Giving feedback is pretty easy on Vrbo once you learn how to leave a review on Vrbo. Sharing your rental experience with the other Vrbo users can be of great help to you and them also! Everyone desires to know the goods and bads about the service that they are going for!
Then why not give them what they are craving? Reviews…Learning how to leave a review on Vrbo as these reviews can help hosts and guests both to understand each other better and help the host grow more on Vrbo. This platform makes reviewing Vrbo services even easier by offering a two-way review system where guests and hosts both can share their experiences with each other.
Open App > Log In To Traveller Account > My Trips > Select Reservation > Leave A Review > Rate Your Experience > Fill In Info > Click Submit. This was how to leave a review on Vrbo for a traveller. To know how to review Vrbo in detail read more!
To learn how to leave a review on Vrbo and what are the tips to review on Vrbo stick to the article till the end!
How To Leave A Review On Vrbo From Email?
Guests, travellers and hosts can read your reviews from previous travellers who visited the same property and understand what they can expect and find properties which go with their requirements. Hosts can also review their experience with a traveller to aid other hosts and make them comfortable by unsuspecting them as an important traveller.
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Travellers that book reservations online through Vrbo will receive an email the same day including information about inviting them and leave a review.
To know how to leave a review on Vrbo as a guest, follow the given instructions carefully:
Open Email > Did You Enjoy Your Stay > Yes Or No > Open Form > Rate Your Experience > Fill In Info > Click Submit
Step 01: Open Email received from Vrbo.
This email will include links and a portal to your Vrbo account. One is not supposed to share this email with anyone as this can cause danger to your Vrbo account to get invaded.
Step 02: Now, scroll down and find Did You Enjoy Your Stay and click on the Yes Or No button.
Step 03: Open the Form asking for additional feedback in your browser by clicking on the link.
Step 04: Rate your booking experience by giving the service stars from one to five.
Step 05: Next, Fill In all the Details and info asked in the form.
Step 06: Click on the Save button and Continue to feed in pr deliver your review.
How To Leave A Review On Vrbo From App?

If you couldn’t find the email from Vrbo asking you to leave a review then you can use this manual to know how to leave a review on Vrbo as a guest by using the Vrbo app or website.
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Open App > Log In To Traveller Account > My Trips > Select Reservation > Leave A Review > Rate Your Experience > Fill In Info > Click Submit
Step 01: Open Vrbo app or website and login to your account as a traveller or guest by feeding in your credentials.
Step 02: From the home screen, head to your Account and select My Trips.
Step 03: Click on the particular Reservation from your previous journeys which you want to review.
Step 04: Scroll down and find the Leave A Review. Once found, click on it.
Step 05: Now, Rate Your Experience by giving stars from one to five and provide the information asked in the review form.
Step 06: In the end, click on the Submit button.
After clicking on the submitting button, you will get an email from Vrbo as a confirmation including a copy of your review along with your review ID. After completing the how to leave a review on Vrbo process, the front end has a time period of 14 days to write a review. If the property host submits the review before you, then you will get a reminder email in the next two days before the 2 week time period ends. Both the host and traveller cannot see each other’s review until both of you submit one under the time period of the 14 day window.
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Also one is not allowed to edit their review after writing it. However, if your star rating does not relate much with the content that you have posted as a review, you can request for correcting it once upto 60 days after submitting the review. And if you wish to remove or delete a review written by you for some reason, then you won’t be able to submit a review ever again for the same property.
Quick Tips For Writing A Review On Vrbo

If you have had an amazing experience with the Vrbo service and the host’s property, and want to shower love on them for making their days but don’t make any mistakes while writing a review then you can consider some of these tips to write decent and favorable reviews.
Be Concise And Thorough
You need to focus on the experience while appointing the property and mention all the data related to the rental process including bookings or damages.
Secure Yours And Others Privacy
Remember to not share any personal data like addresses, last names, mobile numbers or email addresses while writing a review. However these won’t be approved to post anyways!
Post Legal Content Only
You are supposed to share only your content that you have rights on!
Use Decent Language
Reviews with offensive, hurtful and foul language to others won’t be approved and hence not be posted! Reviews are meant for the help of future visitors, travellers or guests, not for threatening or assaulting anyone.
Wrapping Up
Vrbo is a rental brand where hosts that are rental managers and owners post and upload their properties and guests or travellers can book their vacation properties online. Vrbo is accessible in 190 countries and its origin is North America.
One can book their vacation homes and stay through Vrbo in just a few clicks for short term periods. One can also post their experience in the form of reviews and let others know about their good and bad services.
If you also want to know how to leave a review on Vrbo, then this guide is best for you! Share with your other wanderers.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Do Vrbo Guests Have Reviews?
Guests can be rated from one to five stars depending on their entire experience like communication, obeying the rules, cleanliness etc.
Q. Can Owners Delete Reviews On Vrbo?
Reviews who meet their content policies cannot be edited or deleted by either owners or the property managers.
Q. Why Is My Review Not Showing On Vrbo?
Once a renter posted a review, Vrbo’s review system has a 14 day period during which neither the host nor the traveller reviews are shown.
Q. Can Hosts Leave Reviews On Vrbo?
Vrbo allows both the guests and travellers to rate their experience after their stay is completed. Once you complete your every stay, both the guests and travellers have to submit a review.