Metacelo: World’s First Play-To-Earn Metaverse NFT Game

play to earn metaverse game

Gone are the times when playing video games was considered a waste of time and energy. The introduction of Metaverse and NFTs has changed it all. How?? Well, we know you will be shocked to know that there are various Play-To-Earn Metaverse games that have been introduced and in this post, we will be talking about Metacelo, which is the world’s first play to earn Metaverse game. 

Play To Earn Metaverse games are video games that are played in the Metaverse. These are also called the pay-to-play-to-earn Metaverse games. As the users usually pay to buy the asset on the game and then he can use these assets to create NFTs and build his own empire in the game. These NFTs created can later be sold in the in-game NFT Marketplaces and players can make huge profits.

Metaverse gaming is one of the best ways to earn money in the Metaverse. We know that Metaverse is soon going to change everything. But, it has already changed the gaming industry. The introduction of the NFTs as the rewards has taken the gaming industry to the next level.  

Well, in this post, we will be talking about the game Metacelo, the publishers claim it to be the world’s first Play-To-Earn Metaverse NFT game.

What Is Metacelo?

Metacelo as we already told is the first play To Earn Metaverse NFT game that is built on the Celo Network. If we look at the gameplay of the Metacelo then it is an Open world Role Playing game that allows the users to win the NFTs in reality.

You join the game as the Monster trainer and can build your own story in the Metaverse. You can use your monster to have a fight with the other players in the game. You can kill their monster or own them by defeating them. Killing and winning the monsters is one of the prominent ways for winning the NFTs in the Metacelo game.

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Token Used In Metacelo

As we said, Metacelo is a Metaverse NFT game. That means that the game is going to have its own ecosystem. So, the ecosystem will be using its own native currency, or what we call the in-game tokens. 

The name of the tokens used by Metacelo is $cMeta. These tokens are developed on the Celo blockchain. The players will be using these tokens to purchase the in-game assets and all the trading in the game will be done using the $cMeta Tokens.

Blockchain Used In Metacelo

The play-to-earn Metaverse NFT game uses the Celo blockchain. Talking about Celo, it is a platform that works as the global payment infrastructure for cryptocurrencies. It was developed keeping in mind the mobile users.

Metacelo Game Features

The Play To Earn Metaverse NFT game offers its users a number of features. Let us have a look at them one by one.


In the Metacelo Metaverse, you will find a specific place where the players can go and get their Celo crypto converted into the $cMeta. These native tokens can later be used to make purchases in the game.


Since it is an RPG metaverse game, players can also do farming. The MoNster trainers can earn $cMeta the native token as the farming reward by adding the liquidity pair in the reward pool.

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Monster Shops

As the name itself says that is the shop where the monster trainers can go and purchase the Monsters. Well, you cannot purchase the monsters but their eggs. You need to have the in-game token $cMeta to make a purchase in the shop.


The marketplace is the place in the game where the monster trainers can go and sell their monsters to other people in the game. This is one of the best ways to earn money in the game. All you have to do is grow the monster and then sell it in the Marketplace.

Monster Release

Well, this is one of the features in the game that allows the players to release the unwanted Monster. Upon releasing any monster the player will receive a fragment of the egg that can be later merged into the full egg and a new monster is born.

Wrapping Up

The publishers of the game claim that Metacelo is the first Play To Earn Metaverse NFT game. Well, if you are looking for ways to earn free NFTs then this is one of the best games to do so. The game can be downloaded easily from the official website and you can connect your Metamask digital wallet easily to start doing the transactions.

That all for now, stay connected to Deasilex for more such games. If you still have any queries in your head then feel free to ask us in the comments section. If you found the article informative then do share it with your friends.

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