Are you looking for how to leave a review on Shpock? If so, then this article will be the most perfect place for you and you will get to know about the process perfectly.
Giving a review after purchasing something is one of the most important things that you might want to do. In fact, these reviews will also help you and other people a lot in the future. That is why giving a review is really important.
While looking for how to leave a review on Shpock, you need to follow a few steps. Those steps will be like once you are done chatting and have made the deal > tap on the stars > leave a comment if required. Follow these steps, it will help you to leave a review on Shpock.
Along with just knowing the steps, you will definitely need to know the details of the steps as well. Hence, this is a comprehensive guide that incorporates everything you are looking for to know how to leave a review on shpock?
How To Leave A Review On Shpock in 2022?
How to leave a review on Shpock? You first need to search for the item you want > make a deal > at the bottom of the chat box > you will be able to see some stars, and you need to tap on the stars that will give it the review > review after buying on Shpock > You can also leave some comments based on the deal.
Before you know the details of the review process, you need to know some other details as well. first, you need to know that you can either be a seller or a buyer on the Shpock app. This is a certified online marketplace, where you can trade different items. If you are going to buy different items from this one, then you need to make a deal over chat with the seller. Let’s proceed straight to the steps of how to leave a review on Shpock:
Step 1: First, you need to search for the item you want.
Step 2: Then, you need to make a deal with the seller over chat.
Step 3: Once, you will be done with the deal, you will need to know that now you can leave the review.
Step 4: After the chat is over, you will have to look at the bottom of the chat box.
Step 5: There you will be able to see some stars, and you need to tap on the stars that will give it the review. Based on the stars you will tap on it will be the review itself.
Step 6: Here comes the next step of the review after buying on Shpock. That is leaving the comment.
Step 7: You can also leave some comments based on the deal and the item as well. That will also help other people while looking for the same item.
Step 8: While looking for the steps and process of how to leave a review on Shpock, you need to know that you must give the review after you will be done with the complete deal itself. Before that, you shouldn’t give the review.
How To Change A Review On Shpock?
This is another factor that you need to know if you are going to access Shpock. Once, you will be done with a desk, it will make you feel giving a review. If you will find that review that will be the final one. You can’t change it just like that. Though there is a process which will help you to change your review. That will also be by you only. Once, you have given a review, and to change it, you need to know that process too.
If you want to change your given review, then you need to go ahead and know that to change your review, you need to send a message direct to Shpock. They will only be the one to change the review. You need to send the message with some important information and that will be
- Name of the dealer or the partner
- The item that is in the discussion
- The date of review
- Why you want to change the review
- Wheat is the updated review that will be there.
Once, you will send a message to them, they will change the review of that particular deal or the item for you. Then you or other people will be able to see the updated one itself.
What is Buying And Selling In Shpock?
Not only knowing the review process will be enough, but you will also need to know a bit about the buying and selling as well. If you are a seller and looking for the ways to sell your items, then you can easily go with Shpock selling itself. It will give you a perfect time and profit while you will sell those items. Once, you will start selling your items one here, it will be something that will attract you a lot.
While you are a buyer, the most important factors that you need to take care will is it safe to buy from Shpock or not. To know this and get the doubt clear, you need to know that, it is completely a safe platform to buy. This is a certified marketplace, from where you will be able to buy different items that you require.
It is also true that, you would love to but different items from some place, that are completely safe. So, you can trust on this app to buy your items.
Wrapping Up
So, you have already got to know about how to leave a review on Shpock. Not only the steps, but you have also got to know about the details of those steps too. These details will definitely help you to understand the complete process. Not only that but you have also got to know if your can trust this one or not.
Along with that, it will also help you to become a profitable seller as well. So, you need to go ahead and start using Shpock now. Leave your review and contact after the deal. Keep it perfect for the other people as well.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can One Do Both Buying and Selling on Shpock?
Shpock is a certified online marketplace where you will be able to make any listing for your items. So, you can sell some items over there. Not only that, but you can also buy some other items from there as well. In fact, you can do both on Shpock as well. It’s time to enjoy both at the single platform itself
2. What Are The Steps That You Need to Follow on How to Leave a Review on Shpock?
While looking for the steps of how to leave a review on Shpock, you need to follow the complete steps like completing a chat > tap on the stars > leave a comment if required. These steps and the details will help you to understand how you will give a perfect review on your purchase.
3. What is The Best Time to Give a Review on Shpock?
If you are looking for the best time to give review on Shpock, then you need to do that once you will be done with the deal. After you will make a successful deal with the seller, then you need can easily go ahead and give a river on Shpock app. That will be the most convenient time for you to give the review.