How To Use The “Help Me Organize” Feature?

How To Use The “Help Me Organize” Feature?

Preparing student mark sheets or comparing marketing data, the use of Google Sheets is impeccable. Let’s make your Google sheet smarter with Duet AI, “Help Me Organize”. People around the world have already started learning how to use the “Help Me Organize” feature on Google Sheets, don’t you just sit back!

We are already using Google Bard smart integration in Gmail and Google Docs. For Google Sheets and PPT, it is called Duet AI. Let’s use the “Help Me Organize” feature on Google Sheets and enjoy creating more plans in less time.

Verified Answer By Expert

To use the “Help Me Organize” feature on Google Sheets, open Google Sheets and tap on the “Help Me Organize”  on a cell. Give prompts as required and enjoy creating detailed plans for your business, classes, and more. 

The best part of bringing AI into Google Sheets is to improve the accuracy of the task and save more time. When you use the “Help Me Organize” feature on Google Sheets, you improve your working efficiency by many folds. Duet AI is not just about helping you to save time but aiding you to reach your goal with accuracy. 

What Is The “Help Me Organize” Feature? 

Help Me Organize is the new AI feature that is going to be the newest addition to Google Sheets. From the official blog published by Google May 11, 2023, we got a sneak peek of this upcoming AI feature. 

According to the post, Duet AI integration is coming with the “Help Me Organize” feature. You just need to click on a cell and then select the feature. You will be asked to state prompts like if you want to create a list or make a plan and the topic. This AI feature can generate the complete planning of a business agenda, trip planning, or a list of mail contexts in just a few seconds. 

How To Access The “Help Me Organize” Feature? 

How To Access The “Help Me Organize” Feature? 

The Help Me Organize feature is not available yet to the common people. However, Google has shared how to use the “Help Me Organize” feature on Google Sheets in their official blog. 

In the future, when the integration is available, you can find the Duet AI available on the sheet. Just click on any cell and you can access the Help Me Organize feature. This feature is going to be a game changer for those who greatly rely on Google Sheets to manage data. 

How To Use The “Help Me Organize” Feature In Google Sheets? 

As discussed earlier, we all have theoretical knowledge about the Help Me Organize feature based on the sneak peeks published in Google’s official blogs. Based on that information, here is how to use the “Help Me Organize” feature on Google Sheets:

Step 1: Access your Google sheet and click to turn on the Duet AI.

Step 2: Click on a cell to access the Help Me Organize feature.

Step 3: Give necessary prompts as required. 

Enjoy creating lists and managing data in just a few clicks!

What Are The Benefits Of Using The “Help Me Organize” Feature?

The benefits of using the Help Me Organize feature are immense. When it comes to the integration of AI into chat support and Google Workspace apps, we expect more productivity with minimum effort. The Help Me Organize feature is the same. 

True to its name, the ‘Help Me Organize’ feature will help you to organize your data and plannings efficiently. All you need to do is share the right prompts to instruct what you need the AI tool to do for you. From managing school data to business planning; the Help Me Organize feature looks promising to give a better user experience. 

Is The “Help Me Organize” Feature Available To Everyone?

No, the “Help Me Organize” feature is not available to everyone. According to the official announcement, this feature is still in the experimental stage and only a few selected people can use this feature for improvement. 

How Can I Get Help With The “Help Me Organize” Feature?

So far we have discussed how to use the “Help Me Organize” feature on Google Sheets. If you are curious about how can you get help with the “Help Me Organize” feature, here are some of the benefits that you can consider:

1. Create Effective Plans

With the “Help Me Organize” feature you can create plans which are thorough and effective. Use prompts wisely and the Duet AI will help you with creating great plans without any flaws. 

2. Better Data Management

If you are working with a lot of data and need hands to sort the data for you, seek help from the “Help Me Organize” feature. This amazing AI feature can sort your data and process data according to your command in just seconds, saving a lot of time for other important tasks! 

3. Faster Data Processing 

Accelerate your work in a better and faster way with the “Help Me Organize” feature. Use the “Help Me Organize” feature on Google Sheet and enjoy working faster and more efficiently. 


Playing with AI features is becoming more and more interesting! The introduction of Bard AI into Google Apps just raised the temptation. Using an AI chatbot for any project is fun but using AI in Google Apps is making the work more enjoyable. Besides, it is time-saving and efficient. For now, we just have to wait for the rollout of the Duet AI feature for Google Sheets and enjoy working with the AI helping hand. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What does Google Bard do?

Like ChatGPT, Google Bard is a conversational AI bot. This Chatbot is developed and launched by Google in 2023 for the common people.  

Q2. Is Google’s Bard available?

Yes, the Google Bard feature is now available to all people. Anyone with a Gmail account can access Google Bard for free! 

Q3. Is the “Help Me Organize” feature on Google Sheet Free?

Yes, “Help Me Organize” is an upcoming feature for Google Sheets and as announced by Google, we can assume that the feature will be available to all and will be free. 

Q4. Is Google Bard free?

Yes, Google Bard is free for now and anyone with a legit Gmail account can access Google Bard.

Q5. What is Google Duet AI? 

Google is collaborating with AI with Google Workspace apps. This new integration is called Duet AI for Google Workspace (as per Google’s official blog). The “Help Me Organize” feature on Google Sheets comes under the Duet AI feature integration. 

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