Are you hit with instant regret after accidentally liking an Instagram Story? You must be wondering if you unlike a Story on Instagram will the person know. Wonder no more, as we have all the right answers for you. Let us dive right in to explore all the juicy details unlike a Story on Instagram without the person knowing.
Liking an Instagram Post, Story or Reel is the best way to show your love, appreciation, and support for the user. Instagram understands the significance of spreading positivity and encourages users to like the posts at the tap of a button. However, millions of Instagrammers who have unintentionally liked an Instagram Story are left wondering if you unlike a Story on Instagram will the person know, before acting on their impulse to unlike it.
No. If you unlike a Story on Instagram, the person will not be notified.
Let us explore how you can unlike a Story on Instagram without the person knowing and have all your other doubts regarding “like and unlike” on Instagram cleared.
If You Unlike A Story On Instagram Will The Person Know?
No, if you unlike a Story on Instagram the person will not know. However, this is subject to various other factors that play a very important role in determining this.
Millions of Instagram users have experienced accidental ‘likes’ while cyberstalking in stealth mode on Instagram. The burning question of them all remains to be ‘If you unlike a Story on Instagram will the person know?’.
Tentatively tiptoeing around old Instagram Stories uploaded by an ex, and filled with nostalgia could soon turn upside down with the accidental slip of the finger which lands on the like button. OH NO! Before you go bonkers and freak out, you should know that time is of the essence, and it is absolutely necessary to work very fast.
The moment that you hit the like button, Instagram will automatically send a notification to the person. However, Instagram offers a quick way out. Unlike the Story immediately to cancel the push notification. If you act quickly and hit the unlike button within seconds of accidentally liking it, the ‘like’ notification will be automatically removed.
How To Unlike A Story On Instagram Without The Person Knowing?
You can unlike a Story on Instagram without the person knowing by acting immediately and hitting the ‘Unlike’ button.
Time is of the essence when you wish to unlike a Story on Instagram without the person knowing. Work fast and hit the like button once again to deselect it. This will automatically cancel the ‘Liked’ notification and enable you to unlike a Story on Instagram without the person knowing.
Wrap Up
Instagram is undeniably one of the most promising social media apps, that offers the best platform for users to create personal bonds and connect with each other. However, some bonds break over time, and users who fall out tend to unfollow each other. Such users who unintentionally like an Instagram Story of an adversary, no longer have to wonder if the person will know. Just follow the instructions as explained in this article to steer clear of unintended trouble.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. Can Someone See You Liked Their Story If You Unlike It?
No. If you unlike the Story immediately after liking it, they will not know.
Q2. Can Someone See If You Unlike Instagram?
Instagram does not notify users if you unlike a post on Instagram. They will not be able to see if you unlike Instagram.
Q3. Can Someone See If You Like Their Instagram Story?
Instagram users who have enabled notifications will be immediately notified when someone likes their Instagram Story.