How To Cancel Your Amazon Prime Membership – A Guide With All Alternative Ways

How To Cancel Your Amazon Prime Membership

Amazon has become a shop-go for entertainment lovers. From the online shopping business to the latest movies released on Amazon Prime Videos. The Prime subscription has made it simple and easy. We are aware of how to buy a membership for the prime membership. But, here is the guide that will teach you How To Cancel Your Amazon Prime Membership.

There may be various reasons that can lead you to Cancel the Amazon Prime subscription. There are chances that you may have found the best movie channels on Telegram or you have found the best free online streaming sites. Be it any reason, you need proper guidance for canceling the Amazon Prime Subscription. So, here we are with the guide on “How To Cancel Your Amazon Prime Membership”.

We have categorized the article into two sections the first section will tell you how to cancel your Amazon Prime Membership on the PC and the second one will tell you how to cancel the Amazon Prime Subscription using the Mobile phone. In the second section, there are two sub-sections, the first one using the mobile browser and the second one using the Amazon App.

Further in the article, we have explained all the sections mentioned above in great detail with the proper steps to follow. 

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How To Cancel Your Amazon Prime Membership

So, without wasting much of our time let us jump directly to the guide on “How To Cancel Your Amazon Prime Membership”. Follow the steps given below to cancel your amazon prime subscription.

How To Cancel Amazon Prime Membership On Desktop

How To Cancel Your Amazon Prime Membership - PC Desktop
Source: CNET

If you are accessing the Prime benefits of Amazon prime using your desktop or PC then you need to follow the following steps to cancel your Amazon Prime Subscription from the desktop.

  1. Visit the website from any browser on your desktop.
  2. Log in with your credentials. If you are already logged in then skip the step.
  3. Go to the top right corner of the page and click on the ”Account & Lists”.
  4. A drop-down menu will appear in front of you. Select “Your Prime membership” from the menu.
  5. A new window will appear in front of you including several options like Validity, payment history, and End your membership. Click on “End Membership and Benefits”.
  6. In case you are on a free one-month trial then you will get the option “Do Not Continue”.
  7. Now, you will be directed to the page and Amazon will remind you of the benefits of using amazon prime. If you still want to cancel your membership on Amazon Prime, scroll down and click on “I Do Not Want My Benefits”.
  8. You will be asked a few questions, click continue to cancel.
  9. At last, you will find the option “Cancel Membership”. Click on it
  10. You have canceled your Amazon Prime membership.


  • You can Continue your membership afterward if you change your mind. Just select “Continue membership”.
  • For Free Trial users the service will end in 30 days.

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How To Cancel Amazon Prime Membership On Mobile

How To Cancel Your Amazon Prime Membership - Mobile
Source: YouTube

Most of the users use the Amazon Prime benefits through their mobile phones. Here are the two most prominent and almost similar methods to cancel the amazon prime subscription using the mobile device.

How To Cancel Amazon Prime Membership On Mobile Through Website

Follow the following steps to cancel the amazon prime membership on mobile phone through the “” website.

  1. Open the web browser and visit the website
  2. Hit the hamburger menu on the top left side
  3. From the drop-down menu select “Your Account”
  4. Now click on the “Prime”.
  5. Another drop-down menu will appear. Select the “Manage Membership”
  6. Now hit on the “End Membership”
  7. Amazon will display the benefits they have availed you. Click “Continue to Cancel”
  8. Now, you will see the “End On”, you can select the date on which you wish to cancel your Amazon Prime membership.

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How To Cancel Amazon Prime Membership On Mobile Using The Amazon App

Follow the following steps to cancel amazon prime membership on a mobile phone using the Amazon app.

  1. Download the Amazon App from the Google play store.
  2. Sign in to the app or if you are already signed in Skip the step and open the app.
  3. Hit the hamburger menu on the top left side
  4. From the drop-down menu select “Your Account”
  5. Now click on the “Prime”.
  6. Another drop-down menu will appear. Select the “Manage Membership”
  7. Now hit on the “End Membership”
  8. Amazon will display the benefits they have availed you. Click “Continue to Cancel”
  9. Now, you will see the “End On”, you can select the date on which you wish to cancel your Amazon Prime membership.


I hope our guide on “How To Cancel Your Amazon Prime Membership” proves to be of great help and use to you. If you find it useful then don’t forget to share the article and if you got any query then do write to us in the comments section.

Featured Image Source: Wealthy Gorilla

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