How To Delete Watch History On Amazon Prime Video?

How To Delete Watch History On Amazon Prime Video

Amazon Prime Video continuously improves its services and provides us with new features and products to improve our experience. But do you like everything on the streaming services provider websites? Not really! It could be a movie that you hate or a TV show that you have already watched on Amazon Prime Video. You don’t want to delete your watched items on Amazon Prime Video? But you can’t keep the items cluttered either! So deleting sounds like the best option then! Well, do you know how to delete watch history on Amazon Prime Video?

When you delete or remove the watch history on Amazon Prime Video you can be sure that you will not see anything that is similar to your recommendations. Well, that’s a relief to not get the same recommendations, Isn’t it? Perhaps this is how the algorithm of many steaming services provider works.

Deleting watch history on Amazon Prime Video is really simple and is similar to deleting your web browser history. Just with a few clicks, you can easily clear your watch history on Amazon Prime Video. That’s really simple. But do you know how to delete watch history on Amazon Prime Video?

Well, that is what we are going to discuss on this blog, how to delete watch history on Amazon Prime Video. The given steps are really very easy. Al you have to do is follow the given steps carefully and then you can easily clear your watch history. So let’s get started.

Why Should You Delete Your Amazon Watch History On Amazon Prime Video?

Do you know that streaming services always track your likings and add them to your watch history? We often forget which movie we watched a few days back in many cases. But our watch history will help us to recall it. Series, TV shows, and movies are always added to our watch lost or watch history and will help you to get recommendations on the basis of your liking.

But there are many users who do not like this and want to delete their watch history so that they can get rid of unwanted movies. It could be that they have watched a movie on seeing its poster but closed it just after a few minutes. It could also be that your relative used your account to watch some shows. Now you feel humiliated that the show that they have watched is in your watch history. If you have faced these situations, you can delete your watch history on Amazon Prime Video. But if you don’t know how to delete your watch history on Amazon Prime Video then this blog will help you out.

How To View Your Watch History On Amazon Prime Video?

How To View Your Watch History On Amazon Prime Video

If you want to view all your Amazon Prime Video watch history before you delete it then here are some steps that you need to follow:

  • Go to Amazon Prime Video homepage.
  • Now on the upper right-hand side you will a cog icon. Click on it.
  • Now click on the settings option.
  • Next press the watch history option. Here you will see all the shows that you have watched till now.

How To Delete Watch History On Amazon Prime Video

If you want to delete watch history on Amazon Prime Video then here are some steps that you need to follow:

  • First you need to go to Prime Video. When you open this link it will directly take you to the homepage of the Prime Video
  • Now sign in using your Amazon account which is linked to the watch history of Prime that you want to delete.
  • If you are not redirected to Amazon Prime Video’s home page then you need to tap on the Prime Video.
  • Now tap on the Settings option and then on the watch history
  • Now you need to click on the option view watch history
  • Now you will get the screen that will be full of your Prime watch history
  • In this list you will find around the last 200 movies and the TV shows that you have watched. Keep browsing the list till you find the items that you want to delete.
  • To delete any item you need to click on the option hide/remove this from the watched Videos.
  • After you click on the link that item will not be there on your watch history. You can repeat this for any item that you want to delete.

Alternative Ways To Delete Watch History On Amazon Prime Video

Alternative Ways To Delete Watch History On Amazon Prime Video

This is perhaps one of the easy and simple methods that will help you to get rid of unwanted Videos or recommendations. You just have to perform two steps and then you are free from the suggestion that will not pop up in your watch history.

  • First go to the main Amazon Prime Video homepage where you will find the small edit button. Now right click on the edit button which will show an X on the top of each show or movie in your watch history.
  • Now just scroll through the watch list and see what you want to remove from your watch history and then remove the contents individually. Just click on the done button when you are done.

Wrapping Up:

So here we have discussed how to delete your watch history on Amazon Prime Video. The steps that we have listed are easy to follow and then you will get rid of the suggestions. But remember that the deleted shows will again get back to the watch history if you watch that show again.

Frequently Asked Questions

How To Delete Watch History On Amazon Prime Video From Your Browser?

If you want to delete your watch history on Amazon Prime Video then here are a few steps that you need to follow:

  • Go to the website of Amazon Prime Video
  • Now login to your account
  • Next on the upper right-hand side of the page, you need to press the small gear icon
  • Then from the drop-down choose the settings option
  • If you prompted again then you need to log in again and then press on watch history option
  • Now choose the delete option from the watch history.

How To Delete Watch History On Amazon Prime Video From iOS And Android Devices?

  • On your android or iOS device Open your Prime Video app
  • Now in the bottom right section clicks on my stuff
  • On the upper right section Click on the gear icon to open the settings of Prime vide
  • Now choose the option clear your Video search history

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