How To Delete Cameo Account? 7 Easy Steps!

How To Delete Cameo Account?

How to delete Cameo account 2022 – If you are wondering how to deactivate or delete your Cameo account permanently then stop right here! Cuz this is the right place where you can get the answer to that. 

Cameo is a video sharing application based in America, where every user gets their desired customized videos from their favorite celebrities at a price. If you are someone who created an account on Cameo but it turned out of no use and wants to delete it now, then my dear read the entire article because learning how to delete Cameo account is a straightforward process.

Open Cameo App > Profile Page > Security And Privacy > Account Services > Delete Account. This was how to delete Cameo account. If you ever change your mind and wish to recover your deleted Cameo account then you should do what the other sections are saying.

We are going to discuss how to delete Cameo account in this article in detail also we going to share some tips at the end of this article that you should consider before deleting your Cameo account.

How To Delete Cameo Account?

Cameo fulfills every fan’s wishes by providing them a personalized video from their favorite celebrity wishing them on their special day. But if you didn’t find this app of any use for some reason like unable to find your desired actor on Cameo, or found lots of bug attacks and glitches then you should delete your Cameo account.

Also Read: How To Buy A Cameo Gift Card? Latest Coverage 2022!

Here are the instructions for how to delete Cameo account on your mobile phone as deleting your account on website version is not available, follow each of the step carefully: 

Step 01: Launch the Cameo application on your device and Login to your Cameo account.

Step 02: From the home screen of the app, open your Cameo Profile and click on the Settings icon at the top right corner of the screen.

Step 03: Now scroll down and click on the Security And Privacy button at the middle of the menu.

Step 04: Next find and click on the Account Services button. You will find this button next to the trash icon.

Step 05: After that, click on the Delete Account button and done!!

NOTE: But remember once you delete your account on Cameo it can never be recovered, if you wish to do then creating a new account on Cameo is the only option that you will be left with.

If you have a even a little doubt that in future you might need this account for any reason then we’d recommend you to deactivate your Cameo account instead of deleting it permanently and send an email to Cameo at [email protected] whenever you feel like reactivating your account.

Step 06: Now fill the Form and click on the Submit button.

If you reside somewhere in California then you get a few rights under CCPA including the right to delete your personal data and if you are an UK or EEA resident, the GDPR applies on you too!

NOTE: Make sure you help them with your email address so that they can use that to send you a confirmation email.

Also Read: How To Join Fan Club In Cameo App? A Detailed Guide 2022!

Step 07: Click on the Send button to send them all the deliverables once you are done!

And done! You have successfully learnt how to delete Cameo account in just a couple of minutes. If you find any difficulty in deleting your account on Cameo or any other concern related to Cameo then you can ping us in our comment section, we would love to help you.

Wrapping Up

Deasilex hopes that now you are fully aware of how to delete Cameo account, first you need to open the app and head to your Cameo profile. Now find and click on the Security And Privacy tab. Then tap on the Account services button and scroll down until you find Delete Account button. Click on it and fill the form.

And you’re good to go! 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Is Cameo Safe? 

Cameo takes reasonable security precautions to keep your personal information safe. However, there’s no method of transmission of data on internet or method of storage of data. 

Q. Can I Keep My Cameo Forever?

Fortunately yes! You can always download a Cameo video to your device from your previous orders in your Cameo account.

Q. What Happens if My Cameo expires?

If your request has expired, you will get the refund and hence you can send another request to the same or a different celebrity.

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