and head down the track until you’ve grabbed all three.

  1. Tover Tokens in Condo Canyon

All three of the Tover Tokens are at the base of the northwest mountain at different entrances.

  1. Tover Tokens in Shifty Shafts

The Tover Tokens are outside in the north, in the middle of Sanctuary by the small stone pillars, and to the south by the cornfields

  1. Tover Tokens in Sanctuary

The tokens are located at the east staircase, the south staircase, and in the middle of the elevated ruins.

  1. Tover Tokens in The Ruins

Lil’ Shafty is the small mining cave west of Synapse Station. All three tokens are within the cave.

  1. Tover Tokens in Lil’ Shafty

Lil’ Shafty is the small mining cave west of Synapse Station. All three tokens are within the cave.

  1. Tover Tokens in Reality Falls

One token is at the base of the can’t-miss Reality Tree, and another is at the top of the tree, which you get to by running up its spiraling tunnel-like trunk. The last one is, of course, behind the waterfall to the west.

  1. Tover Tokens in Rocky Reels

One token is inside the northern building, another is by the eastern playground, and the last one is by the southern concession stand.

  1. Find Tover Tokens in The Joneses

The tokens are in the northern shack, outside the southern trailer, and outside by the southeastern shooting gallery.

  1. Tover Tokens in Seven Outpost VII

The tokens are outside the building with the Seven vaults inside, in the middle of all the rifts on the east, and on the boat dock.

  1. Tover Tokens in Sleepy Sound

The tokens are on the patio at Fishstick’s restaurant by the green umbrellas, outside Noms grocery store (across the street from the gas station), and in the middle of the northern road.

  1. Tover Tokens in Logjam Lumberyard

The Tover Tokens can be found at the southern boat dock, inside the westside pile of cut-down trees, and next to the Reboot Van

  1. Tover Tokens in Greasy Grove

The tokens are atop a large central mushroom, a large southeastern mushroom, and a large southern mushroom west of the gas station.

Related: How To Find Tover Tokens in Sanctuary All Locations

Wrapping Up

Here we conclude our post on how to find tover tokens in shifty shafts all locations. These tover tokens can be easily found if you have read the above-mentioned way of finding them. This will surely save you alot of time. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Where Are The Tover Tokens In Shifty Shafts?

At this landmark in Fortnite, the three Tover Tokens are not located in the main compound. Instead, the tokens of Shifty Shafts can be found in the mines on the mountain in the northern section. Snap is a featured reward on Page 1 of the Battle Pass for Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3

Q2. Where Are The Tover Tokens?

The token will be along the Nom shop’s eastern wall. Tover Token 2: Players can find the next Tover Token over at Fish Sticks’ restaurant, where it will be located in the western corner of the establishment’s outdoor patio.

Q3. What Are Tover Tokens In Fortnite?

Similar to Fortnite’s Omni Chips from last season, Tover Tokens are collectible items scattered in groups at various POIs around the island. Rather than customizing a pickaxe, the item is used to redeem an expansive collection of body parts for Snap, part of the latest season’s Battle Pass.

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