How To Fix Instagram DMs Stuck On Loading Screen? In 12 Easy Ways!

How To Fix Instagram Dms Stuck On Loading Screen?

Are you not able to send messages to your friends on Instagram? Is your Instagram Dms stuck on the loading screen? We know that you are frustrated, and not able to contact your friends. Fret no more. We present to you a complete guide on how to fix Instagram DMs stuck on loading screen.

Instagram is one of the most popular social networking apps today with more than 2.3 billion users from all over the world. Users make use of the platform to stay connected with all their friends and followers by creating posts and by sending Direct messages (DMs). Recently Instagram users have been facing issues with sending DMs stuck on loading screen. They have taken to various social platforms like Twitter to voice their concern.

You will be able to fix Instagram DMs stuck on loading screen by,

  1. Check Server Status
  2. Check network connection
  3. Refresh page
  4. Force Close app
  5. Close Other apps
  6. Update app
  7. Clear app cache
  8. Re-login
  9. Use alternate account
  10. Reinstall app
  11. Try again later
  12. Restart device

Read on to see detailed instructions on how to fix Instagram DMs stuck on loading screen.

How To Fix Instagram DMs Stuck On Loading Screen?

Direct messages on Instagram are one of the most used features of the app. Instagram users who wish to directly contact their friends can send personal Dms for them to see. Instagram also allows users to form groups and participate in group chats.

Any glitch or malfunction in the app is going to directly affect millions of users from all over the world. Worry not and follow the fixes given below to fix Instagram Dms stuck on loading screen issues.

Fix 1: Check Server Status

How To Fix Instagram Dms Stuck On Loading Screen? server

Are you the only Instagram user with the issue of is Instagram DMs stuck on loading screen for all Instagram users? If all Instagram users experience issues with Dms, it could probably be due to issues with the Instagram server. If the Instagram server is down, we can do nothing but wait for the Instagram Support team to fix it for us.

You can check the server status of Instagram with the help of various apps and websites like Downdetector, which generates a detailed report of Instagram server activities. You will be able to detect if there is an issue with the Instagram server by looking at the server status. If the Instagram server is up and running, then you can follow the instructions given below to fix Instagram Dms stuck on loading screen issues.

Fix 2: Check Internet Connection

Do you have a good internet connection on your device? A bad or fluctuating network connection will result in glitches and malfunctions while using Instagram. To fix Instagram DMs stuck on loading screen issue, make sure that you have a good Wi-Fi connection.

If you have a bad or fluctuating internet connection, unplug your modem and turn it back on in a few seconds. This will remove any bugs or malware if present. If not, switch to an alternate Wi-Fi or data connection.

Fix 3: Refresh Page

How To Fix Instagram Dms Stuck On Loading Screen? refresh

The simplest solution for you to fix Instagram DMs stuck on loading screen issues is to refresh the page or reload the Instagram feed. Hit the refresh button on your web browser or hold and swipe down to the bottom of your screen to reload the page.

Reloading the Instagram page will help users to automatically remove all malware that causes malfunctions, and help you to fix Instagram DMs stuck on loading screen error.

Fix 4: Force Stop App

The next easy way for you to fix Instagram Dms stuck on loading screen error is to force close Instagram app. Just close the malfunctioning app and open it again to fix all loading issues.


How To Fix Instagram Dms Stuck On Loading Screen? force stop

Step 1 – Long press on the Instagram app icon.

Step 2 – Tap on App info.

Step 3 – Click on Force Stop to close the app.

iOS Devices

Step 1 – Swipe up from the bottom of the screen.

Step 2 – Swipe left or right to locate Instagram.

Step 3 – Swipe up on Instagram to Force Stop it.

Fix 5: Close Other Apps

Were you using a lot of apps simultaneously on your device? Using many apps at the same time will result in performance issues and could be the cause of Instagram DMs stuck on loading screen. To fix it, try to close all the apps and games that are running in the background.

To close all apps running in the background, just press the Home button on your device and click on the small ‘x’ icon at the bottom of the screen. This will help you to easily close all background apps. Open Instagram to check if it has helped you to fix Instagram DMs stuck on loading screen error.

Fix 6: Update Instagram

How To Fix Instagram Dms Stuck On Loading Screen? update app

Do you update your device and all apps on a regular basis? Using old or outdated apps will cause glitches and malfunctions while using them and reduce the overall performance of the app itself. To fix Instagram DMs stuck on loading screen error, update the Instagram app to the latest available version. Follow the instructions given below to update the Instagram app.


Google Play Store > Menu > My Apps & Games > Update Instagram.

iOS Devices

App Store > Profile icon > Instagram > Update.

Fix 7: Clear Instagram App Cache

Does your device lack storage space? Lack of sufficient storage space will result in performance issues while using the apps stored on your device. It will lead to malfunctions in the Instagram app too. To fix Instagram DMs stuck on loading screen error, let us try to clear the Instagram app cache in your device by following the instructions given below.


How To Fix Instagram Dms Stuck On Loading Screen? clear cache

Settings > Apps > App Management > Instagram > Storage Usage > Clear Cache.

iOS Devices

Apple users cannot delete the Instagram app cache at the click of a button. You will have to offload the app from your device and reinstall it again from the App Store.

Open the Instagram app to check if deleting the app cache can help you to fix Instagram DMs stuck on loading screen error.

Fix 8: Re-Login Instagram

How To Fix Instagram Dms Stuck On Loading Screen? login

Has it been a long time since you logged in to your Instagram account? It is time for you to re-login. Just logout of your Instagram account and enter your credentials to re-login again. This will remove malfunctions and help you to fix Instagram Dms stuck on loading screen errors.

Fix 9: Use Alternate Account

Do you have an alternate Instagram account? You can try to login to another Instagram account and try to send DMs with that account. If the user has blocked your account, you will have issues contacting them using your Instagram account. Making use of an alternate Instagram account will help you to fix Instagram Dms stuck on loading screen errors in such situations.

Fix 10: Re-Install Instagram

How To Fix Instagram Dms Stuck On Loading Screen? install

Have you tried to fix Instagram DMs stuck on loading screen error by following all the solutions given above? Are you still not able to fix it? Then it is time for us to re-install the Instagram app on your device. Just delete the Instagram app installed on your device and reinstall it from Google Play Store or the App Store for Android and iOS devices respectively.

Fix 11: Restart Your Device

Are you still not able to send Instagram Dms? We have one more way to fix Instagram DMs stuck on loading screen error for you. Just restart your device. Turn off your device and turn it back on in a few seconds. This will remove all malware that causes glitches and malfunctions while using it.

Fix 12: Try Again Later

Instagram offers a platform for millions of people to communicate at the same time. Instagram servers are equipped to handle a large number of users at all times. However, an unpredicted overload could result in malfunctions and cause performance issues. If you have tried all the solutions mentioned above, you can try to send Instagram Dms at a later time and hope that this helps you to fix Instagram DMs stuck on loading screen error.

Wrap Up

Instagram is one of the most used networking apps today. Users make use of the platform to stay connected with friends and family from all over the world. An issue with Instagram DMs is directly going to affect millions of users. We hope that by following the instructions given in this article you can now fix Instagram DMs stuck on loading screen error.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1 Why Is My DMs Stuck On My Loading Screen?

There may be many reasons for DMs to be stuck on my loading screen including,

  1. Poor Internet connection.
  2. Outdated Instagram app.
  3. Invalid cache files.
  4. Too many users accessing Instagram DM simultaneously.
  5. Instagram places restrictions on your actions.

Q2 Why Are My Instagram DMS Just Loading?

An unstable internet connection could be the cause of Instagram DM loading screen troubles. It’s crucial to have a strong internet connection when using Instagram. To check the internet speed, switch to a different device or open a different app.

Q3 Why Is My Instagram DM Stuck On Sending?

If you are sending a DM and it gets stuck on sending, then it might be due to an unstable internet connection. To send any message you need good internet.

Q4 Why Won’t My Instagram DM Videos Load?

Lack of sufficient storage space will result in performance issues while using the apps stored on your device. It will lead to malfunctions in the Instagram app too.

Q5 Why Is My Message Stuck On Sending?

Have you been blocked? If you have been blocked on Instagram by the user, you will not be able to send them messages, it will be stuck on sending. 

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