Why Is There A Moon Icon On Instagram Messages? Quiet Mode On Instagram Messages!!

Why Is There A Moon Icon On Instagram Messages

What if you are continuously messaging your friends on Instagram but they aren’t replying? Before you think of something else you notice a moon icon next to their username and wonder why is there a moon icon on Instagram messages. Well, that is because of the Quiet mode on Instagram messages.

In 2019, Instagram launched the Quiet mode feature for Instagram users. It allows users to mute their Instagram notifications for a set amount of time. So, if you are feeling irked with notifications bombarding your Instagram account, especially during the night or when you are busy doing something important, then you can turn on the moon icon on Instagram!

The moon icon on Instagram messages means the Quiet mode has been turned on for a particular Instagram account. The Quiet mode on Instagram means that the user has turned off their Instagram notifications.

Now that you know the reason why is there a moon icon on Instagram messages, you must be excited because you can get rid of the irritating notifications for a specified time period! However, remember that if you turn on this mode, then your friends can find out whether you’ve turned Quiet mode on or not.

Why Is There A Moon Icon On Instagram Messages? 

There is a moon on Instagram messages when the Quiet mode is turned on by the user. If you want to mute your Instagram notifications for some time then you can turn on the Quiet mode on Instagram as it allows you to mute your IG notifications for 12 hours. An auto-reply is also sent to users if you have turned on the Quiet mode for your Instagram notifications. When the Quiet Mode is turned on Instagram, then a message with “Wasn’t notified about this message because they are in quiet mode” appears in DMs.

There is another way to confirm whether someone has turned on the Quiet Mode, by checking out their profile as a moon icon appears on the person’s profile for that. Now that you know why is there a moon icon on Instagram messages, the next time you see a moon icon on Instagram messages, then it is because of the Quiet mode. If you want to know how to get moon symbol on Instagram, then you can turn on the Quiet mode for that.

How To Turn On Quiet Mode On Instagram?

To turn on Quiet mode and get the moon icon on Instagram messages, go to your IG profile > Hamburger icon > Settings and Privacy > Notifications > Quiet Mode > Toggle on > Set the time > and OK.

Turning on the Quiet mode will let you stay away for your IG notifications and also you can set your own time (remember that it cannot be more than 12 hours) when you wish to get the notifications off on Instagram. So, here is how to get moon symbol on Instagram and turn on the Quiet mode. 

Step 1: Navigate to your Instagram account and then tap on the Profile Picture icon at the bottom right to go to your profile section.

Step 2: Next, tap on the Hamburger icon (Three lines) at the top right side, and then tap on the Settings and Privacy option.

How To Turn On Quiet Mode On Instagram

Step 3: Now, tap on the Notifications option and then tap on the Quiet Mode option.

How To Turn On Quiet Mode On Instagram

Step 4: Finally, toggle on the Quiet Mode option to activate it, and now you can set the time as per your preference, and tap on the OK option to save your settings.

How To Turn On Quiet Mode On Instagram

Wrapping Up

The Instagram app is immensely used by everyone, especially teenagers from different parts of the world. However, it can be quite difficult to concentrate on your work when you get a lot of IG notifications. So, Instagram has introduced the Quiet Mode feature. Now that you have come to the conclusion you must have got answers to why is there a moon icon on Instagram messages, so the next time you feel Instagram notifications are disturbing you, then turn on the Quiet mode, and let the moon appear on your IG profile to make your friends know that you are busy with something important!

Frequently Asked Questions 

Q1. What Does A Moon On Instagram DM Mean?

A. A moon symbol on Instagram DM means that the person has turned on the Quiet mode on Instagram and they won’t be getting any notifications for messages on Instagram.

Q2. Is Quiet Mode On Instagram For Everyone?

A. Yes, the Quiet mode on Instagram is for everyone using the Instagram app if they have updated their Instagram app to the latest version.

Q3. Why Don’t I Have Quiet Mode On Instagram?

A. If you don’t find the quiet mode on Instagram, then it can be because you have not updated your Instagram app to the latest version or maybe because of a poor internet connection.

Q4. Why Does My Instagram DM Have An Orange Corner?

A. The Orange corner on your Instagram DM is for flagged messages. If you have any flagged messages, then you will receive notifications if any activity takes place in that conversation. 

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