How To Fix “Your Account Can’t Be Shown To Non-Followers” Error On Instagram?

How To Fix Your Account Can't Be Shown To Non-Follower

Instagram is among the great ways that can help you stay connected with your followers and even non-followers! But what if Instagram restricts your account from being shown to non-followers? Your reach might get reduced, ultimately hampering your Instagram account’s growth. So, here is how to fix “your account can’t be shown to non-followers” error on Instagram and kick off the issue!

You must have heard of Instagram shadow banning accounts that seem to violate the policies of the platform. Moreover, Instagram doesn’t even show their accounts to non-followers. Hence, these ways are adopted by the platform through which Instagram tell us we made a mistake. So, if you want to avoid being shadow banned on Instagram, it is extremely important to fix “your account can’t be shown to non-followers” error on Instagram.

To fix “your account can’t be shown to non-followers” error on Instagram, you need to check the hashtags, take a break from Instagram, check the server status, switch to a professional account, unlink any third-party app, clear your app’s cache, update the app, log out and log in again, check if your account violates Instagram guidelines, or contact Instagram support.

Abiding by the rules and guidelines set by Instagram is the key to staying safe on the platform. So, to stay safe, let’s learn how to fix “your account can’t be shown to non-followers” error on Instagram, and regain the Insta mojo!

Why Does Instagram Says “Your Account Can’t Be Shown To Non-Followers”?

Instagram is well-known among different generations due to its wide variety of features. However, the platform is even famous for its common errors and bugs which keep frustrating users over time. But Instagram never randomly displays errors, there are certain reasons behind them. Whether it is the “Instagram tell us if we made a mistake” error or Instagram saying unable to fetch followers, we must buckle up and get relief from the pain of such error messages. To make the work easier, we have curated a list of reasons behind facing this error on Instagram. So, let’s check out the reasons for this error message and then learn how to fix “your account can’t be shown to non-followers” error on Instagram.

  1. You have been using hashtags on Instagram that are banned on the platform.
  2. You have violated the terms and conditions of the Instagram platform.
  3. You might have posted content that is inappropriate on Instagram in terms of being violent, 5*xually suggestive, or harmful to society. 
  4. You have a private account on Instagram. 
  5. The privacy settings have been changed on your Instagram account.

How To Fix “Your Account Can’t Be Shown To Non-Followers” Error On Instagram?

To fix “your account can’t be shown to non-followers” error on Instagram, you need to check your hashtags, take a break from the app, check its server status, switch to a professional Instagram account, unlink your third-party applications, clear the app’s cache, update the app, log out and log in again, check if you are violating any community guidelines, or report the issue to Instagram.

Fix 1: Check The Hashtags You Are Using

The most common reason why Instagram displays the “your account can’t be shown to non-followers” error is using banned hashtags on Instagram. You need to check your Posts and confirm whether you are using any offensive or inappropriate hashtags that are banned by Instagram. You can find the banned hashtags on the Help Center website of Instagram. So, if you are using any similar websites, then immediately remove them.

Fix 2: Take A Break From Your Instagram App

Overusing the Instagram app and its features can be another common reason for facing such errors on Instagram. Doing so can make the algorithm of Instagram think that your account is used by a spammer or bot, thus it can limit the reach of your account. So, to get rid of this error on Instagram, it is important to take a break from your Instagram app for a few hours or days. With this, the algorithm of Instagram will get a chance to reset to fresh.

Fix 3: Check If Your Account Violates Any Instagram Guidelines

Check whether you have posted anything that is affecting your account status. Anything that violates the Instagram community’s guidelines can be a major reason for the “Your account can’t be shown to non-followers” Error on Instagram. If you have violated any Instagram guidelines, then your account will be restricted from being shown to non-followers. Moreover, this restriction can even last for around 90 days. So, it is important that you don’t violate any such guidelines. However, if you haven’t posted anything that is affecting your account status, then it can be due to some other reason mentioned in this list.

Fix 4: Check The Server Status Of Instagram

It is even possible that this error message appears on your Instagram account temporarily because of a server outage. If the server status of your Instagram app is down, the chances are there that the app won’t work properly or display such error messages. So, you can confirm the availability of the app using platforms such as Twitter or DownDetector, and in case, there is any server outage, then wait until the issue gets resolved, and then access your Instagram account.

Fix 5: Switch To A Professional Account

Another major way that can help you fix “your account can’t be shown to non-followers” error on Instagram is to try switching your personal account on Instagram to a professional Instagram account or vice versa. If you use Instagram regularly, then it is quite obvious that you must be aware that Instagram offers two types of accounts to its users: a personal account also known as a private account, and a professional account. So, if you are using a personal account, then try switching it to a professional account. 

Fix 6: Unlink Any Third-Party Apps

If you are using any third-party application to access your Instagram account, then there is a possibility that these third-party apps are the reason why you are encountering the “your account can’t be shown to non-followers”. These third-party apps have the necessary permissions to access your account, so they might post harmful content through your account or misuse it against the community guidelines of Instagram. So, to fix “your account can’t be shown to non-followers” error on Instagram, you need to unlink these third-party applications from your Instagram account.

Fix 7: Clear Your Instagram App’s Cache

A major reason for error messages on the Instagram app can be accumulated corrupted data on your account. This accumulated data is the common reason behind temporary bugs and error messages in the Instagram app. Consider clearing your Instagram app’s cache to solve the problem. Follow the simple steps that have been mentioned below to clear the Instagram app’s cache.

On iOS devices:

  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. Next, tap on the General option.
  3. Then, tap on the iPhone storage option.
  4. Now, tap on the Instagram app option.
  5. Then, tap on the Offload app option.

On the Android device:

  1. Open the settings option on your device.
  2. Next, tap on the apps option, and then on the Apps and notifications option.
  3. Now, scroll through the apps, and tap on the Instagram app.
  4. Then, tap on the storage option.
  5. Now, tap on the clear cache option.

Fix 8: Update Your Instagram App

Still struggling to fix “your account can’t be shown to non-followers” error on Instagram? Let’s remind you that updating your Instagram app can be the right solution many a time to get rid of such error messages or minor bugs. So, it is recommended that you also try updating your Instagram app to the latest version in case you are using an older version of the Instagram app. For that, you only need to navigate to your App Store or Play Store and search for the Instagram app. If you find the open option next to the app’s name, then it is updated to the latest version. However, if the update option appears next to the name of the app, then tap on it, and keep your app up-to-date.

Fix 9: Log Out And Log In Again

Sometimes simply logging out and logging in to your Instagram account can be pretty effective to solve Instagram errors. As this way has been quite beneficial for several users to fix “your account can’t be shown to non-followers” error on Instagram, so you can also give it a try. Logging out and logging in back to your account is a great way to say goodbye to temporary glitches arising due to several reasons on your device. So, you can also try this way, and check if it works for you as well or not.

Fix 10: Report The Issue To Instagram

Given a try to all the ways that have dropped above, but still, nothing is going your way? Then, it is time to seek help from the official support team of the Instagram app. You can try reporting the issue to the Instagram support team by writing an email, contacting the support team via their Twitter account, or reporting the problem through your Instagram account. Follow the steps that have been mentioned below and report the problem.

  1. Access your Instagram account and tap on the profile icon at the bottom right corner.
  2. Next, in the profile section, tap on the Hamburger menu at the top right corner.
  3. Then, tap on the Settings and Privacy option.
  4. Now, tap on the Help button.
  5. Then, tap on the Report a problem option.
  6. Now, tap on the Something isn’t working option.
  7. You can now explain the problem that you are facing and ask for further assistance.

Wrapping Up

Instagram is a favorite social media platform for many of us, especially Gen Z and Gen Alpha. However, one thing that bothers many Instagram users is the errors that are encountered by users. Whether you are a regular Instagram user or not, you must have come across errors on the app. Though many errors are because of a minor glitch or bug in the app, but “your account can’t be shown to non-followers” error on Instagram is not due to this reason. So, if you are facing the same problem, then you also need to follow the ways that have been mentioned above and get back your Insta glory now! 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Why Is My Account Not Reaching Non-Followers?

A. If your Instagram account is not reaching non-followers then it can be because you are not creating engaging and original content or because of not using the relevant hashtags on your posts and Reels.

Q2. Why Is Instagram Saying Unable To Fetch Followers?

A. If your Instagram account is saying that it is unable to fetch followers, then it can be due to a technical glitch, or a minor bug in your Instagram app.

Q3. Why Is My Instagram Account Not Following?

A. If your Instagram account is not following, then it is due to the reason that your daily following limit has been exceeded on Instagram.

Q4. How Do I Fix Instagram Saying Your Content Can’t Be Recommended Right Now?

A. To fix your content can’t be recommended right now error on Instagram, you need to check if you are posting anything against the guidelines of Instagram or not. If you are, then immediately remove it from your account.

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