Top 10 Most Liked TikTok Videos Going Viral Right Now

Most Liked TikTok Videos

Are you in search of viral TikTok videos? You probably landed on the right page. This post is all about Gossip and analysis of the most Liked TikTok Videos of all time. 

How can you ever feel bored when you have TikTok. Ever since it’s launched, TikTok never failed to engage its audience with reliable and extremely funny content. Like Instagram, Facebook, and other social media platform, TikTok has its own popularity. Everyone just wants to go viral over the platform. But who really makes it to the top spot is a noticing factor. You can have a look at the most liked TikTok videos that are recently flooded with likes and views in this post.

Can you imagine a banana peeling going viral over the internet? Sounds strange, right? I was in wonder too, when I went through these top 10 most liked TikTok videos. The most trending viral videos on TikTok right now are Bella Poarch’s Lip syncing video, Franek Bielak’s drawing video, Billie Eilish’s time wrap filter video, and the British Promise cats video. These were just a few, there are more on the list.

But, trust me after watching these videos you too will try your hands on the trends as I did. And guess what? My siblings had a great comedy show watching me doing all this (tried and joked upon fact).

Top 10 Most Liked TikTok Videos 

Most Liked TikTok Videos ; Top 10 Most Liked TikTok Videos
Source: Route Note

Here is the long-awaited list of most liked TikTok Videos. Find out what made these videos go viral overnight. Spot your favorite TikToker’s video in this list and add some more flickering trends to your watch list.

RankUploaderPost DescriptionFeatured MusicLikesUpload Date
1Bella Poarch(@bellapoarch)Lip Syncing“Soph Aspin Send” by Millie B48.6 Million18 August 2020
2Franek Bielak(@fredziownik_art)Drawing“Deep End” by Foushee47.1 Million28 December 2020
3Nick Luciano(@thenickluciano)Lip Syncing“Sugar Crash” by ElyOtto46.4 Million23 February 2021
4Billie Eilish(@billieeilish)“Time Wrap Scan” filterN/A37.3 Million11 November 2020
5British Promise cats(@britishpromise.cats)Cat Pawing at CameraN/A34.7 Million17 June 2020
6Demi, Dae, and Josh(@daexo)Baby“Mua Mua” by Miya33.6 Million2 December 2020
7Ninachristine15(@user1281567775723)Cat WalkingCover of “You Are So Beautiful”33.1 Million1 January, 2021
8Khabane Lame(@Khaby.lame)Peeling A Banana“Chug Jug With You” by CM Skits30.9 Million14 April 2021
9user9225074089992(@fxxkmin17)Lioness Hugging Her Owner“See You Again” by Wiz Khalifa featuring Charlie Puth29.3 Million5 February 2021
10Khabane Lame(@khaby.lame)Removing Mask From Cup Handle“SugarCrash!” by ElyOtto28.2 Million12 April 2021

Bella Poarch(@bellapoarch)

On no. 1 spot in the most liked TikTok videos is Bella Poarch. This video went viral for its lip-syncing “M to the B” by Bella. It’s the most liked and viral video on TikTok as of this year. Bella wins millions of hearts with her charm and hypnotic expressions.

Where we see so many TikTok viral videos shuffling their positions every now and then. This video maintained its 1st spot for over weeks.

Franek Bielak(@fredziownik_art)

Great artworks are always compelling to watch. Taking the second spot Franek Bielak a 15-year-old kid took an impressive entry in the top 10 most liked videos on TikTok. His video showcased an art piece made by him that took him 23 hours to complete. 

TikTok promotes and encourages the budding artists so well that they put their best efforts to come up with the best content. Can’t wait to see this video all over again.

Nick Luciano(@thenickluciano)

Well here is something hilarious to make you laugh harder. Nick Luciano bagged the third spot in the most liked videos on TikTok. Why he went so viral? He made a video on TikTok, lip-syncing Kaylavoid’s video that went out so viral real quick.

People liked Nick Luciano’s version even more as he used really funny expressions in his video. Till now this video crossed 47.1 million likes and many more counting.

Billie Eilish(@billieeilish)

Going viral on TikTok doesn’t require you to be an experienced TikToker already. Even the fresh faces get so much hype within no time. Like this one. Billie Eilish is a new user on TikTok and her very first video earned tremendous love from the viewers.

She made her video using the Time Wrap Scan Filter and made her spot in the top ten most liked videos on TikTok. Right now she is on spot 4 beating the existing TikTokers on the platform.

British Promise cats(@britishpromise.cats)

Aww!! This will be your reaction after watching this viral video on TikTok. This adorable cat video won many hearts making it reach on 5th spot in the 10 most liked TikTok Videos. Watch a cat putting its tiny miny paw and face to snatch the camera through a tube.

This video recently crossed 37.3 million likes on TikTok. Honestly, the video is so lovely and adorable that you can’t just skip watching it.

Demi, Dae, and Josh(@daexo)

Babies look so adorable unless they are not yours(LOL! Just Kidding). But this viral video will definitely have your heart and likes. What’s so unique about this? It’s the baby, Demi Rose. 

Winning millions of hearts with her charm and cuteness, Demi Rose bagged the 6th position in the most liked TikTok Videos. 


Another captivating cat video going viral on TikTok is from Ninachristine’s account. Cats are cute, and this video is overloaded with cuteness as the mother and the baby cats present their amazing cat walking skills. 

No doubt why it’s on no. 7th top spot on the most liked TikTok videos. And the background music, “You’re so beautiful” just sets the vibes so well.

Khabane Lame(@Khaby.lame)

And whenever you feel like you’re done scrolling on TikTok, Khabane Lame’s hilarious video will pop up on your screen. This man is so damn funny that once you watch this video you’ll look up for more.

We all have peeled bananas, right. What made his peeling of banana so viral? To find out this you must watch his video yourself. Lame yet funny!!


A lioness hugging her owner, what a satisfying feel. This viral video is about animals’ love for their owners. Making its spot to the topmost liked TikTok videos, this user ID stands in 9th position.

Everyone craves love, then whether it be humans or animals. Watch out for this heartwarming video on TikTok that already crossed 29.3 million likes on the platform.

Khabane Lame(@khaby.lame)

Another wonder from Khaby Lame! This is the video about removing a mask from the cup handle and Khaby as usual nailed it with his lame yet funny expressions.

This video was uploaded just 3 weeks ago and has already booked its spot at no.10 on the most liked TikTok videos.

While I conclude this post, I am already humming “I Want A Sugar Crush”. Hope your search for the most liked TikTok videos ends here chuckling. You too can try making videos on these viral trends and who knows the next list has your name written on the top 10 list. 

Featured Image Credits: Koreaboo

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