How Twitter Downvote Button Works? Twitter’s New Experiment!

How Twitter Downvote Button Works

Twitter is spreading the analysis of the “downvote” feature with other users also. First launched in July 2021, the option was available to iOS users only. Nowadays, social media platforms are saying that the “downvote” button is spread out all over the Twitter network and Android application. However, its spreadability details still remain unstable. But knowing this much isn’t enough right? So let’s dive directly into it and know How Twitter Downvote Button Works?

Twitter is not the first platform to launch the downvoting feature – YouTube and Reddit each have already featured this option earlier in different forms. But in addition to this, the launch of this feature has sparked several talks among the users as it weighed heavily on the measure as compared to other platforms. The downvote “button” is almost similar to YouTube’s “dislike” button but the brand made itself clear by declaring both of them different from each other. Also, is not choosing the thumbs-down symbol for depicting downvoting instead they choose an arrow pointing downwards because of the original icon.

If you are looking forward to the How to use Twitter Downvote button, then the downvote option is still under examination. Its specific launch on Friday came out to be a big surprise to users, who was chosen to testify this feature and were allowed to share their reviews on Twitter as tweets. Twitter made the launch public from the Twitter Support Account on Thursday, being precise it might be accessible on the internet and soon on Android and iOS. 

The downvote button was also tested earlier in June 2021 with a few iOS users, but this latest and broad launch does not appear to point out an upvote option in place of the general-like option. Still, few users find this new update similar to Reddit.

What Is Twitter’s Downvote Button?

What Is Twitter's Downvote Button

The previous year, Twitter announced that the downvote option in Twitter will help the Twitter network get what kind of replies are found most applicable during a conversation. It’ll definitely help the stage to get the most “relevant answers in tweets”. Twitter passes an explanation that downvotes are only apparent to the writer of the tweet, and the up & downvotes won’t affect the order of the answers.

Amazingly, Twitter has already offered the feature of opting “not interested in this tweet” to highlight more relatable tweets to the users. However, downvoting will help the authors know the kind of tweets/ answers that receive the most votes.  

Right now, Twitter’s challenger, Facebook, doesn’t have this feature. Although the users have the option to express their feelings towards any content with “emojis”. The emoji platter contains seven different emojis other than the thumb-down one. In that case, users are meant to use angry emojis to show their feeling toward that specific content.

Linkedin provides a special “react with emoji”  feature to the users, even if the emoji panel does not involve any negative emoji. YouTube launched this feature a long ago with like and dislike features but altered it with a big change in the previous year. In November 2021, YouTube decided to hide the number of dislikes on videos to promote “humble interconnections between creators and viewers”.

Key Factors Of Twitter Downvote

Here’s how the downvote feature functions:

  1. Users are prepared to express their views on any tweet by up and downvoting.
  1. Your downvote numbers will appear at your screen whereas upvotes will be the same as likes.
  1. No one else will get to know your number of downvotes.
  1. Up or down votes won’t affect the series of replies, it will say the same.

So this is how Twitter’s up and downvote feature functions for answers to one’s tweets. As earlier said, this will help you filter the type of content you want to see and will show you that only.

Here’s how Twitter Downvote Button works!

How Twitter Downvote Button Works?

Other than Reddit, Twitter doesn’t display numbers of downvotes on tweets and they don’t affect the number of upvotes/likes. Google owns YouTube, one of the most famed platforms with the dislike button, altered the number of dislikes private last year only. The downvote button still remains at its place, although the company said in a blog post back in November that the decision of the company has observed a decrease in downvoting attacking nature. The main factor that differentiates Twitter’s approach from YouTube’s is that no one can see the number of downvotes on a tweet other than the writer itself.

If one can channel the new function while examining the phase, you might get to receive a notice from Twitter when you open the site or application. The downvote option will be displayed as a downward pointed arrow parallel to the like button.

The alert allowing users to answer downvotes briefs a pair of perspectives of the feature:

The downvotes will not be visible to the audience and to the writer of the tweet itself on the timeline. Twitter says that the motive of the downvote feature is to let the audience know when a tweet “is not falling under a conversation”. In the “help us making Twitter better”, the company asks for feedback for the downvote feature, which will help them to keep quality content at the utmost position.

Twitter Downvoting – Yay Or Nay? 

Twitter Downvoting - Yay Or Nay

Not all users are happy with the intention of the downvoting feature. According to a few users’ points of view, a large number of downvoting can take down criticized groups like LGBTQ people. Other users have satirical answers to the current latest move in the media’s running war against online hatred debate, which has, again and again, flared up to a few volumes of grievance for Twitter.

In a quick cup Thursday, Twitter safety spread data on why users tapped on the downvote arrow, outlining that most of the users observed the answer back in question quite disrespectful, rude, or maybe both. The stage declares the downvoting will help to frame one’s feed section and will not show the content which they don’t like in the future, although it’s not yet decided what processes are going to be would not do so.

What Else’s New On Twitter?

The downvote was not the only launch of Twitter this week. On Wednesday, the stage declared all net and Android users universally will be set to add on one-time notifications to content, with some iOS clients. Few iOS users will now observe a DM symbol on tweets to accompany them and answer back to the writer. In Brazil, Twitter launched an under-testing feature allowing users to accept answers in disrespectful language, Twitter safety said. The company announces users altered or removed the answers around the 3rd of the time.

Wrapping Up:

In July, Twitter launched the downvote feature as an under testing feature to “function on ways to outline more relatable answers during a conversation”. The stage briefed that the reaction from the experiment has gotten most of the users downvoting an answer because the answer is offending or not relatable, or both. Twitter also said that downvoting was the most used feature for people to mark content they don’t want to entertain.

It might be possible that after this experiment, Twitter can make this feature a permanent feature to overshine its algorithms and upgrade the stage to the next level. However, misuse of this feature is possible by users to take down and silence tweets that are not acceptable by all but are true.

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