Best Photo Hiding Apps in 2021

Best photo hiding apps in 2021

Do you want to hide your personal pictures and looking for the best photo hiding apps in 2021? I guess then you are at the right place for that as we are here with the best photo editing apps in 2021.

You can hide your photos with these apps and you can download these apps easily. These apps will give you full protection. So choose the best app for yourself that suits you the best and download that on your device.

The best photo hiding apps in 2021 are:

  • Hide it pro
  • Photo Vault
  • Secret Photo KYMS
  • Calculator
  • Locker
  • Private Photo Vault
  • Calculator Lock
  • App Hider
  • Sgallery
  • Torch vault
  • Flashlight vault
  • Compass vault

All the apps mentioned above have got the best user reviews and ratings on the app store and the play store.

Also read, Most Popular Apps of 2021

Best Photo Hiding apps in 2021

Given below in the article are the best photo hiding apps with detailed information about the user reviews, downloading size, and the app store ratings.

Hide It Pro 

Best photo Hiding apps; hide it pro

Source: Google Play

Hide it Pro is a Hiding app that was published by Anuj Tenani. The app is used for hiding photos, videos, and apps. The app was designed especially for iPad and has a total of 13.8K+ reviews on the apple app store and can be downloaded for free from the Apple app store. The app can be used as a music app

Currently, version 5.1.2 can be downloaded from the app store that was updated on 27 September 2020. The app has been rated for 4+ by the apple app store and contains in-app purchases from $2.99 to 7.99 per item. The cloud storage feature of the app makes it one of the best photo hiding apps in  2021.

Size: 19.6 MB

Ratings: 4.7

Photo Vault

Best photo Hiding apps; Photo vault

Source: Oracle

Photo Vault is a Photo and video hiding app that is used safe and keep them private. The app was published by NQ Mobile Inc. and has a total of 5.3 K+ reviews on the apple app store.

Currently, version 4.6.02 can be downloaded from the Apple app store that was updated on 7 January 2021. The app has been rated for 4+by the apple app store and contains in-app purchases from $2.99 to $19.99 per item. The regular updates by the developer make it one of the best photo hiding Apps in 2021.

Size: 42 MB

Ratings: 4.1

Secret Photo KYMS

Best photo hiding apps; secret photos kyms

Source: App Store – Apple

Secret Photo KYMS is a hiding app that can be downloaded from the Apple app store. The app acts as a vault to hide and lock media and was published by IdeaSolutions S.r,l. The app has been ranked 138 in the photo and video section by the apple app store.

Currently, version 3.5.4 can be downloaded from the Apple app store that was updated on 17 November 2020. The app can be downloaded at $1.99 from the apple app store and has been rated as 17+ by the apple app store. The positive reviews by the users make it one of the best photo hiding apps in 2021.

Size: 79.3 MB

Ratings: 4.6


Best photo Hiding apps; calculator

Source: APKMirror

The calculator is a photos and videos hiding app that was published by The app has been ranked 104 in the utility category by the apple app store. The app has got a total of 10.7 K+ reviews on the apple app store most of which are positive. 

Currently, version 2.1.1 can be downloaded from the Apple app store that was updated on 22 January 2021. The app has been sold by Salman Ashraf on the Apple app store and has been rated for 17+ by the apple app store. The app is available for free on the Apple app store and a premium feature pack can be bought for $3.99. The disguised hidden property of the app makes it one of the best photo hiding apps in 2021.

Size: 50.1 MB

Ratings: 4.5

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Locker Pro

Best photo Hiding apps; locker pro


Locker Pro is a password manager app that protects your device from the intruder. The app was published by hui Yao and was specially designed for iPad. The app has got 200+ positive user ratings on the apple app store.

Currently, version  1.2 can be downloaded from the Apple app store that was updated on 18 September 2019. The copyrights of the app are reserved by © 2018 YAOH MXCODE and can be downloaded at $1.99 from the apple app store. The app has been rated for 4+ by the apple app store and the security provided by the app makes it one of the best photo hiding apps in 2021.

Size: 24.5 MB

Ratings: 4.8

Private Photo Vault

Best photo Hiding apps; private photo vault

Source: Google Play

Private Photo Vault is a hiding app that was published by Legendary Software Labs LLC. The app can be used as a virtual locker for your photos and videos. The app has been ranked 112 in the photo and video category by the apple app store with 20.1 K+ positive reviews on the apple app store.

Currently, version 10.8 can be downloaded from the Apple app store that was updated on 16 September 2020. The app can be downloaded at $ 6.99 from the Apple app store and is one of the best photo hiding apps in 2021.

Size: 95.9 MB

Ratings: 4.8

Calculator Lock

Best photo Hiding Apps; calculator lock

Source: Google Play

Calculator Lock is a video lock and photo vault app that was published by Flatfish Studios. The app has got 619 K+ user reviews on the google play store and most of them are positive. The app is an icon disguise app and looks like a calculator on the device. The app was first released for Android on 12 September 2019.

Currently, version can be downloaded from the google play store that was updated on 18 January 2021. The app can be downloaded for free from the google play store and offers in-app purchases from INR 19 to INR 6100 per item and has been rated for 3+ by the google play store.

Size: 23.72 MB

Downloads: 5,00,00,000+

Ratings: 4.7

App Hider

Best photo Hiding Apps; app hider

Source: Google Play

App Hider is an app and photo hider app that was published by Hide Apps. The app is a no Root app that was doesn’t allow root access to any external factor. The app has got 322 K+ positive reviews on the google play store and was first released for Android on 29 September 2017.

Currently, version 2.8.6_130b086da can be downloaded from the google play store that was updated on 23 November 2020. The regular bug fixes and updates by the developers make it one of the best photo hiding apps in 2021.

Size: 10.26 MB

Downloads: 1,00,00,000+

Ratings: 4.2


Best photo Hiding Apps; sgallery


Sgallery is a Photo, videos gallery vault that was published by FishingNet. The app protects the private photos and videos in its vault and provides its own media player. The app has got more than 9K+ positive user reviews on the google play store. The app was first released for Android on 09 September 2017.

Currently, version 10.0.3 can be downloaded from the google play store that was updated on 02 September 2020. The app can be downloaded for free from the google play store and offers in-app purchases from INR 65 to INR 800 per item. The finger sensor unlocks added in the new update makes it one of the best photo hiding apps in 2021.

Size: 8.75 MB

Downloads: 5,00,000+

Ratings: 4.7

Also read, Best iOS Photo Hiding Apps in 2021

Torch Vault

Best Hiding Apps; flash vault

Source: STE Primo

Torch Vault is a hiding app that was published by JeilleeiJoubM. The app helps in hiding the photos and videos from the phone’s gallery and has got 4K+ positive reviews on the google play store. The app was first released for Android on 31 March 2019. The app is a utility app as well.  

Currently, version 1.1.5 can be downloaded from the google play store that was updated on 11 October 2020. The app can be downloaded from the google play store and has been rated for 3+ by the google play store. The ads are being placed in the app by the developers. The disguised appearance of the app makes it one of the best photo hiding apps in 2021.

Size: 2.71 MB

Downloads: 5,00,000+

Ratings: 4.6

Flashligh Vault

Best photo Hiding Apps; flash light vault


FlashLight Vault is a hiding app that was published by CillDeMops. The app can be used as a gallery locker and the video vault and has a total of 4K+ positive reviews on the google play store. The app was first released for Android on 04 January 2019.

Currently, version 1.1.1 can be downloaded from the google play store that was updated on 03 February 2021. The app has been rated for 3+ and can be downloaded for free from the google play store. The Utility app look of this hiding app makes it one of the best photo hiding apps in 2021. 

Size: 4.26 MB

Downloads: 1,00,000+

Ratings: 4.7

Compass Vault

Best photo Hiding Apps; compass vault

Source: AaPKFab

Compass Vault is a gallery lock that was published by Clechilipe. The app has got a total of 316+ positive reviews on the google play store and can be used as a navigation app. The app was first released for Android on 16 October 2019.

Currently, version 1.0.10 can be downloaded from the google play store updated on 19 October 2020. The app has been rated for 3+ and contains ads placed by the developers. The multiple uses of the app as the compass and the gallery locker makes it one of the best photo hiding apps in 2021.

Size: 4.07 MB

Downloads: 10,000+

Ratings: 4.7

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All these were the best photo hiding apps that you can use to hide your personal photos and videos. So have a look at each of these apps and decide one app for yourself. If you know any other best photo hiding apps then you can mention those here.

Featured Image Credits- Gadget Liv

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