Are you seeing a change in the follower count on your Instagram account? Are your Instagram followers decreasing? Do you know why is it happening? Well, followers play a great part in the online community. So if you are losing followers then you must be questioning yourself why am I losing followers on Instagram?
What is your opinion about Instagram followers? Do you think they are important? Well, of course, they are very important as they have an important role to play on social media platforms. If you have more followers then it means more interactions which in turn means more sales, isn’t it? But, what if suddenly start losing followers on Instagram?
If you are seeing a drop in your follower count and wondering why you are losing followers on Instagram, then there are a few reasons: Inconsistency posting schedule, follow for follow scheme, and irrelevant content, the Instagram niche is declining.
These might be some of the reasons why you are losing followers on Instagram. However, we have mentioned a few reasons along with solutions that will help you to keep your followers intact.
Why Am I Losing Followers On Instagram?
Gaining followers on Instagram or any other social media platform is quite difficult. But losing these followers can adversely affect your business. So if you lose your followers then it can be really frustrating and disheartening especially if you don’t know why you are losing followers on Instagram. There could be many reasons which you can check out.
Reason 1: You Have Bought Followers On Instagram

One of the reasons why am I losing followers on Instagram is that the followers that you are losing are not real. So Instagram might be cleaning its platform and hence deleting all the fake accounts. Growing Instagram followers organically takes time and consumes your energy. Due to this reason, many brands buy likes and pay money to increase their followers. Though the increased number of followers may look good on your platform these are wrong according to their policies of Instagram.
If you want to increase your followers count then this will lead to a lack of interaction or engagement with these fake accounts and your account will not be able to reach organic followers.

Don’t worry we have mentioned the solution also that will help you to stop losing followers on Instagram. Do not buy followers, that is an absolute NO-NO as it is against the policies of Instagram to buy followers. Try to earn them organically Try to learn how you can engage and grow your account and at the same time influence authentically. This will affect you adversely in the long run.
Reason 2: Follow For Follow Scheme

Another reason why am I losing followers on Instagram is because you are following the method of following an account and then unfollowing that account once they follow you back. This can be a great turn-off when they get to know that you are following the follow/unfollow game. You have got a new follower and that has increased your followers count but what is the point of this? Have you ever followed someone and don’t bother to connect with them? One thing that you need to remember is that social media is all about being social.

You can try to create an Instagram community where you will be able to regularly engage. Try authentic ways to increase your follower simply by optimizing your bio and asking your audience questions and also engaging with them in your niche. Furthermore, you can even try to maintain a regular posting schedule, provide relevant information and also monitor the trends, and increase your follower base organically.
Reason 3: Inconsistent Posting Schedule

If you want why am I losing followers on Instagram for no reason then it could be because you don’t post consistently. If Instagram users are not able to find your content then they will not be able to engage with it which in turn will become difficult for you to build loyalty and trust on this platform.
Instagram is a fast-paced platform its content becomes old easily. Hence due to this reason, it is important that you post on the platform regularly. If you post once a week or once in two weeks then the chances are high that the audience will read your message. So the best way to improve your presence on social media platforms is by posting regularly and sticking with it.
This is mainly because the algorithm of Instagram gives preference to consistency. The accounts that post consistently are given more preference. You can post once a day or three times every week as this will help to maintain your posting schedule.
However, if you don’t post much on this platform then the algorithm of Instagram will not show your content often to the audience which will make them think that you are not active on the platform., your readers will engage with the content of other people and will ultimately unfollow you,
Try to post on the same days of the week and also at the same time of the day. For instance, if you post on Mondays and Fridays during the evening try to maintain this time. It is not necessary that you post every 7 days a week. It is the algorithm on Instagram that will prefer your post if you post content frequently and will also increase the number of users who will be able to see your post. One thing that you have to check is the time your audience is most active. These are perhaps some of the methods to monitor the audience in real time. This is how to stop losing followers on Instagram.
Reason 4: Post Irrelevant Content

You might be wondering why even though you are posting regularly but your followers still decreasing. Well, that could be because the content you post is not relevant in this way you are putting your effort at risk. Your followers will become bored and ultimately will unfollow your account.
So try not to post overly promotional content. There are some brands who think that what might be useful to them will be useful to the users as well. Due to this reason, they tend to promote sales instead of considering what is actually relevant to the target audience.
Try not to post viral posts because your audience might have seen the viral posts and if you repost these posts it will make your other activities become less important.
Do not post aggressively on political or religious stuff that’s because people do have strong opinions. If you post something aggressive on political or religious stuff you will not be able to reach your audience and you might offend or becomes irrelevant to those who don’t share your views.
Try to use Instagram to join the conversation which is at the moment taking place instead of broadcasting them. Read what influencers are currently writing about and listen to what your audience is discussing. Don’t use any kind of abusive content, or vulgar language both online and offline. Make sure to upload relevant content and plan your content in advance. This will help you in resolving the problem of losing followers on Instagram.
Reason 5: Automated Likes And Comments

Many people can figure out automated comments, direct messages, and likes. Though you may think this is easy and can harmless way to ramp up your engagement but it will have an effect on the trust that people have in you. If any of the Instagram followers think that they are not getting personal responses from you then they might just go ahead and unfollow you and unfortunately, you will start losing followers on Instagram. The terms of Instagram absolutely prohibit the use of any kind of automated activity without permission.
When it comes to engagement then try not to use any kind of shortcut. Try to engage with people who follow you on this platform. Even if you do want to invest in tools then use those that make you more productive and always use an approved partner. ManyChat is one such tool that is a well-known automation tool that helps brands to connect with their followers.
Reason 6: Confusing Brand Image

Consistency is the key to success in day-to-day life as well as on Instagram. You need to be sure that your Instagram bio, feed, and profile show exactly what your brand is about. For instance, if you have a beauty brand then avoid using your Instagram profile with pet images.
When someone looks at your profile they should exactly know what your brand is about, who you are why they need to follow you.
Make your Instagram presence a moving gallery. Plan, and curate your profile the way you want it to be and the way you want your brand to look on this platform. Pay attention to the interest and the engagement.
Reason 7: Low Engagement

If you have a low engagement rate then it becomes difficult to find new audiences. While at the same time, you have to retain your existing followers. This is a sign that either you are not helping your community to grow around you or that you have low-quality content which leads to losing followers on Instagram.
If you see the algorithm of Instagram then you will see that it prefers content that has high engagement. If your content doesn’t do well, then it will not show up in the explore feed.

If you are losing followers on Instagram due to low engagement then you just have to spend more time engaging with your audience. Reply to their comments, and DMs, and engage with the content that is in hashtags and your Instagram feed.
Reason 8: Too Much Promotional Content

Well, you can share promotions, offers, and brand collaborations from time to time. But if you overshare it can become too saley which might be the reason for losing your Instagram followers. Many people will not want their curated Instagram feed to be interrupted with the 20% off graphic if it’s bright and can change your usual stunning photography. This will lead to losing followers on Instagram.
Making your Instagram presence will balance engaging content with promotions. Pay attention to the organic content. Work with those influencers that will create natural collaborations and will help to revamp your sales graphics.
Reason 9: Lack Of Engaging Captions

To share behind-the-scenes moments you can choose Instagram stories. But Instagram feed posts will be able to reach double the number of people of any other format. Your feed and captions are important so if you don’t make them engaging you might be missing it out.
Think more like a content creator. Try using your captions as the meeting place for the digital community, and engage more. Ask questions, use the language that your audience uses, and use emojis and humor to tell the story.
Reason 10: Changes In Your Audience

At times you might lose Instagram followers while you may not be at fault. You must have seen that the habits of users change and while they now give more preference to videos you might still be posting images.
Do you know Instagram is the fifth most famous social media platform however, nowadays Gen Z is spending more time on TikTok. This shift can lead to the loss of Instagram followers.
To avoid losing followers on Instagram, you need to adapt your content also that you can continue the journey with them. you can just expand your offers to the new range or you can simply add more video content that will be more appealing to your audience.
Reason 11: Deletion Of Fake Accounts

If you have a fake account on Instagram then you are not at all welcome on this platform since according to the terms of Instagram fake accounts are not welcome. These kinda fake bot accounts and followers can be removed by Instagram in large batches and you will find that you are losing followers on Instagram.
Well, there is not much you can do about losing fake followers. Try to avoid using bots and fake accounts which will be removed by Instagram. Focus on your Instagram strategy, learn the new Instagram tips, and create a better experience for your audience.
Wrapping Up:
Instagram updates its features every now and then so that the platform becomes more user-friendly. Many Instagram users do have business profiles and they do want to increase their Instagram followers. So losing followers on Instagram will not be a good thing for the brands. You can check out the measures to not lose your followers in the future. If you have any questions, you can reach us in the comment section below.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Why Do My Instagram Followers Keep Going Up And Down?
Fluctuations in your followers count are quite normal and this might be due to follow/unfollow game on Instagram that many try to play. An individual follows you, waits till you follow back, and then they will unfollow you. The unfollow can happen within seconds, within days, and at times weeks.
Q. Why My Instagram Followers Are Decreasing?
If your followers are decreasing then it could be because of the Instagram glitch. Some accounts may see their follower count decrease and then it again goes up within a few days. It can also be that Instagram is doing a mass clean-up where they are removing inactive accounts or bot or spam accounts.
Q. Why Did I Lose 40 Instagram Followers?
If you have been losing followers then it could be because of the shadow ban. This might be because you are using unauthorized software, spamming hashtags and you are posting controversial content.